The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PITTSBURGH PRESS Other Department Court 5450 THIRTY-TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY .11, 192S Want Ad Headquarters, 4900 FINANCIAL FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE FINANCIAL FINANCIAL AUCTIONSLEGAL -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 75 Loans on Furniture to $3 TO HUSBAND AND WIFE At la wful rate on short notice. We t1e yoa all the time yon oeed to repay a loan and only charse you tor the actual time you have the money. 2 PER MONTH PAYS 40 LOAN 4 PER MONTH PAYS 80 LOAN 5 PER MONTH PAYS $100 LOAN $10 PER MONTH PAYS $200 LOAN $15 PER MONTH PAYS $300 LOAN Flue Lawful Interest, p- Proportion. Every Dollar Paid On Loan Reduces the Cost No Endorsers PHONE COURT 2S90. Popolar.

Ftaamice Corporattnomi, Room 505, Arrott COR FOI1P.TH St OOP ST lOUSEIOLi $10 to $3O0; Yon do not need to have finely I furnisned home to borrow of us Neither is it necessary to have an outsider sign vour note. LAWFUL INTEREST ONLY Is charged and just for actual time loan runs No inquiries made of vour em- plover, friends or tradespeople No 1 references required Prompt, courteous service ALL INTEREST CHARGES UNDER STATE REGULATION Call, write or if in a hurry PHONE ATLANTIC 1198 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 1601 FIRST NATL BANK BLDG i 511 WOOD ST Established 38 Years. A HEW WAN SERVICE Under State Supervision. For folks of Pittsburgh and vicinity, a service that meets every need, a repayment plan that fits in with every family purse. We render a quick, courteous service in connection with ur furniture and automobile loans.

We also re-finance automobiles, no fees, no brokerage, no deductions, lawful interest only. Call, write or phone: Atlantic 8294. ACHE LOAM SERVICE 1116 Clark Cor. Liberty and Seventh St. PICK LOANS SUMS UP TO $300 on household furniture for house cleaning, scattered bills or other obligations Fullest consideration given all applications.


GET 5300. PAY SI 5 PER MO PLUS INTEREST. Other periods of time 1 desired. charged only fnf time money Is used Call, write or ohone Atlantic 2900 Loans made within radiua of 25 miles. ATLAS LOAN SOCIETY 501 ARONSON BLDG.

339 FIFTH AVE. Across from Grand theater. Licensed by and Bond to the State Banking Department. MONEY FOR TAXES Loams Up to TO HOUSEKEEPERS Loans made within 24 hours on household goods, etc- without removal. No endorsers.

Easy repayment. $1 a mo. plus int. repays $10 82-50 a mo. plus int.

repays $50 $5 a mo. plus int. repays $100 $10 a mo. plus int. repays $200 $15 a mo.

plus int. repays $300 Other amounts in same proportion. Loans made within a radius of 25 miles Call, write or phone COURT 4-1-0-6. Comirniuinlty Fainiaece Service, Inc. ROOM 202 (SECOND FLOOR) 309 FOURTH AVE.

OVER FREEHOLD REAL ESTATE. Licensed by and bonded to the State Banking Dept. Can be had in a pleasant manner on AUTOMOBILES AND FURNITURE Collect your bills Let us pay them and have but one place to pay at a fixed amount. We make no inquiries of friend? or relatives. LET US HELP YOU Lawful Interest for exact davs you keep the money.


UP TO COLLAR! ON YOUR NOTE At lawful Interest f) T7T7FC or deduction Per- sons owning furniture, real estate with salaried positions accom- mortated. 24-hour service. Reoay- V5. merit arranged to suit borrower's Afy requirements. A quick dignified and confidential way to obtain Immediate financial assistance.

Oor methods cheerfully explained. If yon cannot call in person, write or telephone and our representative will see vou. Our Business Makes Friends. INTERSTATE COLLATERAL LOAN J4 ARROTT BLDG. COR.

FOURTH WOOD STS. TELEPHONE COURT 3256. HOUSEKEEPERS WE WILL LOAM YOD sib to ssm WITHIN 24 HOURS On household goods, pianos. Ttc- trolas. without removal from premises, for any length of time.

one to 20 months. Loans can be paid in tall at any ja Urn. Interest char. rd only for 4 actual time vou use money. National Loan Co.

Room 30fl CITIZENS BASK BLD.J 4 Corner Wood A Diamond t-a. PHONE ATLANTIC 2-5-3-8. 75 Loans on Furniture Loans fin Pittsburgh BENEFICIAL LOAN SU HOS Law and Finance 429 Fourth between Grant and Smith- Loans in Braddock PFHsnNAI FINANCE Bi craa- vesVVoor. over Bachman'. nrivL- DuinmrK 2-8-0-4.

Loans In NearbyTowns Includinir. New Kensington ana territories. Loans made by all above companies In amounts from 110 to S300. Quick service: strict privacy: moethly repayments to suit -rrite or Dhone. OPEN 8:30 TO 5: SATURDAY TO 1 Licensed by state wim" 76 Loans on Jewelry We can help with Vacation Funds-.

fD Yearly Interest It LISTED STOCKS JEWELRY LISTED BONDS WATCHES FURS. SILVER 2 per month to IVtX storage- Yearly loan, with renewal, or -omm, repayment. rate Modern Bank-like Ladie. especially appreciate our eourteou. service.

TOS. DeROY SONS liamond Loan Association (10 Loan Coopacuea omDineclj 311 Smtthfield St. Entire Building Pestoffice Us Elevators Original Location Lcntnry ON DIAMONDS WATCHES. JEW ELK STOCKS AND BONDS We also (nan at low rates on SILVERWARE. CAMERAS, GUNS.

FURS. TOOLS TRANSIT MtlSlCAI INSTRUMENTS Old Gold, silver ana Platinum Boupht UALLINGEK 29 LIBERTY A VE. Phone Atlantic csiaoiiBaeu mm LOAN ON DIAMONDS. -i eouipped to clve you a private, confidential deal. Legal rates a fkiTB Ana 1 1 interest cnargeu iur u.

Monthlv payments allowed. Not an ordinary pawnshop. No lewelry store makes friends 1 1 1 1 ii Interstate Collateral Loan to. CORNER FOURTH AVE AND WOOD ST LOANS ON DIAMONDS. Watches, jewelry and all articles of value.

Wolk's, 410 Market 76 A Loans on Automobiles AOT0M0BILE LOANS To reduce the payments on your car, to buv new tires, or get ready for that vacation trip. There are many thing's that require ready cash at this time of year. Our service is confidential, quick and businesslike. Our interest rates leeal and under state supervision. We also make loans on furniture.

Payments to suit your convenience. Call, Write or Phone THE EMPIRE FINANCE G02 Park Bldjr. Atlantic S578- 5th Smithfield st. WE FINANCE NDI VIDI1AL OWNERS WITH CLEAR TITLES. SMALL UNPAID BAL ANCES FINANCED.

NO INTERFERENCE WITH USE OS1 CAR Pfjh. Finance 60 American Bank Grant st. at Sixth ave. OPD Wm Penn Hotel At OUR LEGAL RATES SAVE YOU MONEY on AUTOMOBILE YOUR No interference with use of car. No Brokerage No Fees.

Call, write or phone Atlantic 9584. JQfflO FINANCE COo, 1204 FIRST NAT'L. BLDG. 77 Money Wanted WANT money to extend business, chattel mortgage. 7 per cent.

Write 169 fress office. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 78 Miscellaneous For Sale Ross Plminnilblng lies "WHOLESALE TO YOU." Pipe and Fittings. Pipe Cut to Order. OUR STORES 0 TW 228 Second city 5322 Frankstown ave 557 Homewood ave 455 Merchant st. Ambridge.

554 Fifth ave-McKeesport. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. THE CHAMPION WARM AIR FURNACE. YES We install It completeand at the lowest possible price. Deferred payments if you prefer.

Estimates gladly furnished. We also do hot water, steam heating and plumbing. Write for complete Heating Plumbing catalogue No. P. It's free! MANUFACTURERS DISTRIBUTING 325 and 327 Penn ave.



Latest style glass enclosed Bar-B-Q ROBT. A. WRIGHT 1005 Liberty ave. BRICKS Finest hard used bricks delivered anywhere, cheap. Cedar 0371.

Call evenings. BANKRUPT STOCK 112 MARKET STREET Groceries of all kinds, chewing gum. assorted candies, soda fountain other items. Everythinfi 'wav belnw BUILDING stone free; send your truck Bedford ave and Fullerton st. CamoinT Bipment- Bargaial Tents, all vamjmih lights, large stoves, reiura, cunning men, r.

o64a-J. FIXTURES FOR al NEW MER- FREE. urj wniio pine Kindling wood for the hauling. A P. Schwerd Mfg.

Co, 3215 FLOOR cases. 6 ft. cigar case, other fix- au at out, tirant st. (ZVvvt at -L-r c-r tc lirand new: ucniitree Llectric 505 ICE BOX Large, for grocery or delica-tessen. new, cheap.

Fairfax 6993 jiall. uautn merchandise Novelties and agents supplies, small stock, including iuiusei rioies. ash trays. Japanese water flower, na-t- ofIer Tfused. Phone PAINTS S1, up: Pure liuseed rool Foolmg: KTOb'S' 1413 Penn ave.

Atlantic 9068 PEi KfilT- wavTe jnapnine: best condi- JLnign i t)H-J SHOW CASES. ew and tj will makr ten-ma ROBT. A. WRIGHT 1005 STwE.fi3tu,t5.for kinds. of business: n.Vv,.

prices are nuuan Deln. 1N "cellent condi- can "ing. jrant 5790 wJite Restaurant condiuon. rea- TWO Beautiful hanri luau xtiivu rnotis lont. 708o.

I AS LOW AS 78 Miscellaneous For SaU rfBTZS. ttm Asoestos mixed a rpofa- No skuSiaW nre for Ieak nan iir white lea.i it. SaUsfaK1 DeIiWy-U RonFive i Money Back. WE BUY. sell.

and used- fixtures, new cases, refrisrerator rs ale. show chairs, etc Mklow. ables. Atlantic 8907 sky lil( Perm ave. ryi2.veri?1 floor surfacing iHCKeesnort s-'oo i aarsrain First class eas rane chlnawarl1 bo, steam table re'.

ooffp'" nrn and cnairs. large French mir- 1ct'93s7 11- 2en outfit. Call Schen jgdS8. lloBoquet st Oakland. YOU are iroinir to v.

Ads man you want in the Want rill v. 1 ci.ii uv irucK. von 50 FT of whit. l-iti, llincn counter. Liberty av tnsble Coffee Shop.

604 SELLING OUT Offi iiS-AKET STREET. hnnu restaurant equipment. blinds and hiiriH, sizes of window "3.aIia of other item. ne.d m.nunii. MUSt sell.

AO I' iP very rood rond.tion: iniiMin O.J-J WANTED To buy 1011 to 200 folding: Aaaress Boat iManiton. foot vood 8t-- phtshunrh Pa. THE WISE GAS BOILEt sn1 durability r. 'u a nitrner price. liiiiPPLY CO.

Fairfax 1900. cash ninTfnhh" all kind- Court 2511. 32-QT eahinet no Ice caoinet, used 2 Weetrc -K for -n. i V. -o-- i.

win ecu .000 lew tppl Pipe: good as new. Call Sterling 1225. 78 A Roadside Farm Produce fine red." Call Home- 79 Sale Household Goods ANTIOT7F9 at ,807 Penn 'e Franklin 10108. COFFIELD WASHER. A cruaranteeii 1 1 (.

inaiiiiiic mill win last, as Ions and serve a noil on now ir before you buy; $48 oaz Smithfield st. ui-iij kijom suite. S25: baby carriage, ictroia. Iloor amn hlne. daybed kitchen cabinet: leavinsr nmrr kl.

monirose lOifl. EASY WASHER, Completely rebuilt anH a-ntaaA real friend on wah day. A real barg-ain iow. winy mi.oii. ricia Smithfield st.

ELECTRIC WASHER Copper, new. only "'nin. J.ji3 Illinois ave. Lehieh .3.11 o-j. tCRNlTURE At vour nvrn, nri mutt sell at once.

1450 Barnesdale Squirrel mil, near uauas FOUR rooms of real grood furniture for sale hi once. au airlax 000O. i. tt. contents of ti rooms saori- need, loo Barnsdale Squirrel Hill HULtHOLU furmshinps For sale, rea oie prieeci.

Montrose 7829. HOUSEHOLD GOODS-Mayflower 5601. -For sale cheap. Call HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, very rea sonable. veiiora uakiana.

can evemngra KITCHENETTE ranee. $5: buffet. 10 di ing- table, 57: sinple wardrobe. S8 leather davenport. 510: victrola with records.

512: uprigrht piano, S30. 51 Penn ave. Montrose 7619. KITCHEN CABINET And ice box com bined, combination ranee, kitchen table 3 chairs, desk, library set: excellent condition: barg-atn. Cedar 3420.

LiVLNti kuu.m SEX And table: very rea- sonanie. Linden 44H1-J. LIVING ROOM furniture Scotch woll blankets (new), linens, etc. 4214 Bruce otf Forty-second st. MAHOGANY desk.

58: 100-lb. side icer, S20: dining room suite. 530; mahotrany ires8er, si AxmmBter rus, 514. lleni' lOCR 1147. MUST BE SOLD.

6-piece walnut bedroom and 10-plece dininff suite, new and perfect: will sacrifice ior nan or what paid three weeks aeo Hazel tstins-w. LIVING ROOM suite Buffet, victrola. table lamp, bed complete: all perfect. 6412 Kincaid st. Montrose $275 Mohair Suite $98.

Also new perfect, dining and bedroom suites at wonderful bargains. R. R. Storage, 324 Liberty ave. REFRIGERATOR Porcelain lined.

S10: Singer sewing machine, 56; lady's desk, 56: twin (mahogany) beds, box springs. 525: sideboard. S5; porch furniture. $5: pictures, curtains, cheap. Ma.

0677. REFRIGERATOR Porcelain lined: 75-lb. side icer: perfect condition. Hazel 5029-R. REFRIGERATOR Electric, brand new, 5175 cash.

Write 145. Press office. RANG13 Cast iron: two-oven: in good condition; reasonable. Lehigh 357D-J. RANGE Old style cooking.

520; fine for hotel or restaurant. Mayflower HiH. SALES DAILY. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS To Be Sold for Storage Charges. COMPLETE SUITES ODD PIECES.

SHANAHAN 3460 Fifth Ave. Mayflower 7800. THOR DEMONSTRATOR Looks and runs like a new machine: fully guaranteed: save 5100; only 877.50. 632 Smithfield st. UPHOLSTERED living room suite.

Wil ton rug. xl2: bedroom, breakiast outfit, new, used only 1 month: sacrifice. Homestead 1530-W. 3500 Main Homestead Park. WALNUT dining room suite 9 pieces: bargain: 575.

Call HUand 495o. WILL SACRIFICE. Sacrifice mohair living room Btlite. wal nut dining and bedroom suite, rues, lamps. like new.

Fairfax 8oo3. WHITE treadle sewing machine with mo tor. 535. 119 Federal st. STOVE Cabinet style, 515: also White sew ing machine, drop neao.

i-aiayetie BEST offer takes reed baby carriage and crib. 1516 Rockland ave. Le. 2693-M WHY rent a sewing machine when SJ.U8 delivers one. 119 i ederal St.

TWO Full size brass bed Ma. 1898. complete, rocker and cnairs. TWO oven campfire ranges, in good con dition: reasonaoie. ijenisn WHITE drophead elec.

sewing machine 570: easy terms, liu aixin hi. BED-DAVENPORT, leather. 510; cabinet, range. 516: good condition, inland 8636. SACRIFICE Lovely furniture of 4-roora also rent apt.

Fairfax 8285. PORT-VBLE electric sewing machine with stand. 55 down. 110 Sixth st. GOOD gas range.

55: water power washer. S3: furniture cheap. 1916 Perrysville. LOVELY settee with nicely covered pillows: very reasonable. Walnut ill'Z-J.

PARK LOCATION Sell 4 rooms of furniture, lease, rent 540. Fairfax 96o4. SEWING machine. Singer- Like new. 535; easy terms.

110 Sixth St. MISCELLANEOUS kitchen and bedroom furniture, baby bed. high chair; reasonable. Lehigh 3961-J SPECIAL SALE. mtt ok rn iv-iriT Dnnm nitps "d'nrt Vara fnrnpts .3 1.25 5 25.00 Brass Beds, 3 ft 6 3.0H 5 40.00 Kanses S1U.UU 510 Up.

HARRY PEARLMAN, 1215 Penn Pittsburgh. TRADE LN YOUR OLD FLBMTIRE FOR NEW. Call Fairfax 24oP. OLBUM 113 Federal N. S.

r-, nrrcr Ktulrnntn and kitchen SCt, gas" range, new baby bed: everything new; will sell cheap Millvale. 119 Butler rt. 82 Wearing Apparel I SPECIALIZE IN AND SHOWROOM MODELS BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE COATS AND DRESSES Mostly One of a Kind Dresses Coats As Low As owA Small Deposits Accented NO OVERHEAD EXPENSE. CALL AT MY MRS. LAUTER 3337 FORBES ST.

UNTTL lfj VTLOWER 6310 i.i.o. 1 uiuta BUY DIRECT ears-1-Ply. tK)c: 2-p'y si oV-VE 25 TO 40. fl-gO: Slate roii," di? roll $1.90: Asphalt shfnL 9 roU-square. S4.2S- in 1).

ner usepaints. 90e sal. in- 1 I PI 73 BusinessJOpportanities ROOMING HOUSE. FRIENDSHIP AVE. NEAR P.

HOSP. 10 rooms, weil porch: good lease: pet the from hospital: income betwee -onatn1! per month; rent 5100 per momn. owner who died had been ttus Place for 5 years. Tyn HALTER-MARLIER, 4779 Liberty ave. Fisk 4.o.

BOOMING house of 7 North Side, near parse and Price 5400. 615 West Diomand N. S. Fairfax 607. BOOMING HOUE 10 rooms, re aspnaoie.

will stll all or parUy furnished. lJu Feileral N. S. BOOMING HOUSE Forbes st. Oakland.

14 rooms, well furnishcl. fiUed. reasonable. gelling account of illness. Mayt.

bbiJ. BOOMING HOCSl very reasonable. 12 rooms, moueru. Franklin SERVICE STATION On main hurhway in Mt. Lebanon for sale or lease: established business; service room, apartmeui upstairs, lartre etorase and repair shop.

Lehurh fi54rt-J. SQCIRREL HILL tea room, located in best business eectlon. close to Forbes st. sacrifice. Oakland Savings Trust Mayflower 0300.

SANDWICH Shop Modern fixture; land district: name your price, rose 5Wil, mornings. Oak-Mont- TAILOR SHOP Good business: must sold: any price. Walnnt 330o. be WANT to buy sood. growine men's furnishing and shoe store, western Pennsylvania or eastern Ohio preferred: state size of stock, price, volume of business in letter Write 1S4.

Press office. FOR RENT. Restaurant, dining- room in connection with hotel: in a eood live western Pennsvivania town or will rent entire bnildiner. Address Columbus Hotel. Mead ville.

Pa. BUSINESS Soda lunch and dairy store: will guarantee StiO daily, with wonderful possibilities for- Hnnhliii. t.nainnic Ktore COSt SMi.000; must be seen to be appreciated: if interested, see store at 4207 Butler and make offer to Mr. Mandell. AH.

3583 or Mayf. 2308. No reasonable offer refused as store must be sold. ABILITY' AND CAPITAL devoted to manufacturing a cost-reducinK building material resulted in one man in Pennsylvania city refusing 100.000 for his business from original investment of S3 500. In Missouri city two partners increased their business valuation 33 times in three years.

A St. Louis company started small, have now grown to business. For further information write Post Office Box SS0. Pittsburgh. "CAIN IS ABLE" to sell your real estate or place yon In business and place you right: list with him i ana waicn results.

CAIN. 90 0-11 BF.RGER BLDG. MUST SELL. Sandwich shop and pool parlor: doing good business; partners can't ajree: no reasonable offer refused. Schenley 1048 alter 7.

SACRIFICE Restaurant ancj bar room, on account of disagreement between partnership: all fixtures, furniture and other outfit complete ready for business. Call Fisk 0540. BF.ST location on Route 8 for stand. 15 acres at intersection of fine roads. 51.000: house and lot, nice summer home.

S450. Robert Maynard. Centre-ville. Pa WOMAN wants partner I can't manage store: terms. Phone Gray, Fairfax 844S.

FORTIES ST. Rooming house of 1 rooms, front porch, large yard, all rented; price $1,500: good lease and furniture. SEE YOUNG. R15 West Diamond N. S.

Fairfax 50S7. BOYLE N. S. Rooming house for sale. block from Federal and North ave A-l condition: cheap for quick buyer, as owner has other business to attend.

Ao Alfle: Charters. STANDARD OF AMERICA. Get the booklet. "High Spots in Delaware Corporations." mailed free. OFFICE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.

1504 FEDERAL STREET. Fairfax 4 190 Pittsburgh. Pa. EXCELLENT opportunity for man with sales who can invest 5200. lr.

Dunn, 2015 Wyandotte st. GLEN WOOD Hardware Store selling nut; leaving town; reasonable price. 5405 Second ave. ACTIVE PARTNER Product handled by drug and grocery stores; big returns. Federal 201 1-R.

75 Loans on Furniture The interest charges of this corporation are UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE DE PARTMENT OF BANKING which makes it possible for you to borrow S10 to 5300 in a dignified, busmeps-like manner, without paying more than the LAWFUL RATE OF INTEREST and without beine imposed upon In any way. WE DO NOT NOTIFY your employer: neither do we mak inquiries of your friends, relatives or tradespeople. NO ENDORSER REQUIRED If you are unable to call at our office, phone or write us and we will send a representa tive to your home. 315 PARK BLDG. 3TM Vt.

SMITMFI CCD ST. PMVNt SILSNllt. HELFFUI LOARS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION. $10 to $300 LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. We make loans for any useful purpose if you are housekeeping, low lawful rate.

LOW BATES. BEST TERMS. LONG TIME THE COST 13 SMALL. 10 for 30 days costs .35 40 for 30 days costs 1.40 $100 for 30 days costs 3 50 $200 for 30 days costs 7-00 $300 for 30 days costs $1050 Other amounts tn proportion. Every dollar paid on loan reduces the cost.

LOANS MADE IN ALL NEARBY TOWNS If not convenient to call, write or phone. Information cheerfully given without obligation. NO INDORSER3. NO FINES. NO FEES Telephones: COURT 34S6-34S7.

Guarantee Urn Room 403 Arrott Bldg. N. COR. 4TH AND WOOD ST. Miiuaiiaii nin i' in 1 HERE'S TEE I MONEY YMJNEE1 i Why worry about -needed monev when you can arrange a loan of any a amount no to S30O under the Empire Planr We make loan on "uraiture or 5 Automobile without endorser or In quiries from any one but yon There 5 are no fees, bonuses no interest de- 5 Jncted.

simply lawful interest for only 'i exact days von use the money. A due- nifled. business-like aulck service that vou will appreciate PHONE ATLANTIO 8578 The Empire I Finance Co. I 62 Park Bldg. I I FLFTB AVE AND SMirHFIELD ST I Don't Waste Time We Are Famous for Quick Service.

Family Loans $10 to $300 In Privacy. C0" Fixed by Law. atonthly Repayments on Easy Terms. Thrift Books Free. American Lean Company PHONE ATLANTIC 4-S 0-4 Room 515 Pittsburgh Life bldg 5th floor, n.

e. corner Sixth st. and Liberty opt). Rosenbrtum a Den store. Open 8:30 to 5: sat arcay to 1 Liceieed by the Sfte and Bonded to the Public.

UNITED SMALL LOAN CORP 20f PITTSBURGH LIFE BLDG PHONE ATLANTIC 6-3-S-l" 72 Financial Mortgages SECOND MORTGAGES GONSTRUCTION LOANS On Real Estate in Allegheny County Repayable in easy monthly payments Lowest Rates liberal Appraisem*nt 1 8 Hour Service Bring Your Deed 1 1 th Floor First National Bank Bldg. PITTSBURGH, PA ATLANTIC 3OIO-3OII Imifed States Bond "712 Friclc Buildin SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS This old established industrial banbini? which has served so many others in Pittsburgh is now irejrared to take care of second rnorts'aue fnaneine for you. Low rates prompt service. Come In any "trustees system SERVICE TRtJSTFK syflTEM COMPANY OF PITTS LIE EG H. :03 Keenan bids: Atlantic 5301.

EOILSIKS ARB LOAH Money paid out six days Will accept rows of dwellings apartment bouses 70 of value siven on irivate homes. Call promptly or write to 3113 Uicm Trust BMg Atlantic 4201 BUILDING LOAN Association will lend enough to cover present indebtedness 110 wamnjr: protiud appraisals, free. Itox North Side. HAVE 15. 000 that I would like to place one or more gaiod lirst moiti; aires.

'an look at your property at oie-e. Write 144, office. MOETGAQES TO TT7TTT 1 Your abilifv arrl your dcire; 33 we rpprppfnt null vitiuals we -ati without finite srhptlulf: Firt nntl sc-)ijil niui tsi'i-. and manthly bntitr df'i. Lawton Jcal instate 4riti Diamond st.


TAYLOR. Piaza buildiner. Atlantic 2G44. Second Tortgages bOO. and up 18 hour service Lowest rates rlVlf a 1 1 i im lrnHsS 1 cour 73 Business Opportunities paint ami doing S7O0 pi best reason Press office.

varnish repair shop, now month, can be doubled: ir Write i74. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Tobacco, ice doing about S2U0 week: just otf Frankstown account sicluiess will sacrttice for MARGARET OP.R IXK'KARD, 521 Oak-Kimil st. Franklin llli7. CONFECTIONERY Con.

with movies: owner leav. city. 1 io4 Carson. Hem.ii012. CONFECTIONERY AND GPOCERY Selling on account of other business.

003 Madison North Side. CONFECTIONERY And Novelty Store for sale. Situated no and Has-lett Lincoln Place. Pa Party leaving city and state. CLEANING AN1 PRESSING- ESTABLISH--MENT -Good location and good business: must be s-old on account of sickness.

Call Krnnkhn 4715. CONFECTIONERY And lirht lunch. Good location. good business. Bargain for uuiek sale.

503 Trenton Wil-Uinsburg. CIGAR STAND BARGAIN. For s-iie. in the new Law and Finance Fourth ave; elegantly equipped. In- uutre at counter.

1 RY Guild corner location and enu.pmeiit with rooms; old stand: bargain. 442S. CONFECTIONERY Across from high school; new jixturrs: doing good business. WrMe A 12 7. Press office.

ONE El "Til INEK news. ci- tr st a1 STORE Fully equipped 1hee large cases of Intent medicines wonderful location fo" druirs-isT doiri- tig business. 565 Forest ave, I. in. 'en A FETE RI A Sacriliee, S5.000.

includinir equipnient: rent, insurance, phone, doing big business: ill health. 2415 Board Walk. Atlantic City. GA RAG E- -22-ear capacity: excellent Iocs! thiished business in storage. greasing and washing.

Cedar to 4 p. m. ri-I'iirir 10 111 2 GARAGE Doing good business, $5,300 last year: leaving town: will sacrifice. 1'nny GROCERY Am! confectionery. Wilk.

location: will sacrifice for quick sale. Call Franklin GdTocEllY eon fcctionery S200 wkly. 4 rebuts, rent S45. good store, only S00O. TlluS.

J. GRAY. 10 North Diamond St. W. Fa.

S44S. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE North Side: 4 living rooms: reason of sickness. Write 157. Press office. GROCERY and confectionery Small light lunches, 3 living rooms.

Lafayette 07H. ICE or truck route wanted with steady work: S200 to S250. Write 160 Press LIGHT lunch hvmc rooiiu and confectionery, with 3 from S2 to jhu per dav: forced to sell on account of other business: email capital needed. 216 Carson st LUNCH Room weekly, rent S25: birg-ain 520O. THOMAS J.

GRAY. 10 North Diamond West. Fa. S44S. LUNCH ROOM Selling on account sick-31 Barbeau told ness: low rent.

3rd st. i. city. MEAT MARKET F'or sale, fine corner location. doing good business.

good leas1, located in one of the finest manufacturing towns in West Virginia: price S3.50. including fixtures and groceries Box 10S4. Weirton. W. Va.

MEAT MARKET and grocery: no meat competition, doing all cash business: mut se' at otii-e, Fairfax" fil R2. MEAT MARKET For sale, either wid fixtures: doing good business, cash: near Brownsville. must sell account sickness- not refuse ativ offer" must act quick. Write 11S. Press office NEWS AGENCY Country town; 300 dailies, son Sundays: price.

including store S3 O00: rent 500 for storeroom and 11 living rooms; net protit* last year a'most S2.SOO; can be increased. Write P. O. Box 341. Wilkinsburg.

Pa. DANCING PAVILION Large; will rent to responsible party; will accommodate 750 couples: always full and making big money: or wali sell property. 709 Law-Finance bid-. RENTAL RANT in heart of busines district of E. Liberty: fully equipped: newly renovated: now in operation: enjoying splendid business: possibilities unlimited: will consider long term lease or sell outright.

For further information see Mr. Lang. Kirk wood hotel, or call Montrose 3M0. RESTAURANT Best location, near rail-road station, reasonable rent: good ren-- son for gelling. Phone Coraopolig 44U.

RESTAURANT Big bargain: owner leaving city: other business. Call Lehigh 135. RESTAURANT sr-rific S200; Call Cedar 7821-J. rent So5. 0 Lots For Sale LEBANON property: one lot 60x145.

on Bocks blvd Seminole Hills. Iebanon borough. Phone or write J. B. Syerer, 329 17th Home-stead.

Hcme.tead 031 9-R. Lebanon 50x120 $950. Level lot. wonderful location near ijrshool. cars and stores.

Terms to good peo- fle Call owiw. I.ohign 180ft. JfORSINGSIDE Trinity ino. 54O0 each. Lenhult.

2 lots. '2x Br. 2437-M. SOUTH HILLS VACANT. w-- TYet Liberty splendid business lot.

nil $175 per foot. torn a- avc. Iirmnnt. SwfssVALE- Bareain. Two lot to quick buyer: 5950 for Will Jth Write 128.

Prfs ave. 0 Co rn er lot. 25x125. Shady and Ijin Ivifw aw Harel 3015-J. WHY PAY KENT? l'hsvs two wonderful lots 50x120.

In Mt. Lebanon, on puved street, sewer, wa-, tar. gas and electric iicht. Near schools tod churches and cars. Will sell one or Oto lots for SI.

400 each. Terms 50 down, aiince 515 per month: or I will build 3ui a bouse on either lot and yon can monthly like rent. This Is an opportunity to own your own home for the Tent you are now trying. Write Contractor. 6 14 Pres office.

$720 FOREST HILLS. Hut 50x155. on paved street, with sewer. fi and water write to owner. If you can pay cash 117.

Press office. CORVKR id. t'CFt business on Bj-ownsviile Ml. Oliver: 42x100 feet. fa! Lafayette 61 For Sale or Exchange JKKRY FARM Suitable gardening, grow-11? pot'itoeq.

berries ci-W-rv, onion1, alfalfa; Hit acres river bottom soil 1 routing one mils of Jilairsville: mountain view entrain fron'ing William Penn highway. Will x--- chariM borne hi Pit'sb-irirh: n- urban preferred. Price 15.000. See ('. Jamison, Jam i -on hotel.

tile. 'Pa S3 ooo wor'h farming equipment. iri' lud' (1. i'SINKS proi.erly In the Oakland iru-t. to trade for income ju-operlv; irr fl' -Tii'tW'M and in ive.

Wr ite 11 ofiice. liAltiiK hon-e-- small bousei and lot. trade for row of Ha. 1 05UIS-J. RAllK NIlP.TH 1'KHK -IN EAST END VI' 520.

ooo. INCOME FOR Iluif nit MnitKKL mr.L WRITE 17U. OVFH E. fTfAIiK iJOKMoNI I.MOMK PROPERTY PRIi'E S27.5O0. For linrsE IN IiOR-'MuST OH MT.

LEBANON. WHITE 3 1 PRESS liKFU E. your iu Honiewood for E. End apartment. Iliianu 01 id.

5 m. 3 Business Properties fNKSS frf-f'Tty: for any biit. lir-. East, Ohio St. N.

S. lor 1 Europe, will Write 141, IY' -s office. 65 Farms and Acreage Gets 100 Acres Equipt Pmrderin Wonderful Lake Hi'M of water -pnvHl hifiways and -Lvei. bt-avy i tretcti be r. ire you cjiot i lose by: 00 aercM 11 1 lane, sjii liiir-watereu pa- tur-.

lis-htfti! sh.i id au houe. Oe-dandy 70 It. over S7.00O. rsts, 5 cows. and ho- view balfl.

other valued Paririiiii pru-e sc. 1100 wnh 1 yniwii stock, pouttiy. 11111 r-l fl.av, Jiotatoe.s, eorn. rne.utH, ats. veiretahh-s, fish.

if lie n't delay catalogue. l'rrvi Hank I et IS free illus. iTROT'T ACI'NCy. 501-U PittsbiirLih. Pa.

sill XH IIII.I.. T.ytlf s(i, t'harlerol witli fine fruit trees. cart ne 1 0 only il.OOO per i' re. ATfTHT-R 4th Maaee bldir. Broadw.iv and iloiiuoltt.

OXl'AVi''. I II Kill WAY, Gf ACKE FARM. Sa-rifiecd b- owner retiring. 0d-aere heavy dark loam farm, ail under limb of eiiltiv.ation, and all feiieed, pretty h'ime of room, with mod'-rn ft. barn, ft.

silo, 50-ton f. rt il.zer house. 20x100 ft. machinery house, corn cribs. 4 poultry ad kinds of farm maehiic ry.

need on a lare dairy, irraiu and vegetable firm auto wagons. 4 line horses. 11 s. 1 bud. 1.50O iioiiltry.

i heifers. 4 ho-s. i il'ieks. a-'res white potatoes." 7 wheat. 10 in corn.

10 in tomatoes, 10 in h.av lieid. balance of the farm, in pasture, truck earden. on-hard. fwrrics. asi'ira-us.

rhubarb. 50 tons hay in barn, ail poultry equipment. This is one of the best general farms in this staf; for further particular, photographs, etc. write tu John A. Cure, KI Hal bor i'ity.

N. J. ACltES bearins orchard. 1 000 cash. D.

M. Simon. West View 101. 66 Coal, Oil Gas and Timber Lands -r- OIL INVESTMENT. A rare opportumtv is offered in direct "Inte-rests our new well to be drilled tn the wonder hiirli gravity field in New Mexico: oil averages tin eravity.

with gasoline content about S2 per cent: can Use from SJo to This is not a stock proposition nnd iM bland rirtd investigation. For maps and particulars address New Mexican Oil Company. Sapulpa. Okla.

SMALL tract of timbe--. some fax Odd first irrowth bardw-ood smaller; cheap. Fair- 69 Summer Places For Sale 1 SAl.K Gjiod seven-room house, ca-raee, carden and fruit: would make an fi1eal home for snmmer. as it is near Lake Eric C. T.

Wane. Conneaut. O. 70 Out-Of-Town Real Estate BARGAIN 55 cash. So monthly, buys 20 lots in thrums New York villaire; SlOO full price, only 8 each.

Vail. 10 Vroadway. New Yorl 7TWanted Real Estate Wanted 5 or j-Room House -----jMist End; must be a bars-am; real estate tnri do not answer. Write Liti. I'ress office.

FINANCIAL 72 Financial Mortgages Second Mortgages Pri vate party; monthly paynienton $1,000 if liberal apprais- al; immediate settlement; low expense. S.D.CANTHOU Phone Aclntif 4I9-5 9C Law Finance fourth At a i SECOND MORTGAGES. -LOWEST RATES IN CITY. Annual chnree for mortg'ace. in-Iudnii? all expenses (no extras only 2 $20-00 lor each borrowed Other amounts Prime iropor-Iton; no art van re immediate set-tlemem: monthly payments: oniy hrst rlas nks nefd ai'P'v.

"ompare our rates before acting. linn? rlet-ii. PAY NO MORE. A I'FM ANN REALTY 4T Fourth ave. Court 0113 First and Second Mortgages Commission.

Our first mortgates are straight loans. Our second uio: laes Horrow Pav us t-taio per month 1.50(1 per month About 5 interest on second inort- rayea Write I. 115. Prr office. PAY OFF FIRST AND MoK'KiAtiES. m-titutiou ii iend 75 of uation ui rs. rows, aliartnicnts. business properties: nothing Mo large; ap- free. Mortgage Department. Box 4K.

Plttsl.uri.-h. SECOND MORTGAGES. Long: Term, no r-iym-it uuick eon fluent i a FRANK J. SHERMER, PIT" Park bldg. Phon Atlantic 7 -MORTGAG ES WANTED.

tTnlimited amoutit of money to invest rm rireK and second reasonable fhUNi'ti: quick service. Ileal direct with iwiwipal. P. O. Box 1S4S.


S-CHS REAL ESTATE REALTORS. 606 Law and Finance bide. Atlantic I HAVE a balance of 542.000 in a local savings bank whicf-, iiays me 4 cent I would like t- secure several niortcages on the protierty of gootl. honest people.

Widow. 1S7 Press office. FCVD of 595.000 must Invested In mortgages: will acept 5 per cent annual interest; new proterty preferred. "Attorney. 17(e Union Bank bldg Fourth "ve.

and Wood st. rrf MOXEY tnnltmited) long term: also building ano loan tunos. iJH R. Kotier te. 33S1 Fifth ave.

Atlantic 207S. Evening. Wamnt oOOv. 'fenrt to borrow S90O for 24 months at reasonable rate of interest: will return same in monthly payments. Write "'Tt 142.

Press office. DUQUESNE HEIGHTS Building Loan provides first mortgage money np to 10.000 on short notice: easy payments: no commission. 1203 Grandview eve 1 Laf. 2427. trrn-n; IXIANS per -conal funds: small expense: immediate answer.

Lehish 7492 JlAVE unlimited amount of first mortgage monev on nana: rromrv trrow Cbarleg O. Feldman. 1613 Shady ave. money waiting, Henry Mas Donaid. Broker.

14 Slonongahela House pnone wnir fcEGOND MORTGAGE money Without red tape. U. d. uannon. nDsirw 82 Wearing Apparel COAT Dresses and suits, size 16: shrhtly worn: reasonably priced.

Montrose ELITE SHOP New dresses, hosiery, -ea- sonable. 120 Noble ave- Craf ton. Walnut 2089. 5S8 ROSEDALE ST Brushton Ladies' suits, coats and dresses: reasonable. Franklin 5769-R.

LADIES' wearinir apparel: reasonable: buv and sell. 5 Seneca St. Grant O304-J. 80 Musical Instruments DRAKE KAPPHAN Largest baby rand --i-cuun. riiisuursa Alain Store.

305 W'lHKl St. PIANOS TUNED, regulated, cleaned and polished. 53: 28 years' experience Charles Manfrold. Cedr.7 ZH7. A NO Upright, and bench.

550 cash. hh st. PLAYER PIANO Cost 5800: sell 5250 1247 Voskamp st. Cedar 4-17-J. SAXOPHONES Buscher flat alto with case.

Conn fiat with case. $T5 each Cedar 8P74. UPRIGHT piano in rood condition, cheap 1725 Lowrie Troy Hill. 2nd floor' VIOLIN Italian, hand-made. cae.

bow nd music. SIOO. Lehinh 2R52-M. ICTROLA. 5135.

cabinet size, good condition, offered at 525. to cloe out terms 56 cash. 51 weekly. Hoflmann's" 537 Wood st. Special Piano $2.

Tuned, cleaned. VolisHert bv factor- pert on orders this week. R. Lone. Hi- Iand 9501.

WE REPAIR motor or phone Atlantic 4047. 204 Sev- nth st. NEW Orthophonic Victrola, "Credenza:" great bargain. Mayflower 3154. rDick." CASH for saxophone.

285. state lowest Pittsburgh. price. Fostotrice Bon HAVE $27o Orthophonic Victrola that I will sacrifice for 5125. Write 159.

Press office. 81 Radio and Equipment AMBASSADOR Three-tube set. cheap. uranam. jainax loao.

North ave. RADIO -Very good make, at bargain, good RADIOL A SUPER HETERODYNE With Power tube and A and eliminator: heap' E- Diamond st Phone Fairfax 5054. SUPER power eliminator for Never been used. Call Carrick 1455-W after p. m.

WILLARD. Battery Eliminator. SIO R. Martin 200 Allegheny market. S3 Office Store Equipment SHOP FIXTURES fvir sir? 3 wooden cases.

1 kIi -n i n'. any bookcase, 1 office table. 1 "-drawer letter file. 1 sras radiator. 3 radiant fire stoves.

1 8x10 rug. dress trees and hangers. i tuiimnun. au Maykower Got2. OP ALL DE- GOLDEN 1520 5th Ave.


McCloy Bldg. Branch Store. 642-44 Liberty Ave 428 Fourth Ave SAVE Vi OH USED TYPEWRITERS, MIMEOGRAPH Sr Ntostjlat, Rotospcads. Chick Writers, Addressing Machines. Adding Machines, Minitognpg.


Etc LIBERAL TERMS. PITTSBURGH TYPEWRITER SUPPLY COMPANY Suite 511-512, 339 FIFTH AVL, (Atl 2668) FinSBURtl DOCTORS. ATTENTION! Splendid used Victor ultra violet lamp. Bargain Atlantic 4188. WALNUT DESK Swivel arm chair and three arm chairs to match; reasonable.

Monlrose 3378. 84 Machinery and Tools GEO. W. ZIEGLER, McaSb'y Equipment for contractors. R.

mines and mills, gas shovels, graders, crawler tractors, mixers, pumps: complete stock; Pittsburgh warehouses. 528 First ave. NOTICE CONTRACTORS Roller, steam shovel, paver; bargain. West View 1647. FOR SALE or rent Combination gasoline shovel and crane: first-class condition.

George W. Ziegler Machinery Co. Phone Court 1640. Pittsburgh. 86 Watercraft FOR SALE Cheap, house boats, flats, skin's and motor boats.

Address G. C. Geer. Yorkville. Ohio.

P. O. Box 266. MOTOR boat, good condition, like new: big bargain for cash: has 6-cylinder motor. Linden 2H87-M aier 6.

88 Miscellaneous Wanted WANT 1.000 used steel lockers. Also small used safe. Call Canonsbure LIVE STOCK 89 Dogs, Cats, Etc. BOSTONS Brood female, perfect marked, registered; select puppies, beauties, sired by Intruder's King. Montrose 6133.

5212 Dearborn st. BOSTON PUFPIES 2. perfectly marked. 8 weeks old. pedigreed, sire Intruders King, 525 each.

1911 Forbes st. Grant 1466-J. BOSTON BULL DOG Female: very cheap. also toy Boston bull. 4 Ely off Royal PeCh.

BOSTON TERRIER Male, dar 6143-W. Bargain. Ce- BEAUTIFUL Thoroughbred Eskimo puppies. Call Millvale 1559-J. CANARIES.

54.85 up: talking parrots, baby chicks. Eskimo puppies and puppies for children. S3 up. 216 Federal st. ESKIMO Female, year and half old; reasonable offer accepted; must get good home.

Wal. 1378-R. ST. BERNARDS Good watch dogs, cheap: fox terriers, collies, toy poodles. Airedales, police dogs: also puppies.

52 up: open evening's. 59 12th near Union station. WANTED Good home for watch dog. land 4597-M. Hi- 90 Horses, Stock Vehicles DUMP WAGON Wanted: must be rood for cash.

Call Carrick 0198. HORSES and ponies North Side Boarding Stable. 1036 Vinial off Spring Gar-den near Chestnut N. POLO PONY For sale, 5500. Call Linden 1532.

WAGONS FQR SALE. Six 2-horse and one 1-horse heavy con-structed wagons. Phone Court 0900. BEAUTIFUL brown mare. 9-year-olds OoO registered; pood saddler; S75.

Write 17Q. Press office. AUCTIONS LEGAL 100 Auction Sales NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there will be sold at public auction or outcry to the highest bidder on July 30. 1928.

at lo a. at the warehouse of the undersigned. 1012 to 1018 Western North Side. Pittsburgh. in default of drayage, storage and other charges held against certain household goods, boxes, trunks, sewing machines, barrels, piano, wares, merchandise, personal effects, belonging to Steve- Karaica.

Wiliiam E. Knuckle, Mrs. May Logan. Ada Lambert, Dr. Le Van, Margaret J.

Provolt. Clftir Negel. W. E. Smith, Joseph B.

Snyder. John Trautman. Mrs. Irene Hagood. George M.

Glass. F. A. Gerster. Mrs.

Fred Ellsworth. Joseph P. Eaton. Stella Dosch. Dr.

James J. Donahne. Frank Deckhalt. Mrs. Eleanor Cowles.

Ethel A. Burton. G. P. Brenne- man.

Mrs. Ethel Homesley. DONALDSON TRANSFER STORAGE INC. SABLE MOTOR 1911 Center Ave. Friday, 13th 10:3" a.

m. Jordan touring, 22618: Westcott Sedan 7R5013024: Chevrolet coupe 12K-30098: Chevrolet trnok 12M-1599: Ford touring 12624784: Ford roadster 537125: Nash touring 206-703: Studebaker touring; Rick-enbacker coupe 315242; Ford roadster 12118372. CONSTABLE COHEN. At Alderman Goldstein's. Murray ave.

101 Legal Notices George R. Isherwood. Attorney-at-Law. Law Bulletin Pittsburgh. Pa.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of May Nee-nan, deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. THOMAS W. NEENAN. Administrator.

1519 Howard Pittsburgh. Pa. W. P. Berger.

Attorney-at-Law, 210 Grant St. NOTICE that letters testamentary on the estate of John Henry Fulton, deceased, late of Pittsburgh, having been granted, all persons indebted to said estate are to make payment, those having claims will mane ineni nuwwii ij Ague- uiuin. ei-I ecutrix. 406 S. Highland Pittsburgh.

iL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership of Radin Swadow, trading as the Centre Art Refirushing and the East End Art Furniture has been dissolved as of July 7. 1928. All creditors of said partnership having any claims should prove same within 3d days. H.

8. RADrW. A. SWADOW. said of V.

of a 9 of of at 101 Legal Notices Greetings to Fran Grariowski. Paul Gra- bovvski and John Grabowski: STATE of Pennsylvania, Alleheny Connty. ss: In the Orphans' Court in and for County. In the matter of the estate John Rauwolf. deceased.

No. 8 Junei Term. 192S. In re-petiuon of Walburs Rauwolf Rosenberger, Teresa Rauwolf Martin and Euseue P. Rauwolf.

Robert J. Rauwolf and Mane C. Rauwolf. trustees of the Estate of Leonard Ranwcif. deceased, prayiti the Court to award an inquest to make petition of the real rstat said decedent to and iniOM the parties entitled thereto Our said Conrt rrsntet citation returnable the 28th day of July.

IKS al 9 o'clock A. M. Eastern Standard Time. Now. therefore, we command you.

the said Frank Grabowskt. Paul Grabowski and John Grabowski. parties in interest, that you be and appear before the judge of our said Court on or before the 28th day of July. A. o'clock A.

M. Eastern Standard Time then and there to show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of petitioner shall Y. I fail not Witness. The Hon. J.

J. Miller. PreJ; dent Judee of our Said Orphans Court at Pittsburgh, this 19th day of June, A' la'joSEPH N. MACKREI.I Clerk of Orphans' Court. Horton Smith.

Attorney-at-Law. 1319 Park Pittsburgh. Pa. Weil Christy Weil. Attorneys-at-Law.

721 Fni-k Pittsburgh. Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the 1 th day July. 3 928. by Iieon A pplemau.

Theodore Averbaeh. Pearl Averbach and Sara Appleman under the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 29. 1874. and the supplements thereto, lor ine courier i intended corporation to be called Leon. Appleman.

the character and object which is importing, manufacturing, altering, repairing, purchasing and sellrns: wholesale and retail, furs, fur garments, and women's wearing apparel and Fr-ments: and the storage of furs and lur garments, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of S3id Act of Assembly, and supplements thereto. WEIL. CHRISTY WETL. Solicitors. A.

Leo Ruslamter. Attorney at Law, 71U Farmers Bank Bldg. NOTICE is hereby given that letters or administration C. T. A.

on the estate of Bessie Farjeon. deceased, late ot Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate pavment. those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. MAX ROTnSCHILD.

Administrator. C. T. A. Care Rosenbaum Pittsburgh.

Ta. J. L. Cannon. Attorney at Law, 1S102 Commonwealth lildg.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Mary Calleu. deceased, late of West View borough. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make tham known without delay. WILLIAM S. CALLEN.

Administrator. 3022 California Pittsburgh, Pa. Wni. V. Swearingen.

Attorney at Law, Berger Bid. NOTICE Is hereby riven that letters or administration. C. T. on the estate of Frank C.

Coulter, deceased. late ot Crafton borough. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. W. COULTER.

Administratrix. C. T. A. 3o5 Noble Crafton Pa.

Joseph A. Burns. Attorn-y at Law. 406-408 Berger Bldg. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Rose M.

Y'ea-ger, deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or uemands against same will make them known without delay. WILBERT YEAGER. Executor. Worth Pittsburgh.

Pa. Francis P. Anton. Attorney-at-Law, 624 F'nck Bldg. NOTICE that letters testamentary on the estate of Richarl E.

Schoenian. deceased, late of Sbaler township. Allegheny county. having been granted, all persons lndeotea to said estate are to make payment, those bavins' claims will make them known to Emma A. B.

Schoenian. Executrix. 1434 Evergreen Millvale. Pa. Arthur F.

Schmidt. Attorney-at-Law. Standard Life Bidu. NOTICE is hereby given that letters tesls-hientary on the estate of Ernest H. Warner, defeased, late of Pittsburgh.

Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay Raymond W. Wagner and Pauline E. Wagner. Executors. 719 Negley Pittsburgh, Pa.

James F. Coyle H. J. Rectenwald. Attorneys-at-Law.

1513 Berger Bldg. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Felix McCaffery. deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny County, have been granted to the undersigned to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. OWEN McCAFFERY.

-Administrator. 138 John Mt. Oliver. Pa. James G.

Marks Attorney-at-Law. Union Trust NOTICE Is hereby giver that letters testamentary on the estate of Charles Kruse. deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. MAY B.

KRUSE. Executrix. 7227 Penn Pittsburgh P. S. Harvey Thompson.

Attorney-at-Law. 801 Berter Bldg. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administration c. t. a.

on he estate of Tekla E. O'Brien, deceased, late of Bethel township. Allegheny County, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands agarnst same will make them known without delay. WILLIAM E. CHAFER.

Administrator c. t. a. Library Bethel Township. Pa.

Albert Yunker, Attorney-at-Law, 431 Diamond Pittsburgh. Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Lorkovich. deceased, late of Etna. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay.

THE AMERICAN STATE BANK TRUST COMPANY, Administrator. 604 Grant Pittsburgh. Pa. Shoemaker Eynon. Attorneys at Law, 725 Frick Bldg.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Nannie B. Parker, deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. THOMAS GIBSON. Administrator.

730 Orchard Terrace. Se wick lev. Pa. W. A.

Magee. Attorney at Law. Oliver Bldg. NOTTCE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate Kathryne G. Drake, deceased, late of Pittsburgh.

Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons- indebted to saiu estate are to make immediate pavment. those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delav. CHESTER F. DRAKE. Administrator.

F'iltration Plant. Aspinwall. Pa. W. H.

Stanton. Attorney-at-Law 51S Fourth ave. NOTICE la hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of William Williams, deceaseo late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county, have teen granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those naving claims or de-mantis against same will make them known without delay. POTTER TITLE TRUST Administrator.

Berger Bldg. Pittsburgh. Pa. J. Howard Devlin.

Attorney-at-Law. 807 Jones Law Bldg. NOTICE is hereby given that letters Testamentary on the estate of Elizabeth McCabe. deceased, late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny County, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demand against same will make them known without delay.

EDWARD McCABE. Executor. 4721 Liberty Pittsburgh. Pa. Dipple Wilbert.

Attorney-at-Law. 815 Union Bank Bldg. NOTICE Is hereby riven that letters Testamentary on the estate of Harry S. Thurston, deceased. late of Pittsburgh.

Allegheny County, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay. T. E. POOLE. Executor.

412 North Enclid Pittsburgh, Pa. Clark Miller. Smith. Buchanan. Scott Gordon.

Attorneys-at-Law. Union Trust Bldg. NOTICE that letters testamentary on the estate of Charles W. Gorsnch. deceased, late of Pittsburgh, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are to make payment, those having claims acainst same will make them known to Minnie M.

Gorsnch. Executrix. 933 East End Wilkinsburg. Pa. John Knlamer.

Attorny-at-Law. American Bank Pittsburgh. Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of James Pallagi or Imre Pallagi. deceased, late of McKeesport, Allegheny county, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are to make immediate payment, those having claims or demands against same will make them known without delay.

THE AMERICAN STATE BANK TBC3T COMPANY, Administrator. 104 Grant it- Pittsburgh. Pa..

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.