What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (2024)

What’s a green flash? Watch this video to learn more.

What is a green flash?

A sunset walk on a beach – looking west – is a great time to catch a green flash. What is it? The green flash is an optical phenomenon that you can see shortly after sunset or before sunrise. It happens when the sun is almost entirely below the horizon, with the upper edge still visible. For a second or two, that upper rim of the sun will appear green in color (or sometimes blue). It’s a brief flash of the color green, and quite exciting to see, especially if you’ve been looking for one!

Green flashes do play a role in some legends. In fact, it’s said that once you’ve seen a green flash, you’ll never again go wrong in matters of the heart.

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How can you see one?

You just need two things to see a green flash:

1. A clear day with no haze or clouds on the horizon.

2. A distant horizon, and a distinct edge to the horizon. In particular, you can see the green flash from a mountaintop or high building. But usually, people on the beach or in boats see them over the ocean.

Important tip: Don’t look at the sun until it is nearly entirely below the horizon. If you do, you will dazzle (or damage) your eyes and ruin your green flash chances for that day.

Because you need to know exactly where to look along the horizon, and because most of us aren’t up before dawn, green flashes are most often seen after sunset. Diligent observers, however, can see them before dawn, too. And it’s possible to see green flashes over land, too, if your horizon is far enough away.

What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (2)

What makes a green flash?

According to Les Cowley at Atmospheric Optics:

As the sun’s disk diminishes, the green light becomes concentrated and separates from the other colors, creating the brilliant green flash that captivates observers.

What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (3)

Les explains that the green flash is part of a mirage:

Inferior mirages are produced by warm air at the ocean or earth’s surface and an air temperature gradient changing rapidly with height. Rays from a low sun are refracted back upward as they pass between the cool and warm layers. Refraction always tends to deflect rays toward the denser layer. An observerabovethe layer sees two solar images or parts of them … (1) an erect image from rays that pass relatively undeflected above the warm layer and (2) a lower inverted image from rays mirrored upward by the warm layer. Each sun image is as ‘real’ as the other. The effect is not dissimilar to the mirage seen above a hot road surface.

As the sunset proceeds, the upper and lower images approach, touch and eventually overlap to form an ‘omega’ shaped sun.

A green flash occurs because at a later stage the deflection by the warm layer/cooler air boundary becomes very sensitive to the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays. Small deviations are vertically magnified including the difference in deflection between red and green rays. This amplification provides the separation between green and red that refraction through a normal atmosphere cannot accomplish.

What is the green ray?

The flash can be like a flame that shoots above the horizon. In that case, it’s called a green ray. I’ve seen lots of green flashes, but never a green ray, although I was once walking on a beach in Mexico and turned away just as my companion saw one.

I did not find any photos of flamelike green rays (if you know of one, let me know), but the photo below suggests the beginnings of a ray.

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What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (4)

A green flash on other planets?

Well … Yes! You can also see a green flash on very bright planets – like Venus or Jupiter – from Earth. Check these amazing videos, and don’t miss the comment section below them. People had some very interesting questions to ask, and the authors gave them the answers they were looking for.

Green flash photos from the EarthSky community

What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (5)
What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (6)
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What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (8)

A few more green flash photos

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More great green flash photos

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What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (15)

Bottom line: Learn what a green flash is and how to see one here. Plus, enjoy great photos and watch a video!

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What’s a green flash and how can I see one? (2024)


What’s a green flash and how can I see one? ›

The green flash is a brief occurrence visible just after sunset or before sunrise. It's typically observed where there's a clear sky and an obstructed horizon, such as over the ocean.

What does seeing a green flash mean? ›

This rather rare phenomenon is known as the "green flash." The green color is produced by atmospheric refraction of light, which causes objects near the horizon to appear slightly higher in the sky than they really are.

How do you get green flash? ›

The Green Flash is an optical phenomena that occurs when light from the setting (or rising) sun (or moon!) is separated (i.e., refracted) through layers of the lower atmosphere. The refraction is enhanced when layers of different density air causes mirages in the lower atmosphere.

What is the green flash saying? ›

Another saying is if someone sees the green flash they will never go wrong in matters of the heart. An English weather proverb says Glimpse you 'ere the green ray, Count the 'morrow a fine day. Despite these sayings, it all comes down to weather science.

How can I see the green flash? ›

To observe the green flash, it's best to wait until the sun is almost completely below the horizon, avoiding looking directly at the bright sunrise or sunset beforehand as it could mess up your vision. It is also best to look over an obstructed horizon like the ocean, but it could also be seen up in the sky on a plane.

What is the cause of the green flash? ›

Green flash occurs because the atmosphere causes the light from the Sun to separate, or refract, into different frequencies. Green flashes are enhanced by mirages, which increase refraction.

What is the green flash in the sky at night? ›

Les explains that the green flash is part of a mirage: Inferior mirages are produced by warm air at the ocean or earth's surface and an air temperature gradient changing rapidly with height. Rays from a low sun are refracted back upward as they pass between the cool and warm layers.

How rare is green flash? ›

Null has observed this only rarely, even after over 45 years of documenting this phenomenon. Green flashes can be sustained if the conditions in the atmosphere stay stable enough, he said. "It's really weird when you see green in the sky," Courtial said, which is likely why the green flash is so intriguing.

How long does the green flash last? ›

Although the green flash usually lasts between one and three seconds, it was observed on and off for a full 35 minutes on October 16, 1929 by Admiral Byrd's expedition at the Little America base on Antarctica.

Can you take a picture of the green flash? ›

In comparison, the sun is small and the flash is really tiny. For sunset photography any focal length lens will make a good sunset image, but to really capture the green flash, a long telephoto lens is needed.

Does a spy camera have green light? ›

Search for Indicator LEDs: In the dark, carefully look for small, blinking lights. Many hidden cameras have red or green LEDs that either blink or stay illuminated in low-light conditions.

Can cameras pick up green? ›

while the sensor (as a whole) has photo-sites that can detect red or green or blue light... no individual pixel can see all three color channels.

Why does my vision flash green? ›

According to Stefanie G. Schuman, MD, a retina specialist at Duke Eye Center, eye flashes and eye floaters are often caused by changes in the vitreous gel, the substance that gives the eye its shape. Those changes may result from aging, extreme near-sightedness, or a previous eye surgery.

What does a flashing green mean? ›

A flashing green light on a traffic signal means the signal is pedestrian activated. So, when you approach a flashing green light, use caution, because the signal could be activated by a pedestrian at any time and you might have to stop and let the pedestrian to cross.

What does a green flashlight mean? ›

Green is great for outdoors as animals, insects, and fish typically do not react to seeing a green led light source. Visually your eye responds better to green and blue color lighting. Protects your night vision and avoids eye strain typically associated with using white LEDs for an extended period.

Is the green flash good luck? ›

It is said that once you have seen a green flash, you will never again go wrong in matters of the heart.


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.