SUPER! - An ITT of Heroes, Villains and Questionable Fashion Choices (2024)

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DubhKafkaesque 1000-THR Earthmover from Scotland Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Plastic Love

1000-THR Earthmover

#1: Jun 10th 2020 at 5:53:11 PM

So in case the name didn't give it away, this is a superhero-themed roleplay. There have been several of those on these forums over the years, of course, but I notice that most of them fall into one of two categories - either they're extremely established to the point where newbies may well feel daunted by the vast backlog of lore, or they floundered and died too quickly to give new voices a chance to put some spandex on. That disappoints me, because I've always felt the superhero aesthetic and tropes had some incredible potential in a mass multiplayer RP format. So here we are!

Before we get into it, to anyone reading this who isn't already in the Discord - much of the planning for this RP is Discord-based. I won't say you have to be in the Discord server to participate, but it's recommended, so PM me and ask for the link if you want in!

Granger is much like any other decent-sized city in the north-mid-south-central-coastal-heartland region of the United States of America. High buildings. Copious traffic. A bustling, diverse populace. A thriving local culture and artistic scene. And, of course, a major problem with supervillains. They say you are truly a metropolis once there's a maniac in ill-fitting spandex threatening the people's wellbeing every other day, and so it goes here in Granger. But where there are villains, heroes rise to combat them.

Many heroes and villains have been and gone. But right now, one heroic name stands above all others for the people of Granger City. The Justiciar From Jupiter, the Saviour From Space, the man in gold - The Sun King. His rise from homeless mental institute patient to a symbol of peace and justice is legendary, and his intense, eccentric charisma has only served to heighten his influence. By now, his Solar Alliance, while not the only superhero team in the city, is definitely its most renowned, and only in part because many of the old stalwarts have collapsed under the pressures of time. The vast golden Sun Spire on the outskirts of the city, simultaneously headquarters and fortified place of residence for the team, has become a beacon of hope, the place ordinary citizens immediately look to whenever evil comes knocking.

This is the Solar Alliance's story.

An early morning distress call from the Granger History Museum was nothing new. Any building that kept so many priceless artifacts in close proximity was going to become a hotbed for supervillainous activity. At this point, the Solar Alliance knew the building's layout like the backs of their hands; all they had to do was see who was plotting a robbery this time.

Someone is crouched in the twilight shadows outside the museum's great stone facade. At first glance, in lighting this poor, one could perhaps take her to be a very tall human. But get slightly closer, and you would notice the grey fur and lupine muzzle.

The White Wolf's silver-blue eyes flick to and fro. Perhaps she was too hasty in her departure - she doesn't intend to storm this building alone. Hopefully the others will catch up sooner rather than later.

be nice to benjamin it's not his fault he got beat up by a microbe

CustardAndPie Oh Captain!~ from in a tank 'bout to steal yo girl Since: Apr, 2018 Relationship Status: Remembering what Mama said

Oh Captain!~

#2: Jun 10th 2020 at 6:39:02 PM

Not far behind from the wolf is a young Indian girl, about 17 years old with black hair going down to her hips. Jane Krishamurti, better known as Cailleach, no stranger to the world of being a hero. Her outfit consists of a loose, high-necked black dress with batwing-like sleeves and a hem that reaches just below her black stocking-covered knees. A black witch's hat sits on top of her head, a black cloak on her shoulders, and ankle-high witchy boots with a short heel on her feet. A red brooch gleams from her upper chest. She's holding a wand in one hand, a deck of tarot cards in another.

"Aye, looks like a 'nother small-time thievin' bastard" she says with an Irish lilt.

Edited by CustardAndPie on Jun 12th 2020 at 3:36:47 AM

Hey how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying inside

DrNoPuma I'm not all there myself. from Dream Land (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of?

I'm not all there myself.

#3: Jun 10th 2020 at 6:39:48 PM

A hundred feet away and a few hundred feet in the air is an unusual sight. Radley, an animatronic raccoon - yes, that's right, an animatronic like you'd find at Suck E. Cheese's or Five Nights at Frederick's - is hovering in mid-air, streams of fire shooting from his feet.

He's looking down at the museum. He would be down there, helping White Wolf sneak in, but, uh... he's a big, noisy machine with rocket boots. It's best for him to lay low, or high, for now.

I know Disney's Cheshire Cat is considered an antagonist, but come on, he's adorable.

Baisteach Root of Star from Relationship Status: Brian Tyree Henry Since: Dec, 2019

Root of Star

#4: Jun 10th 2020 at 6:45:00 PM

No sooner than when the Indian girl made her assertion. Another South Asian super with his hair slicked back suddenly appears out of a yellow-ish patch of light with a with a curly afroed child on his shoulder seemingly in mid-conversation. They're both wearing differing shades of red jackets over their normal clothes

"-You gotta learn how to control it, yeah. I can't be with you forever."

The child nods before notices the Wolf and the girl

He waves at them both

Edited by Baisteach on Jun 10th 2020 at 6:48:54 AM

One day you're here, baby / And then you're gone.....

ElenaOkami Most Anonymous Anon from Everywhere. So everywhere you don’t need a where Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: Singularity

Most Anonymous Anon

#5: Jun 10th 2020 at 6:49:39 PM

"It's sad. And here I thought they were going to hit the 'one week with no robberies' record.. " A girl who looked 16 with long red hair put in pigtails, bright yellow eyes wearing a rather short poofy pink dress, with some white and pink stockings and boots. On her head was a white bandana and an apron with a smiley gface and a rather large pocket rested on her dress.

The girl sighed as she rode her floating cutting board as a skateboard, catching up with the Wolf and the others with her.

"Some gringos never learn.." She mutters, her voice heavy with a Mexican accent

Edited by ElenaOkami on Jun 10th 2020 at 1:33:18 PM

Ever put tea in a coffee mug? Or coffee in a tea mug?

kablammin45 Dividing by zero over in the HGS thread from Misty Brook (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

Dividing by zero over in the HGS thread

#6: Jun 10th 2020 at 6:54:07 PM

(A small green pick-up truck is coming up the street in the direction of the museum. A few long-time residents might recognize the very faded logo for the old Granger Zoo on the driver side door. Of course, the old zoo had been closed for years by this point due to a freak accident involving a small meteor striking the arctic area. The story of how a meteor landed in the old zoo's arctic zone and granted sentience and superpowers to all of the animals within was now just another weird footnote in the city's history, but everybody who was a witness to the incident or knew what had happened to the animals there had certainly not forgotten about it by this point.)

(And the driver of this old pick-up truck was no different. Twenty-three year old Jared Spivey is currently en route to the museum with long-time companion Idun, known by most other people as Miss Ball. Once a normal seal whom Jared and his zookeeper parents had raised from puphood at the Granger zoo, the meteor granted Idun the ability to talk, walk on her back flippers like a human, and...the ability to spawn beach balls with all manner of properties out of thin air. A rather fitting, if also rather strange, ability for a seal such as herself.)

You're sure it was this museum, right? (Jared asks Miss Ball as he guns it down the street.)

Yeah, I think so! (The seal says as she tries to get the jumpsuit that she wears on. Of course, putting on a suit is still hard when you only have flippers to work with.)

Well, it'd better be because I have to be at the store to help open up in less than ten minutes! (Jared says, sounding a bit harried.)

(Miss Ball finally pokes her head out of the top of her jumpsuit and sees several of her superhero peers gathering around it.) Yep! Think this is the right one! Thanks for the lift, Jared!

(Jared is scarcely able to get out a "you're welcome" before Miss Ball springs out of the open truck window, immediately puts a beach ball beneath herself, grabs on to it, and goes bouncing down the street toward the museum where the other heroes are gathering around.) GANGWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...

(Jared can't help but shake his head with a small smile as he begins to turn his truck around.)


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! (Miss Ball finally rolls to a stop not far from the others. The beach ball she was riding on pops and she hurries over to everyone else.)

Heya, gang! So what's the sitch? Is it a heist or robbery or what?? (She asks.)

"Gosh, I hope this crazy adventure's over soon! I'm tired!"

CustardAndPie Oh Captain!~ from in a tank 'bout to steal yo girl Since: Apr, 2018 Relationship Status: Remembering what Mama said

Oh Captain!~

#7: Jun 10th 2020 at 6:58:10 PM

"Well," the Indian-Irish girl says to the sea lion, holding her wand close to her body, "there's intel of another f*ckin' robbery 'appenin' here."

Edited by CustardAndPie on Jun 10th 2020 at 11:42:32 AM

Hey how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying inside

ElenaOkami Most Anonymous Anon from Everywhere. So everywhere you don’t need a where Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: Singularity

Most Anonymous Anon

#8: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:05:02 PM

"Si, nothing new" The Mexican lowers the cutting board until it landed "So, any intel on today's customer?" She pulls out a frying pan from her apron, smiling

"So what's on today's menu? What'll be the plan?"

Ever put tea in a coffee mug? Or coffee in a tea mug?

DrNoPuma I'm not all there myself. from Dream Land (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of?

I'm not all there myself.

#9: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:06:28 PM

Radley watches the others go up to the museum.

"Eh, hanging back here is boring anyway."

"You're going now?" comes the voice of a middle-aged woman transmitted into Radley's head. "Be careful, Radley."

"No prob, Gina," says Radley. "This is gonna be fun."

Radley zooms down to meet the others.

"Hey, guys! Is it clobberin' time?" Radley bumps his fists together twice. "I am hyped."

Edited by DrNoPuma on Jun 10th 2020 at 10:11:14 AM

I know Disney's Cheshire Cat is considered an antagonist, but come on, he's adorable.

Baisteach Root of Star from Relationship Status: Brian Tyree Henry Since: Dec, 2019

Root of Star

#10: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:12:13 PM

"Not as of yet." The desi says, sardonically

The child is excited at the arrival of the animatronic practically bouncing on the tall man's shoulder

"Calm down, Majid. You're not gonna ride him"

Edited by Baisteach on Jun 10th 2020 at 7:13:55 AM

One day you're here, baby / And then you're gone.....

unfortunatezorua from the old, in the new yesterday (Five Long Years) Relationship Status: Wishing you were here

#11: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:13:06 PM

'Questionable fashion choices' was more or less on the mark for the kid approaching the back of the crowd now, what with the black cloak and contrasting white hair falling to chin-length; his outfit seemed pretty tech-heavy. Not the sort of thing you'd usually find on the front lines.

He seemed to be trying very hard not to shrink into himself.

"You're kidding..." —just a few decibels above a whisper. "I thought that was the last of them..."

Well, that’d be jus’ a waste. Why would ya want to deprive the world of such anomaly as yourself?

Mrperson2006 Scampton from A RIDE [[Around the bend]] Since: Aug, 2019 Relationship Status: A co*ckroach, nothing can kill it.


#12: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:13:58 PM

There, in what looked like an abandoned art studio, laid a small, tattered but well-cared for puppet, who we'll call Stitches. Suddenly, a light shone upon the puppet, and it twitched, it shook, and it came alive! From the same light, a control bar flew down from the sky, it's four strings connecting to the puppets arms and head and an unknown force pulled on it, hoisting the puppet up, allowing it to fly! Go, Little Puppet! Go and save the world! Make sure you say hi to your new friends!

Edited by Mrperson2006 on Jun 10th 2020 at 9:15:27 AM


kablammin45 Dividing by zero over in the HGS thread from Misty Brook (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

Dividing by zero over in the HGS thread

#13: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:14:05 PM

What, it really is another robbery? (Miss Ball says..) Tsk tsk, it feels like every week there's someone else causing trouble here. Who are we dealing with this time?

"Gosh, I hope this crazy adventure's over soon! I'm tired!"

Tre 82123 from the front to the back, that's where I was at (Unlucky Thirteen) Relationship Status: Singularity


#14: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:14:16 PM

Two blocks down from the museum, a dot blinked cyan at the top of the Frischman Industries building, looming wide over the rest of the Granger skyline at dawn. The antenna it was attached to rattled for a few moments, and even though no one was there to hear it, the proximity around it seemed to be filled with a sweeping noiseSUPER! - An ITT of Heroes, Villains and Questionable Fashion Choices (15), eventually culminating in a burst of low, rhythmic bass notes alongside a burst of brilliant teal light streaks atop the broadcast tower.

The flashes converged and formed the shape of a fellow with poofy hair — he had a black hoodie over a shirt that went over his face with a pixelated smile, adorned with shining turquoise stripes — and the digital being rocketed up at a skyward angle, then shifted himself back toward the ground, returning to his bright form before reforming in the shape of a paper airplane to the song playing on his old-but-well-loved music player.

You won’t go foolin’ me twice now baby
I’m sorry that’s the way it is
I let you get to me once now baby
Though I’ll never let you in again

Reforming into his regular self as he neared the airspace not far from the museum, the fellow — we’ll call him the Projector — landed on the rooftop with a roll, coming to a stop at the midpoint between two skylight windows, not far from the others, and yawned a little before taking note of the scene at hand.

Hey folks! Glad I had my coffee early today,” he says.

Edited by Tre on Jun 10th 2020 at 10:21:32 AM

oh, that's why I need this binary mind //

Konkfan7 Konknitive Dissonance from Roselle Since: May, 2013 Relationship Status: Armed with the Power of Love

Konknitive Dissonance

#15: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:18:11 PM

On the sidewalks leading to the museum, a slender young man was shambling his way there. He wore a somewhat ornate whitish robe with some green accents over his black trousers and silver boots. His faded bluish hair looked like it was inclined to be messy but was forcefully combed downward all around. He hated the fact that after having plenty of time to readjust, his body still felt like it was partially falling apart. Maybe it was related to why he couldn't remember who he was. Something left him injured in the body and mind... Regardless, he felt he couldn't be as effective a hero as he'd like if he was cursed to always travel this slowly. It was already a little difficult to be taken seriously when he was called "Dust Lord" of all things.

As Dust Lord was able to regroup with his fellow heroes, he took a moment to open his robe a bit. He ran his hand over the small jars with assorted sediments- sand, powder, some spices, etc...

They were still there, to his relief.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he came closer to his comrades.

"Sorry if I'm a bit late, my legs still haven't gotten any better" Dust Lord said in his usual aloof tone. "It's a robbery, yes? Any known suspect?"

DubhKafkaesque 1000-THR Earthmover from Scotland Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Plastic Love

1000-THR Earthmover

#16: Jun 10th 2020 at 7:47:20 PM

The werewolf breathes a sigh of relief, brushing a lock of long silver hair out of her eyes. Everyone has assembled in good time. When she speaks, the voice very much does not fit the face - it's soft, lilting, sweet-toned, with a heavy Midwestern accent that only serves to make it seem even stranger coming from the sharp-toothed wolf mouth.

"We believe it to be a robbery. That's generally why people attack the museum. But we have no confirmation, nor were the staff able to give any description of the perpetrator. Be on your guard - they could be anything."

be nice to benjamin it's not his fault he got beat up by a microbe

johannes4123 Mighty demon dog-thing from The southern parts of Norway Since: Oct, 2016 Relationship Status: In denial

Mighty demon dog-thing

#17: Jun 10th 2020 at 9:36:04 PM

A man covered completely from head to toe in body armor loads a mini gun and a rocket launcher as he walks up to the others

"They could be terrorists looking to kill as many as possible"

He prepares and anti-tank rifle

"We can't know for sure that they're not"

The thing that was gonna be powerful, then not, then powerful again

Bluethorn Just a Mettaur from Alligator New York City Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: Star-crossed

Just a Mettaur

#18: Jun 11th 2020 at 5:26:54 AM

A small, bipedal fox wearing a mask and a single glove on his right paw joins the rest of the group in front of the museum.

"I heard about the distress call," he says, adjusting his mask. "Any idea what it's about?"

A great Mascot Mook.

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#19: Jun 11th 2020 at 7:19:45 AM

A 15-year old Spanish girl quickly rushes nearby. She's wearing a poncho-like solid brown cape over a violet shirt and leggings. Her face is obscured with a similarly violet Domino Mask and a purple bandanna. Her shoulder-length dark hair is not tied, but stays there.

"Anything I missed?" She asks as she approaches White Wolf and waves at the Projector.

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

DrNoPuma I'm not all there myself. from Dream Land (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of?

I'm not all there myself.

#20: Jun 11th 2020 at 7:43:06 AM

Radley is delighted to see his fox friend.

"Hey, Phantompaw! I don't know what's up yet either, but great to see you!"

Edited by DrNoPuma on Jun 11th 2020 at 10:43:24 AM

I know Disney's Cheshire Cat is considered an antagonist, but come on, he's adorable.

Bluethorn Just a Mettaur from Alligator New York City Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: Star-crossed

Just a Mettaur

#21: Jun 11th 2020 at 5:32:42 PM

"You too," says Phantompaw, grinning. "So how have things been going?"

A great Mascot Mook.

DubhKafkaesque 1000-THR Earthmover from Scotland Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Plastic Love

1000-THR Earthmover

#22: Jun 11th 2020 at 8:12:30 PM

White Wolf smiles at the displays of friendship. She couldn't have asked for better teammates.

"So are we ready? I'm sure we could all navigate the museum blindfolded by now. We just need to find out who's causing trouble this time."

be nice to benjamin it's not his fault he got beat up by a microbe

Baisteach Root of Star from Relationship Status: Brian Tyree Henry Since: Dec, 2019

Root of Star

#23: Jun 11th 2020 at 8:32:13 PM

"Well, are we?" The larger man says gesturing towards the curly-haired boy into his shoulder

The boy responds by repositioning himself inside the back of the man's jacket, his arms hanging around his neck drawing (in Arabic) letters into it to relay his response

Yes, Jay Dee.

Edited by Baisteach on Jun 11th 2020 at 8:33:25 AM

One day you're here, baby / And then you're gone.....

kablammin45 Dividing by zero over in the HGS thread from Misty Brook (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

Dividing by zero over in the HGS thread

#24: Jun 11th 2020 at 8:39:30 PM

I'm ready to head in there to teach some bad guys a lesson whenever anyone else is! (Miss Ball says, spawning a beach ball and dribbling it.)

"Gosh, I hope this crazy adventure's over soon! I'm tired!"

CustardAndPie Oh Captain!~ from in a tank 'bout to steal yo girl Since: Apr, 2018 Relationship Status: Remembering what Mama said

Oh Captain!~

#25: Jun 11th 2020 at 8:43:15 PM

"Time to see what they're doin' all up in there..." Cailleach mutters, ready to pull out a card.

Hey how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying inside


Total posts: 74

SUPER! - An ITT of Heroes, Villains and Questionable Fashion Choices (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.