Remarkable Inns v.5b - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

Writers: Greg Rycerz, Katie Rose, Richie Lewin, and Chris van der Linden Editor: Mollie Claire Product Development: Chris van der Linden Game System Conversions: Benoit de Bernardy Illustrators: Thái Nguyen, Tugsbayar Jamts, Natasja van Gestel Tavern Illustrations: Guillaume Tavernier Cover Artwork: Thái Nguyen

Special Thanks To: Dan Dillon, Ric Mohri, Tom Huddleston Slater, Joshua Parry, Justin Handlin at the Crit Academy, Curt Simcox at Aurican’s Lair, Benoit de Bernardy at Goblin Stone, Chris Tang at One Bookshelf. Matt Sullivan, Florian Emmerich, Dennis Supetran, Niclas Magnusson, Andy Mullington, Jeremy Novak, Alex Nicholson, Joerie den Ouden, Jude Rowe, Levi Todd

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, sidebars, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the new monsters and magic items. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission. Copyright © 2017 Open Design.

Copyright © 2017 LoreSmyth Publishing


Table of Contents Every Story Has a Beginning... 4 Using This Book

Remarkable Inns



Whitewoods Inn


Inkeeper & Staff


Notable Patrons


Sleep Beneath The Trees


Notable Patrons Rumors & Secrets Food & Drinks


Commune With The Gods


Silent Persuasion


Fizzlenozzle’s Hall of Wonders


The Garden Portal


Whitewoods Specials


The Observatory


Luxury Suites


Step Inside, Mind Your Head


Rumors & Secrets


Magic & Delight


Gromm’s Aleforge


The Library of Wonders


Innkeeper & Staff


Inkeeper & Staff


Notable Patrons


Fizzlenozzle’s Specials


Aleforge Specials



Dwarven Comforts


Private Quarters


Rumors & Secrets


Regular Patrons


Moongate Cottage


Rumors & Secrets


Hummingbird Aide


The North Call Inn


The Essence of Enchantment


Inkeeper & Staff


Proprietor & Staff


The Tide of Seasons


Moongate Specials


Regular Patrons



Targuka, Spring Celebration


Regular Patrons


The North Call Specials


Rumors & Secrets


Rumors & Secrets


The Shivering Mirage



Magical Blue


Behind the Veil

Exotic Delights


Obsidian Eyes


Inkeeper & Staff


Inkeeper & Staff





Notable Patrons


Sleep Tight


Shivering Mirage Specials


Notable Patrons


Rumors and Secrets


Emerald Specials


The King’s Coin Inkeeper & Staff

24 25

Accommodations25 Say The Word


Notable Patrons


Rumors & Secrets




Emerald Falls

Bringing Your Inns To Life Disposition

44 44

Disposition Levels


The Effects Of Disposition


Being Favored


tHE innkEEpEr’S autHority Gaining The Innkeeper’s Favor


46 46


Never Tell Me The Odds!


Sensing Danger


The Virtues Of Low Security


Getting Away With Murder


WEaltH & priCES


Poor Establishments


Wealthy Establishments


It Comes For All


The Weeping River


The Oarless Boat


The Siege On Krykk Castle


The Gems of Yakuzi


The Faceless Men of Wyt


duElS & Bar figHtS Creating Epic Brawls

CrEating your oWn inn

67 68


Unusual Locations


Inn Characteristics

74 75

lodging & SErviCES


Common Services


Decorating Your Inn

Uncommon Services


Respected Trustee


100 Memorable Things To Characterize Your Tavern 75

Postal & Messaging


Creating the Innkeeper & Servants

Exotic Services


Appearance & Personality


Work & training


Deepen Your NPC’s




100 Story Hooks For Your Inn


food & drinkS


Common Dishes & Drinks


Scarcity & Preserving Food


More Than Just Beer


outlandiSH diSHES & drinkS

Special Thanks to our Backers

83 84


Delightful Tea & Drinks


Magical Draughts


gamES & gamBling


Common Games


Distracting Opponents & Cheating


Extraordinary gamES

tHE laSt round





The Wall


The King’s Court


Golden Mermaid




SongS & talES


Quilla’s Favored Songs & Tales


The Ghost Of Hileard Hall




EVERY STORY HAS A BEGINNING... “I’ve seen the Aurelian Gate, and walked the ever frozen planes of Nuy’hadd. I’ve marveled at the shimmering lights coloring the night sky over Jauzun. I’ve watched the wonders of magic play tricks on children and grown men alike. I’ve tasted the meat of the Whitewoods owlbear and the wondrous gusto of gnomish melidieur. But there is nothing like coming home to my beloved North Call Inn. A welcoming grin from Ared, the smell of Hagshot in the air … I could sit at those salt licked windows overlooking the sea until my bones turn to dust”. ~ Quilla Bladesong, retired adventurer


hether at the outset of a quest or during that dire moment when the heroes finally acquire a crucial bit of information, inns and taverns play an essential role

in any adventure. It is here where weary feet find respite after journeying through the wilderness, or where the battle-worn heroes recoup over a tankard of foamy Dwarven ale. This is where plans are sketched out and bonds are forged; the place to trade information and form alliances.

Inns set the stage of daily life, where every resident plays a pivotal role. At the bar, the town guard blows off steam after an eventful watch. Cold travelers cross the threshold into the warm glow of a roaring hearth, their fingers reaching for the fire. High-class merchants find common ground with working folk in the comforts of a pint of ale and a plate of hot food. Inns and taverns are the centers of gossip, rumors, and trade throughout the realm. A handshake in the smoky light of a tavern has sealed countless deals; more fodder for the rumor mills hidden in whispers and shadows.

Using This Book Several richly detailed inns and their taverns are listed within, along with additional NPC’s to add flavor and intrigue to your unique campaign. Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks provides a wealth of inspiration and options to the GM who enjoys crafting engrossing adventures. The optional gameplay rules allow the GM to deepen their world building; turning otherwise ordinary tavern visits into memorable roleplaying experiences.

Section 1: Remarkable Inns During many travels, Quilla Bladesong kept detailed notes of every place she visited. Her findings are chronicled in this book, presenting you the world’s most (in)famous and outright strange inns. They are waiting for you and your players to be discovered and experienced, to become a permanent and memorable fixture in


your game world. Each tavern has a remarkable history, memorable characters, and intriguing story hooks. Every establishment is carefully designed to be easily woven into an existing campaign, and present numerous roleplaying opportunities.

Section 2: Bringing Your Inns To Life Once your heroes set foot in a tavern, it’s your task to bring them to life. This chapter offers new gameplay mechanics, roleplaying ideas, story hooks, songs & tales, bar fights and more. And this is just the beginning! We encourage you to be inspired and make it your own. The specific properties of the taverns described in Section 1 are covered in this chapter.

Section 3: Create Your Own Inn Like creating your own places? This chapter helps you create your own unique taverns and populate them with interesting NPC’s. Fill your world with memorable places for your heroes to discover and return to. Filled to the brim with useful random generation tables and options, you will never run out of ideas!


e would like to take this moment to issue a special thanks to everyone who helped make this book a reality. On behalf of the entire LoreSmyth team, I wish you countless hours of fun with this book.

Yours truly, Chris van der Linden



Section 1

Whitewoods Inn Wealth









10 normal, 3 luxury suites


Stables, Lodging, Common Repairs, Hunting Excursions


Huntsmasters, Rangers, Mountaineers


Orcs (mild)

“A skilled hunter can track and kill an owlbear. Nobles, on the other hand, hire us to do the work while they trail behind, toasting to another glorious hunting excursion.” ~ Khiiral Laeroth, Whitewood Elf Ranger beyond the brazier. Behind the desk, a hallway


he road to Yuhnn, the enchanted Elven city in the north, takes travelers through the Whitewoods forest. Here, trees of unimaginable width and height produce a landscape

unlike anywhere else in the world. Nestled at the base of the Yuhnndil Mountains, their canopy creates a cathedral devoted to nature. At the edge of this magnificent forest stands the Whitewoods Inn. A favorite hunting destination for nobility, travelers heading north stop here to rest and hire guides for the journey ahead.

Built by Elvish tradesmen, this massive structure

leads to guest rooms. High ceilings, carved wood beams, chandeliers fashioned from antlers, and various large game taxidermy busts adorn the walls. Hand carved whitewood tables placed throughout the room can accommodate parties of any size. By the massive hearth, a collection of leather chairs and couches create the perfect place for warming extremities, enjoying a beverage, and recounting the more dramatic events of a recent hunting excursion.

Inkeeper & Staff Dakath lorsan (male half-elf, aristocrat) Tall, fair-skinned with dark hair and crystal blue

crafted from whitewood logs boasts several

eyes; Dakath’s elven features are prominent. His

magnificent greystone chimneys. Valets attend a

quick wit and soothing manner can calm even

carriage port three coaches wide; a shelter from

the most irate noble. As a young half-elf he had

the frequent snowfall. A sign hangs above the

trouble being accepted by his kin and wanted to

large carved wooden doors. Carved upon its face

prove his usefulness. He proposed building the

in the Elvish script is an invitation to enter: “All

inn to the Whitewood elders as a way to keep up

Welcome”. The reception area boasts a sizable

relations with neighboring kingdoms, gaining

stone brazier burning sweet smelling logs and

Whitewood access to useful knowledge and

aromatic spices. On the walls, painted murals

training. His proposal worked. Dakath’s efforts

depict hunting scenes of owlbears, great elk and

have made the inn a renowned destination, one

snow leopards felled by brave hunters.

that nobles are particularly keen on. The extra

Guests can locate the reception desk a few feet


influence Whitewood elf rangers have established

in foreign courts is a nice bonus and keeps the

unmatched. Given his innate skill set, he is in

elves informed of the political intrigue throughout

charge of training up elf rangers and guiding

the kingdoms.

excursions into the woods.

Nyliana Ellisar (Female Half-Elf Commoner) - Strikingly beautiful with long

notaBlE patronS

white hair worn in an elaborate braid, Nyliana is the hostess for the tavern. Easy to spot in her favorite azure gown, she attends to every guest’s needs for food, drinks, and entertainment. Patrons remember her fine features and graceful demeanor, but Nyliana remembers everything else. Nothing in the inn escapes her notice, better for her if the information would fetch a few gold

Rilisafel Nightwater (female Half-Elf Druid) - With rosy pink hair, wide violet eyes and flawless fair skin, Rilisafel is a wonderous sight. She wears druid vestments fashioned from fine leather, and brandishes a staff crafted from Acacia wood, with blue crystals at one end. Rilisafel is a druid of the grasslands, who travels to the Whitewoods in search of knowledge. She


has been on the hunt for the fabled Green Woman,

Faelyn corym (Female Elf Commoner)

living things, both good and evil. She returns to

What Faelyn lacks in height, she makes up for with cheerful energy. Dakath often jokes that he scored two employees for the price of one when he hired Faelyn as bartender. Whether it’s about a recent hunt or traveling on the road, she’s always eager to hear guest’s stories while they enjoy one

said to visit females and impart knowledge of all the Whitewoods at specific times during the year, when she believes the Green Woman is present in the forest. Although her research has been exhaustive, she has yet to encounter the Green Woman face-to-face. She may enlist the aid of adventurers who are also seeking knowledge of

of her signature drinks.

the natural world.

Adamar shael (Male Elf Commoner)


Concierge for the Whitewoods Inn, Adamar ensures guests are comfortable, paying special attention to nobles staying. He knows the regular patron’s desires and fulfills their every wish, no matter how peculiar or taboo.

Rhys lorsan (Male elf Ranger) Serious mannered with sharp elvish features, Dakath’s father is a Whitewood ranger and the inn’s Hunt master. He knows every inch of the Whitewoods and his archery skills remain

The Whitewoods Inn is a full service resort as well as a rest stop for weary travelers. In addition to the staff members listed above, there are a number of kitchen, housekeeping and general service staff members on site. Whitewood Rangers provide security for the affluent clientele. The inn has approximately ten standard rooms for travelers. Small but comfortable,


room contains two single beds and a small table – suitable

WHISPER NEREBETH (ELF MALE RANGER) A ranger from the southern islands, Whisper stands tall and proud with an unblinking stare. Despite his slight build, he is remarkably agile and gifted with the longbow. His talent has earned him a position in Rhys’s training program, and of all the elf rangers, he shows the most promise. Adventurers seeking a skilled guide for a hunting excursion or travel through the mountain pass may hire Whisper.


WHitEWoodS SpECialS Whitewood Wine – 2sp/glass, 5sp/bottle Frost grapes, juniper berries, and whitewood seed oil aged in whitewood casks, produces this blood red wine. Lush sweet acidity goes down smooth with a refreshing finish. It pairs well with the gamey flavor of owlbear and elk steaks. A word of caution: its intensity has had naïve nobles promising lands and daughters to the serving staff after two or three glasses. The wine has the peculiar property of attracting owlbears if drunk while out in the surrounding woods. Whitewood elf rangers say it mimics owlbear pheromones and encourage guests to drink while on a hunting excursion to increase the chances of an owlbear sighting. Special Effect – When you consume Whitewood wine, you gain resistance to cold damage for 1d4 hours, and you must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage to your Charisma checks for the same duration. You also become more likely to attract owlbears while under the effect of the beverage; every hour, any owlbear in a one mile radius around you can make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to pick up your scent and be drawn to you.

Wolf Howl Ale – 8cp/mug This hoppy ale, spiced with cinnamon and apple, has a refreshing sharp taste with a warming finish. A true brew crafter’s ale, the elves prefer the complex flavors of this drink. Many dwarves scoff at adding fruit to the brewing process but secretly admire the elves’ skill.

Faelyn’s Finest – 3sp/glass A mixture of citrus and melon spirits, enhanced with ginger root and tart berries, this drink has a fresh flavor that will make your cares melt away. A favorite of noble ladies and handmaids, Faelyn keeps this recipe a secret. Many courtiers have tried to persuade her to divulge the ingredients so they could serve it at court and be the talk of the gentry. Special Effect – When you drink a glass of Faelyn’s Finest, you must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you take a -2 penalty to your Charisma and Intelligence scores for the next 1d2 hours.

Grilled Owlbear Steak – 1gp/plate A full pound cut, grilled to the customer’s liking, and topped with a pat of herbed butter, each tender bite fills the palette with a satisfying flavor. Accompanied with fresh vegetables and roasted purple potatoes, rumor has it that this meal will strengthen all who enjoy it. Special Effect – Eating Owlbear steak gives you a feeling of strength and vigor. You gain a +2 bonus to your Strength score for 1d4+1 hours.

Hunter’s Stew – 6sp/bowl Cuts of wild game simmered with pickled vegetables concoct this hearty stew. It is the perfect meal after hunting in the frosty woods. A favorite of woodsman and hunters alike, this dish is the comfort food of the Whitewood elves.


for map reading, in-room dining or writing bad

WhiteWooD loDge

rumorS & SECrEtS

poetry while staring out the leaded glass windows at the snow-capped trees.

Noble Marriage – With a vice grip on the

Nobles — or those able to pay the hefty price —

lowest nobility class, Vilhem Pryce Enri the Third

enjoy a higher standard of accommodation. These

is closer to being an untitled peer than advancing

rooms fall into three classes: the Earl Suites, the “A skilled hunter can track and kill an owl bear. Nobles Duke Suites, and the King Suites. Each lavishly on the other hand, hire us to do it for them while they appointed suite and includes a bunkroom for ride behind and sip Whitewood wine.” servants. The large parlor is the centerpiece of the

his status. He spends his time entertaining other

Earl Suites. Here, couches and chairs offer a place ~ Khiiral Laeroth, Whitewood Elf Ranger to relax hearthside. A large table allows in-suite

to impress the recently widowed duch*ess of the

dining or the conducting of business. The road to Yuhnn, enchanted

and her hand in marriage. Instead, rumors have


city in the north, takes

l uxurythrough SuitESthe travelers

Whitewoods forest. Here, Off the parlor are three large trees of unimaginable height bedrooms, each outfitted create a landscape unlike with a large canopy bed and anywhere else in the world. all the furnishings necessary With pearl white bark and for a comfortable stay. A narrow trunks that can stretch as wide as butler’s pantry also connects to the a farmhouse, these wonders create parlor, and serves as the entrance to a cathedral devoted to nature at the the servant’s bunkroom. base of the Yuhnndil Mountains. At the edge of this magnificent forest stands The Duke Suites are of similar the Whitewood Lodge. A favorite design; however, their furnishings hunting destination for nobility, and appointments are of a distinctly travelers heading north stop here to more refined quality. rest and hire guides for the journey ahead. Built by elvish tradesmen, King Suites span the size of this massive structure is crafted two Duke Suites, yet have only two from logs of young Whitewoods and bedrooms: one for the king, and one boasts several magnificent greystone for the queen, should she accompany chimneys. A carriage port wide enough her Lord. These suites include a parlor for for three coaches shelters travelers from receiving guests, and a library for the king to the frequent snow showers. Valets lead horses attend royal business, should the need arise. and coaches to a large stable while guests go in to warm themselves. A sign with the words “All Nobility suites include an attached bathing Welcome” written in elvish hangs above the large room which boasts a heated bath for soaking, and carved wooden doors inviting travelers inside. a sauna. The Whitewoods Inn sits above a natural The reception area boasts a sizable stone brazier hot mineral spring; locals believe the waters have burning sweet smelling logs and aromatic spices. healing properties. On the walls, painted murals depict hunting

petty nobility and those in the upper echelons of society, as a means of creating a notorious - but respectable enough - reputation. His intent is Westerlands in an attempt to secure her favor … sprouted that Vilhem is responsible for the Duke’s untimely demise, intentionally leaving the duch*ess vulnerable and desperate to save her fortune. Convinced of Vilhem’s involvement in the Duke’s death, the handmaids of the duch*ess seek justice. They are looking to hire adventurers with stealth and intelligence to investigate and find evidence of Vilhem’s misdeeds.

Mysterious Deaths – Recently there has been series of mysterious deaths, including the massacre of an entire hunting party. Each case appears to be the work of an owlbear. Dakath and his staff are trying to keep this secret. Rhys believes that an ancient deity has awakened, choosing to manifest as an exceptionally strong — and large — owlbear. Some believe the deity is angry over trespassers. These trespassers unknowingly desecrated the resting place of the old gods in the deep woods. Adventurers who earn Rhys’s trust may learn of this dilemma and receive an invitation to hunt down this spirit or try to reason with it.

scenes of owlbears, great elk and snow leopards being felled by brave sportsmen. A reception desk is located beyond the brazier. Behind it, a hallway curves to the right, leading to guest rooms. High ceilings, ornately carved wood beams, chandeliers


gromm’S alEforgE Wealth









15 normal rooms


Common repairs, Armorer & Blacksmith, Gemstone appraisals


Traders, Miners, Mercenaries


Elves (unwelcoming), Wizards (unwelcoming), Sorcerers (intolerant)

“Dragon Dice? Three Card Ante? Troll Knuckles? What’s yer game? Or would ye rather we go shot for shot of Matilda’s? Ye surfacers are all the same. Talk big but ye got no stones! Come, have a drink with me before I punch ye for dressing funny!” ~ Brogan Hammerfist, Dwarf Fighter

ust inside the Glum’durr Mountains


tables and chairs adorned with elaborate motifs

sits a grand dwarf hold: The

depicting debauchery and feats of strength are

Dimhall. Hewn from blue granite,

scattered about. A white marble hearth in the

a large marketplace populates its

center of the tavern has the appearance of a

center; the Dimhall’s trade zone.

forge retired from service. Barmaids loiter here,

Visitors come to buy and sell goods

warming ale with iron rods. Ten large barrels

with the dwarves or simply experience dwarf

lay on their sides behind the bar. From their

hospitality: gulping down strong ale, gambling,

hammered brass taps pour the finest ales and

and the occasional fistfight.

wines in all seven-dwarf holds. A small door

Gromm’s Aleforge is the only inn in the trade zone and serves as a common meeting place. The king prohibits outsiders from entering the inner halls without his permission. Surrounded by smiths and armorers, the carved stone façade has the appearance of a grand temple dedicated to the craft of stone shaping. Granite pillars inscribed with dwarven runes flank the entrance to the tavern. Pushing through the smooth stone doors, one is immediately awestruck with the grandeur of dwarvish skill with hammer and chisel. Warm light from continuous flame torches and table lanterns illuminates the space. Gray granite


leading to the kitchen hangs next to the first barrel. Hung above the barrels are war hammers, short swords, and battle-axes. Long retired but still sharp, these weapons are the barkeep’s bestkept secret. Opposite the bar is the entrance to the guest room hall.

GROMM OAKENKRACKER (MALE DWARF FIGHTER) The Innkeeper - Covered in battle scars (but kindhearted), Gromm fought in the Seven Year Siege to defend Dimhall. For his valiant effort, he earned a handsome reward from the king. After the king issued a formal decree, declaring construction of the trade zone, Gromm used his treasure to build the Aleforge. A lively sort, he enjoys comparing battle scars and stories and never refuses an arm wrestling challenge. Since retiring from soldiering he’s learned to craft ales in the traditional Dwarven way. Each ale is named for a fallen comrade and Gromm will gladly tell tales of their glory.

innkEEpEr & Staff Matilda Helenskag (Female Dwarf Fighter) Matilda is Gromm’s wife. She has long red braids that reach halfway down her back and a kind face that bares a faint scar on her left cheek. She and Gromm fell in love during the war and have been inseparable since. Matilda is a skilled brewer who has mastered crafting bock ales, stronger and thicker drinks with high alcohol content.

Trinn, Tessa, And Tyra Helenskag (Female Dwarf Fighters) - Orphaned during the Seven Year Siege, these teenage sisters were taken in by Gromm and Matilda. They are the Aleforge’s barmaids. All three are very attractive by dwarf standards with black locks and full figures. The three are also tough and able fighters. When patrons argue and fists turn to unsheathed blades, Trinn and Tessa will put a stop to it. Tyra is the youngest of the three. While her older sisters usually break up fights, she will lend a hand if needed. All three carry concealed daggers in their bodices.

Brok And Brom Oakenkracker (Male Dwarf Commoners) - Gromm and Matilda’s sons are always getting into trouble. The boys delight in mischief: tying laces to chairs, loosening belt buckles, or switching regular Red Ale for Fire Bock. They can be found scrubbing floors at closing time as punishment for their latest prank.

notaBlE patronS Eokim October (Male Human Cleric) Tall and round bellied, robed in priest vestments, Eokim is a connoisseur of fine libations. He is here to sample the finest dwarven brews – and bless all those in need, of course. Eokim has heard a rumor of an ancient dwarf ruin somewhere in these mountains brimming with great riches. Among the countless gems and gold coins told to be in these ruins, is the treasure Eokim is most interested in, a recipe for the fabled Wizard’s Brew. Legends tell of an ale loving wizard who magically concocted a brew so delicious that it can change evil aligned creatures to good. He is willing to share the rumor with adventurers, and let them keep any treasure they find, so long as they understand that the recipe belongs to him alone.

Yorik Copperpot (Male Human Guard) Middle-aged with thinning hair and an unkempt beard, Yorik looks to be near the end of his years as a caravan guard. His face and arms are a tapestry of scars, badges of the many bandit raids he’s thwarted over the years. Heroes can find him in the tavern chatting with other caravan guards. On the way to Dimhall, he spotted a party of goblin scouts. Yorik knows that where there are goblins, orcs are nearby. Worried about the return journey, he is looking for some extra swords to hire.


alEforgE SpECialS Thurgan’s Red Ale – 2sp/pint The shaft of Thurgan’s battle-axe is stained red from the blood of his kills. It hangs on this barrel of ale like a badge of honor. This crimson ale goes down easy with a clean finish, much like a blade cutting through an enemy’s flesh.

Laif’s Golden Ale – 2sp/pint Laif’s golden hair, a rarity for a dwarf, gained him special attention from the ladies. This golden ale has a crisp, citrus taste and is a favorite of the fairer sex who frequent the tavern.

Pern’s Brown Ale – 2sp/pint Pern wore light leather armor dyed a deep walnut color. He said the armor was easier to move in, allowing him to swing his war pick faster. This brown ale goes down quick with a strong nutty flavor.

Matilda’s Fire Bock – 1sp/shot Brewed with copious amounts of cinnamon and beet sugar, this concoction is more liqueur than ale. Sweet and spicy, many regulars challenge each other to drink shot after shot of the fiery brew.

Three Sisters Black Bock – 3sp/pint Named after the Helenskag daughters, this rich Bock Ale is full of nutty, coffee flavors. And just like the girls, it will knock you off your feet if you are not careful.

Goblin’s Blood Wine – 5sp/glass Imported from one of the other dwarf clan vineyards, Goblin’s Blood is tart and strong. This burgundy wine is drafted from the barrel into a flagon and served in a wooden goblet.

Thoros Stonestorm (Male Dwarf Paladin)


Battlemaster: Battle Axes, Two-Handed Fighting, Heavy Armor, Combat Tactics

Broad shouldered, stout, and standing taller than the average dwarf, Thoros is an intimidating figure. His long black hair connects to an equally long beard, adorned with braids and gold rings. He is the captain of the guard and a good friend of Gromm Thoros will gladly tell stories of the great battles they fought together, praising his patron god for his many blessings. Thoros has told Gromm of the trouble the king has had of late, and can be counted on to support Gromm whenever called.

Dandora Splitstone (Female Dwarf Commoner) – Dandora is a foreman in the mines below and is a regular of the Aleforge. Usually, she is spotted in a cozy booth with her husband after a hard day’s work. Lately, however, she has been sitting at the bar alone. Several weeks ago her husband, along with several crew members, disappeared after a cave-in near the deepest part of the mine known as “the pit”. A rescue crew reported no bodies were found. Dwarf miners are hardy folk, able to dig themselves out of a cave in. By now, they would have returned home or sent word with a returning crew. This is not the first time miners have vanished. Twelve miners have gone missing in similar circ*mstances. Unsettled by the disappearances of their friends and the frequencies of these caveins, many miners are now refusing to work. Those that remain are refusing to venture deeper into


the mine for potential profits. Superstitious locals believe a curse or evil presence must be the culprit behind all this upheaval. Those who notice the sadness on Dandora’s face can ask her for details. If adventurers decide to help, Dandora can act as a guide in the deep mines.

dWarvEn ComfortS The fifteen guest rooms are carved out of rock but have wooden floors, walls, and ceilings to make visitors more comfortable, especially those unaccustomed to underground lodging. Like the tavern hall, continuous flame sconces provide light without the smoke from traditional candles. The king asked Gromm to make the Gromm’s Aleforge comfortable for guests to drive trade and commerce in Dimhall. Each room is furnished with four beds with footlockers, a table, and four chairs. Thick feather mattresses provide a restful sleep. A small shelf in each room holds several books on dwarf lore and history.

rumorS & SECrEtS Possessed - There is a rumor going around the trade zone that the king’s daughter, Karin, has been kidnapped. City guards who visit the Gromm’s Aleforge have said as much in conversation after a few too many ales. As a close friend of the king, Gromm knows this is false. He knows the truth is that an evil spirit has possessed her.

Gromm’s Maul - Fastened to one of the barrels of ale behind the bar, is an orc maul. In a fierce battle toward the end of the war, Gromm killed the orc commander to whom it belonged. The maul was cursed to absorb the soul of its owner if they fell in battle. This maul is a magical sentient weapon (LE, +1 maul, +3 vs. Dwarves) that desires to be wielded by an orc once more and to kill dwarves. Since orcs never enter the Gromm’s Aleforge, it will try to coerce half-orcs of neutral alignment to into taking it. The maul will call to any half-orc that comes within 20 feet. Half-orcs must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the half-orc will be compelled to jump over the bar, grab the maul and attack the nearest dwarf.

Knowledge Supreme - The Sky Diamond is a powerful artifact once in the possession of the dwarves who settled in this mountain range. This deep blue gem is the size of a dwarf’s head and bestows upon its owner supreme knowledge of ancient magic. A shape shifting Raksasha came to Dimhall in search of the fabled gem. Disguising itself as a dwarf, it made its way down to the deepest part of the mine. Realizing the search would involve intense manual labor, the Raksasha decided to charm some of the miners to serve as slaves. Enslaved miners have been hard at work digging tunnels into the rock where legend describes the gem’s resting place, creating a network of dead-end passages and highly unstable areas.

About a month ago, Karin received a porcelain doll as gift from an emissary of a neighboring human city. This emissary was charmed by an orc shaman, giving the doll as part of a gift of friendship. The orc shaman now controls Karin like a puppet, seeing all that Karin sees, and speaking through her. The king has locked his daughter away to hide her from his subjects. Believing the human lord ordered his wizard to curse the doll, the dwarf king is now preparing for war with the humans. This is all part of the Orc’s plan to weaken the dwarves in order to invade Dimhall as vengeance for their losses in the Seven Year Siege.


Moongate Cottage

their ignorant greed threatened the existence of these portals. The sacred words were relegated to children’s stories, something mothers would tell










6 rooms


Potion Brewing, Healing, Spell Component Research,

their children as they tucked them into their beds at night. The elves, however, did not forget. These upright stone circles continue to hold magic from that forgotten time and can still be used by those


Fey Magic, Druids, Nature Lore


Evil Alignments (Hateful)

“On moonlit nights cool and clear, ‘round stones of grey far and near, Speak friend, not foe, Click heel to toe, nd enter the fey without fear.” ~ Excerpt of a children’s poem


ot many know of the Moongate Cottage. It is a children’s fairy story, a rumor on the lips of drunkards, the desperate hope of travelers lost deep in the woods. Those who know the cottage keep its

location a closely guarded secret. Fey creatures can peer into a person’s soul. Anyone with a malicious heart is forever exiled from the fey realm … or worse. The lucky few who possess this information pass it only to their kinsmen or those worthy of the knowledge.

who remember how. When moonlight casts its glow onto a Moongate, one can touch the stone circle and recite these words to activate the portal: “I wish to return to the Fey, To eat and drink and sing with Shaye, Health, merriment, and camaraderie await, For this night I return through the gate.” If the correct words are spoken, the Moongate comes to life. An electric blue aura illuminates the circle, revealing a murky image of the realm beyond. Through the portal, a quaint cottage sits in a grassy field at the end of a cobblestone path. Tall trees surround the glade, illuminated by a full moon hanging in the star filled sky. Fireflies dance in the shadows, tree frogs croak in chorus, and a cool breeze kisses your face as you walk toward the house.

Hummingbird Aide Wildflowers and thistle blossom atop the structure, anchored by a sod roof. Intricate

Eons ago, before the age of many races, elves

designs painted upon the stucco façade mirror

and fey lived in harmony. Some of the gods

flowering trees and

became restless in this season of peace. Gods of

Warm light

war, gods of darkness, gods of pestilence, and

casts out of a

gods of greed were unwanted. In their boredom,

small, circular

they began introducing creatures that would

window in

challenge the elves’ superiority. Disgusted by the

the door.

destruction and waste encroaching on their once

Carved into the

peaceful domain, the fey decided to retreat to the

wood around the

Fey Realm. Their love for the elves inspired the

window are the

creation of the Moongates, a method of travel

words: Knock

between the Fey Realm and the Realm of Men.

Thrice, Then

Under the light of the moon, an elf visitor would

Enter. If the

speak particular words to activate the gate.

instructions are

As the other races grew in number and power,


not followed, the


door will remain shut. These words are written in ancient Fey, unknown to most creatures. Not completely heartless, if a pure hearted creature is having trouble reading the script; the fey will send a hummingbird to flit over the window, temporarily changing the text into common language. If any visiting creature has ill intent or an impure heart, the powerful magic of the Fey Realm will shove the creature back through the portal. The creature will awaken in the Realm of Men stunned and confused, unable to recognize the Moongates for what they are.

The Essence of Enchantment

Proprietor & Staff Shaye (Female Feyling Druid) - Shaye is an ancient Feyling who has been in existence since the creation of the Fey. Long silver hair falls over her slender shoulders framing the sharp, delicate features of her face. A simple blue dress hangs on her body accented by a white apron. She is a chosen of Dayna, the fey goddess of hospitality and healing. The Moongate Inn is an ancient place that has been entrusted to her. Amiable and well disposed, she provides food and healing to any friend of the Fey.

Entering the cottage, the combined scents of

Abraxas Moonfang (Female Faerie Dragon Warlock) - Abraxas is Shaye’s familiar. Her

cedar, pipe smoke, roasting meats, and spices

body is covered in green, blue, and yellow scales.

envelope guests in aromatic comfort. The first

Her eyes are glassy yellow. From her chin hangs

sight is a cozy sitting room with a fire blazing in

a short crimson beard. She can be found in the

a large stone hearth. Grainy, knotty wood walls

sitting room, smoking a pipe while reading.

appear to have naturally grown into their places,

Before she was bonded to Shaye, Abraxas formed

not placed by laborer’s hands. A rustic humidor

a pact with the fey god of dark and hidden magic,

filled with an assortment of smoking herbs, pipes,

Yadviga. She knows many secrets of the arcane

and rolling papers stands opposite the fireplace.

arts. Abraxas show mages how to obtain the

Alongside the humidor, a carved hutch holds wine

knowledge through study and meditation.

and liquor bottles along with goblets and cups for guests who enjoy a strong drink with their smoke. Floor-to-ceiling bookcases built into the far wall overflow with texts on magic, history, and ancient lore. Near the hearth, chairs of all styles and sizes are placed in cozy groupings. A doorway to the

Melomar “Copperfist” Broganshire (Male Dwarf Paladin)


Battlemaster: Long Bow, Short Bow, Mounted Archery (especially warboars), Coded Signals

right of the hearth leads to the dining room. To

A master of arms long retired, Melomar still

the left, a staircase leads to the second floor.

hones his archery skills by hunting game for the

Grapevines and willow branches have been

inn. During The Great Battle, he lost one hand to

woven together to fashion a long table with

a nasty orc bite. Bloodied and badly injured, he

seating for fifteen guests. Chandeliers fashioned

continued fighting to help his fellow dwarves win

from flowering vines hang from the rafters, each

the day. Impressed with his bravery, his patron

imparting a soft, warm light. Polished wooden

god blessed him with a new hand made of copper.

plates and copper utensils are carefully arranged

Melomar has short brown hair and a short beard -

into artful place settings. Large copper platters

by dwarf standards, that is. Braids fastened with

form a tantalizing tablescape of hand pies, honey

copper rings complement his modest, yet tasteful

cakes, and roasted root vegetables. Enormous

attire. A mighty copper fist is embroidered on the

paintings depicting wondrous places in the fey

chest of his tunic. Melomar also can teach the

realm complete the decor. A door on the far side

unique skill of using a horn to send coded signals

leads to the kitchen.

across the battlefield.


moongatE SpECialS Silverberry Brandy – 3sp/glass Silverberry is a sweet stone fruit. Its naturally intoxicating properties activate when swallowed. Visitors in need of a healing are given a silverberry to ease their pain. Fermenting into a brandy enhances this effect tenfold. The liquid has a silver color and looks very much like mercury in a glass. A small amount is enough to make a half-orc stumble and see double. Special Effect – When you drink a glass of Silverberry brandy, you have disadvantage on your Dexterity and Constitution checks, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning damage for 1d4 hours. You also regain 1d4+2 HP.

White Moon Mead – 1sp/glass This pale mead is made with a piece of honeycomb from a flutter bee hive. Part butterfly, part bumblebee these nocturnal creatures produce a crystal clear honey that is perfect for mead making. This drink has a crisp, herby taste with a sweet finish. White Moon mead is a favorite in the Fey Realm and most drink it with meals.

Bumbly Bubbly – 2sp/glass This effervescent pink beverage has an opalescent sheen that shimmers and sparkles in the light. Its sickly sweet to the taste and makes your tongue tingle as you drink. With each sip an inexplicably joyous feeling washes over you. Special Effect – When you drink a glass of Bumbly Bubbly, you gain advantage on your Charisma checks and on your Constitution saving throws for the next one hour.

White Stag Venison Roast – 1gp/plate The White Stag is a majestic beast found only in the Fey Realm. Hunting only the older stags does not upset the balance of the natural order, leaving the fey folk to enjoy this flavorful dish on occasion. Roasted with apples and honey, the meat is sweetened and caramelized to perfection. Served with fresh greens and mead at the Moongate Cottage, this meal is fit for royalty. Special Effect – After eating the roast, you have advantage on your Constitution checks and your Constitution saving throws for the next one hour.

Fiddlehead and Morel Bread – 1sp This hearty vegetarian meal is a staple in the Fey Realm. Fiddlehead ferns and pixie mushrooms are lightly roasted then layered on flattened bread with chunks of goat cheese. Special Effect – One serving of Fiddlehead and Morel Bread allows you to lose one level of exhaustion, and you do not have to eat again for one full day.

Moon Bun – 2sp A white round loaf stuffed with mushrooms, vegetables, and spices. A filling and portable meal, one of these can sate a Half-Orc for two days. Special Effect – When eaten, you regain 1d4+1 HP, and you do not have to eat again for three full days, or two days if you are a half-orc.



for their assistance. If the Heroes decide to follow

At the top of the stairs guests will find themselves

will greet them. These dragons consume the souls

in a short hallway with four doors. On the walls

of the living, and are routinely used by the fey to

of the hallway hang pictures of nobility and the

remove unworthy creatures from their realm. Just

pantheon of fey gods. Each richly carved door opens to a spacious, yet cozy bedroom. The rooms are full of natural looking furniture, as if it grew into place from the floors and walls. Each room has four sumptuous featherbeds on bunks. Storage lockers are built into the walls. A table that can accommodate a party of four sits near a wooden hutch. Inside the hutch is an assortment of tea and drinking vessels. A small stone fireplace heats the room and can be used to boil water. Above each bunk is a small shelf of books; primarily

Just Juniper to the Twilight Cave, a shadow dragon

Juniper finds this hilarious, and enjoys tricking adventurers into her twisted games.

Bran Pendergrass (Male Elf Priest) - Heroes will find this elf priest in the sitting room, clothed in an elegant, yet simple, tunic and robe. A silver circlet adorns his white hair, which falls past his shoulders. Bran carries a wooden staff with holy symbols carved into its shaft. The high priest of the Shovaughn Valley clan has come to the Fey

elvish tales and histories.

Realm on a mission to save his people. His valley

rEgular patronS

not been able to resist. He is traveling to the Court

Ananya (Female Weretiger Sorceress) -

Willing adventurers who wish to join Bran on his

is under a mysterious threat that the elves have of the Fey to seek the council of Serena the Wise.

Strong and stealthy with soft white fur stripped

quest may journey to the Court of the Fey, and back

with dark blue bands. Her eyes are an emerald

to the valley to save the Shovaughn clan.

green. Ananya has innate spell casting, a trait of her family line. She’s passing through this part of the Fey on a journey to the Crystal Falls, a deeply magical place and a crossroads of planes. It’s said that one strong in magic can learn how to plane shift at the falls. This knowledge comes at a price for those who seek it must overcome three challenging tests. There are other secrets to be learned at the falls and adventurers may join Ananya on her journey.

Just Juniper (Female Pixie) A feisty redheaded winged creature with dainty features, this unassuming pixie is more than meets the eye. She can be found sitting atop a chandelier in the dining room, smoking a long pipe. When you ask her name, she simply replies, “Juniper. Just Juniper!”, and explodes into a fit of giggles. Intelligent conversation is not high

rumorS & SECrEtS Lurking in the Shadows – Many assume the Fey Realm to be a safe haven; however, sinister creatures lurk in the shadowed parts of this magical land, using powerful magic to disguise their true forms. One such creature is spreading the seeds of evil. Far to the west in the Meadowlands, blight has taken hold of the land. Word of this plague has just reached the cottage and information is scarce. Adventurers may hear of this development from a fey traveler and decide to travel west to find out what can be done. The reward for assisting the fey could be riches, secret knowledge, or a title within the fey nobility.

Undisclosed Locations – The Moongates open to several other areas in the Fey Realm but the

on her list of priorities. She finds tricks and

correct phrases must be spoken to do so. Elves

tomfoolery a better use of her time. Just Juniper

know some of them but not all. Shaye knows all

is looking for eager adventurers to help her find

the other gate phrases and she might impart this

her shadow in the Twilight Cave, a simple day’s

information but only in dire need. A few other

journey from the Moon Cottage. She will offer

locations are the Hall of Magi, House of the Dead, the

adventurers all her shiniest treasure in exchange

Lord of Night’s palace, and the Court of the Fey.


The Shivering Mirage Wealth









24 normal, 6 larger group quarters


Pools & Steam Baths, Spiritual Readings, Desert Guides, Courriers


Traders, Priests, Mercenaries, Outfitters


Evil Alignments (Intolerant), Slavers (Hostile)

“Atop the sands of the great desert, the city of Jauzun sits like a sapphire on white silk. Truly, it is a sight to behold. Every time I pass this way, I stop to visit to the Shivering Mirage. The wine … the entertainment … makes a lowly desert trader such as I feel like a sultan!” ~ Moham Dervaqqa, caravan merchant

n the spice road in the heart

Magical Blue

of the Great Sand Sea is the

The oasis pool is a wonder. At night, its deep

most welcoming oasis in

azure water casts an enchanting glow that can be

all the desert kingdoms.

spotted from miles away. Travelers often mistake

The Shivering Mirage is a

it for a rising celestial body and use it to guide

fortress that offers rest and

them back to the inn. Some say the veil between


refreshment to weary caravans and travelers.

planes must be weak here, for on some nights

Located at the crossroads of five major trade

the sky above the pool turns a blueish-green that

routes, the region is temporary home to a variety

dances across the night sky. The pool holds cool

of goods and cultures.

water that is available for all visitors to drink.

Thirty-foot walls enclose the main compound; towers placed strategically provide protection to those within. Entering through the main gate, a traveler’s senses experience a full assault from every direction. Rich colors of dyed cloth awnings hung from the interior walls and fastened to large poles angle toward the center, highlighting a palm tree lined pool of crystal blue water. Under these awnings, merchants hawk their wares, roast meats with aromatic spices and sell wine to the thirsty. Sitting on hempen mats, travelers enjoy a meal while telling stories of the road and play gambling games to pass the time. Have your wits

Malkum Baratush, owner of the Shivering Mirage, garners a hefty profit from his sales of the bottled water. He adds a little magic to keep the patrons interested.

Exotic Delights Beyond the oasis pool stands the main compound structure, a squat two-story mud brick and stucco building for travelers who do not wish to dine among the rabble, nor sleep beside a camel. The first floor tavern boasts seating for more than one hundred guests. Fine woven carpets

about you, as some travelers lose more than they

cover the floor and pillows surround low tables;

would like and decide to take back their losses by

customary seating in these parts. A large stage

sword. Guards are quick to subdue unruly visitors.

houses some form of entertainment at all hours.


Colorful silk sashes drape from the ceiling and curve up into themselves. Magic floating orbs cast soft light though the silks, creating jewel toned waves in an upside-down fabric ocean. Carved wall niches outfitted with pillows and curtains

Selimna Duran (Female Tiefling Monk)


Battlemaster: Unarmored Defense, Ki, Disarming, Pickpocketing, Evasion.

provide cover for those skirting the public gaze. Servers in fanciful, flowing outfits dance between tables while taking customer orders. Intimidating guards stand sentry; visible beside the doors and in dark corners. Visitors who cannot control their tempers are swiftly tossed out into the sand.

Standing six feet tall with curved black horns, dark hair, white eyes, and wine red skin, Selimna is

inkEEpEr & Staff


Khaftar Nebukaz (Male Brass Dragonborn Monk) - Travelers looking for trouble think twice after seeing this seven-foot tall brass Dragonborn patrolling the compound. Khaftar’s clan are proud teachers of hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting whose tradition is to send young members into the world to spread order and righteousness. When he came of age and skill level, he found himself in Jauzun asking to join as a guard. He climbed the ranks with an uncanny quickness. His peers elected him as Captain of the Guard after a particularly nasty bandit raid left them without a leader. He trains the guards in his traditional fighting styles, making the outpost quite secure and free from trouble. Although, there have been emboldened visitors who left with a broken nose - or worse for their transgressions, Khaftar remains a kind soul.

beautiful and intimidating. As tavern manager, she sharply orders the serving girls, and keeps an eye out for trouble. Slavers are prohibited from entering Jauzun, and Selimna listens for talk of slavers passing through. She has a strong bond with Malkum, who liberated her from a harsh slave merchant. Since gaining her freedom, she trained in the martial arts under Khaftar. In fact, Selimna is now secretly a warrior of unparalleled prowess.

aCCommodationS Twenty-four rooms are available. Six of these are larger suites, featuring a modest common area and individual bedrooms for up to eight people.

MALKUM BARATUSH (MALE HUMAN ARISTOCRAT) The Innkeeper - A large, round-faced man with a jolly disposition, Malkum started out as a caravan driver. He discovered the pool on one of his many treks across the desert. He endeavored to keep the location a secret while he raised the capital to build his majestic inn and hire guards. Once the construction was complete, he announced far and wide that his rest stop was open for business. It changed the course of the Spice Road ten miles to the north. It has also made Malkum a very rich man. Some say he did not happen upon the oasis but created it with powerful magic. Others say he struck a bargain with a water elemental. No one knows for sure.


These suites are intended for large parties or

mother was. Malik’s mother passed away many

visitors who wish to relocate their party from the

years ago. The grieving widower cannot stop

tavern to a more private space. The remaining

thinking about how disappointed his wife would

quarters are adequate for a short stay, but lack

be with their son’s unorthodox ways. Rez believes

luxuries known in other parts of the realm, such

an adventure would thrust Malik into manhood.

as private baths.

Adventurers hired by Rez are also tasked with assuring Malik’s safe return; preferably with a

notaBlE patronS

lady love.

Aquizhor Varis (Male Elf Wizard) - Sitting

Malik Farahad (Male Human Bard)

in one of the private alcoves in the tavern, an agitated elf downs cup after cup of wine, a keen eye on all who enter. He has fine, angular features and silken hair the color of polished onyx. After two hundred years of enjoying the favors of a dijinn, Aquizhor awoke to find his home ablaze and the dijinn attempting to destroy her brass lamp. Despite his best efforts, including a vow to free the creature someday, the infuriated dijinn forced Aquizhor to dispel the binding magic that had imprisoned her. The dijinn vowed vengeance upon Aquizhor, and only by sheer luck has he escaped her wrath. Aquizhor is on the run and may be seeking adventurers to hire for protection or armed escort.

Evander Lightbringer (Male Half-Orc Paladin) - Evander rents one of the smaller rooms. He remains there for several months at a time, training with Khaftar and gathering information. Adventures can locate Evander in the tavern, but he prefers solitude. Years ago, while he was adventuring, Evander lost his human mother to slavers in the Great Sand Sea. He has since vowed to dismantle the desert slave trade. If Evander receives news of slavers or bandits in the area, he will enlist Selimna and others to hunt them down.

Rez Farahad (Male Human Commoner) Dressed in purple silks, Rez is a wealthy spice trader in search of a bride for his son, Malik. Much to his chagrin, his aloof son would rather pluck sitar strings for the rest of his days. Eager to have his son settled with grandchildren on the horizon, Rez is willing to pay handsomely for a keen matchmaker. His only requirement for the bride is to be as beautiful and intelligent as Malik’s


A roguishly handsome young man is onstage, performing to the delight of all. Guests cheer and toss silver coins to him. Some onlookers appear to be quite smitten. Malik is oblivious, lost in the music. Obsessed with lyrical expression, his focus remains on his beloved sitar. Adventurers hired by Rez Farahad can attempt to convince Malik to join their quest. They must wait until after his last performance of the evening to approach him, otherwise he will ignore them. Malik fancies himself a true artist, so he’ll need to be convinced that his bardic gifts are what the adventurers are most interested in.

rumorS & SECrEtS

Slave Caravan – A caravan has rolled into Jauzun with several empty wagons. In any other trading post this would be insignificant, but this far on a major trade route, it can only mean one thing: slavers. Empty carts indicate a pick up is nearby. One of Selimna’s girls overheard a caravan guard mention they are traveling to a remote

SHivEring miragE SpECialS

location half a day’s journey from Jauzun. This may be an opportunity to bring justice to evildoers

Jauzun Blue – 3sp/bottle

and collect a reward from Kaftar or Evander.

Cool and invigorating, this water tastes fresh and slightly minty. In darkness it reveals an

The Efreeti Gate – Three days south through the wastelands is a sacred monument called the Efreeti Gate. The gate itself is modest by monument standards. Six basalt pillars surround a stone altar. Signs and symbols carved into the altar depict a forgotten language. One thousand

enchanting blue glow. Special effect – This water acts like a potion of healing, restoring 2d8 + 4 HP, but it also makes you very tired; you gain one level of exhaustion for each bottle of Jauzun Blue you drink.

years of sandstorms and neglect have eroded

Alagash Snow – 2sp/glass

the original structure to dust. These pillars and

This wine hails from the northern Alagash

altar are all that remain. Storytellers say this is a

Mountains. Wizard vintners infuse cold

gateway to the elemental planes. Thieves swear

magic into the grapes from which it is

a hidden entrance leads to a tomb filled with

derived. Always cold, this milky white liquid

riches. Aquizhor may know the truth behind these

frosts any glass it is poured into.

rumors and be willing to bargain for his expertise.

Elemental Water Stone – Malkum created the Shivering Mirage oasis using an elemental water stone, a

Special Effect – Drinking a glass of Alagash Snow grants resistance to fire damage for 1d4 hours.

Blood of the Orc – 5sp/glass

magical artifact he found when

This fine red wine comes from the Dwarven

he was a young man. This artifact

vineyards of clan Bloodstone. Rumor has it

has been concealed in his rooms

that each bottle has a drop of orc blood in

all this time. Recently, paranoia

it to add a flavor. In actuality, it contains a

has seized his mind, causing him to

stimulant that causes the drinker to become

see fey creatures lurking in the shadows. Malkum suspects the stone is a fey relic and these creatures have come to claim it. He is afraid if they take it back, the waters of his pool at the Shivering Mirage will disappear. Fearful for his livelihood, Malkum may share these concerns with adventurers he trusts to investigate what is haunting him.

aggressive. Special effect – When you drink a glass of Blood of the Orc wine, you have advantage on your attack rolls against orcs for 1d4 hours.

Special Roast – 1gp each Spit roasted lamb, snake, and Desert Roc can be brought into the tavern by one of the servers.


The King’s Coin Wealth









10 normal, 8 secret


Forgery, Identity Change, Underworld Contracting, Bribing Local Authorities


Mercenaries, Assassins, Clandestine Traders, Thieves, Poison Mixologists


Paladins & Priests (violent), Good Alignments (unwelcoming)

“It’s in an alley across from the Cooper’s shop, hidden by a set of stairs that lead to a blue door. Knock three times and speak the words: ‘The king’s coin keeps the king’s purse heavy’. Once inside, go to the bar and ask the barkeep for a Blue Maiden. After you pay, he will escort you to the meeting room”. ~Sillustyn, Syndicate Initiate


ruby glows in one eye, while the other eye socket

nondescript alley is a set of stairs that lead to a

grazing a hair against the top lip. Oddly, there is

ocated in the trade district, The King’s Coin is a discrete inn and tavern where folks who would like to stay out of the public eye meet for nefarious purposes. Down a

weathered blue door. Iron banding runs from its base to top, leaving a small square for the lookout portal. This door is magical, with several runic protections. It cannot be forced open by physical means, and anyone who tries to open it using magic will be jolted by a lightning bolt spell. One must knock thrice, and speak the pass phrase, which changes from time to time but always has the words “king’s coin” in it. The door will open to a narrow descending staircase, dimly lit by magical means. There is no doorman and the door will close by itself after visitors have passed through the doorway.

Down the stairs and into the tavern, the first thing visitors notice is the large stone fireplace on the far side of the hall, carved to look like a demon’s face with its mouth open wide. A fat


remains empty. Rumor has it that powerful magic holds this jewel in place. Many have tried in the past and attempts still occur when those new to the tavern accept a fool’s wager. Its gaping maw is large enough for a dwarf to walk into without never a large fire roaring within, just enough to startle and mystify the viewer. The center of the room has a few round tables, each surrounded with chairs and illuminated with green glowing magic orb lamps. To either side, several booths are built into the walls that can seat several orc-sized creatures, each equipped with a thick curtain that can be drawn for privacy. These curtains are imbued with a silence spell, preventing curious ears from discovering the devious plots hidden behind them. At the bar, more glowing green orbs in sconces light the bottle cabinets. A large portrait of the King rests high on the wall, keeping watch over the patrons. No ale is served here, only wine and spirits poured from bottles. Most common drink choices are available as well as rare and

contraband spirits. Many of these are contained in beautiful crystal bottles and decanters with no


labels. Some cast a peculiar glow in various colors.

Ten guest rooms are available which range in

Next to the bar is a doorway that leads to the

size, accommodating two to eight occupants. Each

guest rooms.

room is plainly appointed with beds, footlockers, tables and chairs. All have magic glowing orbs

Inkeeper & Staff

for illumination; open flame candles are strictly

Romun And Remun Slydan (Male Drow Assassins) These identical twin drow are not

with three hefty deadbolt locks, providing extra

prohibited in guest rooms. The doors are equipped security. It’s known that some of these rooms

the actual owners of the King’s Coin, they are

have names and can be requested by those who

its managers. Employed by a powerful crime

know the right words to say to the bartender.

syndicate that controls the underbelly of the city,

These special rooms have secret passages to

they run the King’s Coin and report all activity to

meeting rooms, hidden vaults, and tunnels to

their boss, a ruthless half-orc syndicate underboss

nearby buildings for a discrete - or hasty - exit.

named Drog. They are both trained assassins, highly skilled with knives and poisons, and very good mixologists. Able to mix any drink a

Say The Word

customer could want, they can also slip in a few

When patrons order one of the below drinks, they

choice ingredients to make a creature sleepy or

expect something different than a drink. These

meet his death. In addition to the set of throwing

code words get patrons into secret meeting rooms,

daggers kept on them, each carries a small

contraband packages, or meetings with syndicate

blowgun loaded with poisoned darts. The poison

contacts. The King’s Coin is one of those places

renders any creature unconscious and they only

where certain words hold a very special meaning...

use it if absolutely necessary.

“Red Fizz” – this lets Slydan know the person is Who is who?

there to pick up a package. The color named before

Newcomers or infrequent visitors have a difficult

the word “fizz” distinguishes between different

time telling the two drow apart. The one thing

packages if there are more than one waiting

that distinguishes them apart is their ear jewelry.

behind the bar.

Romun wears his on the left ear, Remun on the right. Few patrons notice this detail in the dim

“Blue Maiden” – when a visitor orders this,

green light of the tavern hall but regulars can tell

Slydan knows to take the visitor into a back room

one from the other. Still, most regulars prefer

and drug them. Syndicate contacts will usually

to call them by their last name, Slydan, to avoid

send someone of interest to the King’s Coin and


have them order a Blue Maiden. The person is drugged, tied up and take to an interrogation

Drog Halftooth (Male Half-Orc Veteran)


A lieutenant in one of the most notorious crime organizations in the city, Drog is the manager of the King’s Coin. Despite his formidable size, he is impeccably dressed. He’s all about the business and not afraid to break bones to ensure his boss’s satisfaction. He can be found most days in one of the curtained booths, meeting with other criminals, making deals with adventurers, or enjoying a drink while keeping an eye on the drow twins. He doesn’t trust them but they do their jobs well enough to earn his tolerance.

“Princess Cordial” – A person under surveillance or being tailed will order this drink to access the secret tunnels for a quick escape.

“Carrot Juice” – A person requesting this wants a meeting with Drog or another high ranked syndicate contact. Usually, this code word is given to someone outside the syndicate, someone wanting to make a deal.


food & drinkS The King’s Coin serves the standard wines and spirits found all over the city but the prices here are doubled. People in the know come here for the illegal beverages. These drinks have peculiar properties; some can be deadly if not drunk with care, and others are not drinks at all but code words which grant access to secret rooms at The King’s Coin.

CommunE WitH tHE godS

SilEnt pErSuaSion

Purple Worm Wine – 11sp/glass

Razorwood Whiskey – 10sp/shot

Made from purple worm poison and white grapes,

Aged for 15 years in casks made of razorwood,

this violet colored drink is banned everywhere

this whiskey has a deep amber color and smooth

on the surface world. A drow specialty, it is

flavor. Known for its razor sharp leaves and

mainly used in rituals for communing with the

iron-like bark, razorwood trees are particularly

gods. It has a powerful narcotic effect that can

difficult to harvest.

last for hours, if the drinker survives the initial 20 minutes. Special Effect – To determine how the Purple Worm wine affects you, roll 2d6 and consult the table below.

The effort is well worth it. The sap of razorwood bark is a narcotic that can be used as a pain reliever, but it is also highly addictive. It is known to make those who ingest it, lose all inhibitions, which can make for an entertaining




You contact your deity or a deity of the same alignment as yours; you may speak with that deity as if under the effect of a commune spell.


You contact a lawful evil deity; you may speak with that deity as if under the effect of a commune spell.

(or dangerous) experience. Some believe, it holds a strong ‘persuasive’ power, making the drinker susceptive to ones suggestions. This comes in handy when making clandestine deals. Razorwood casks infuse a small amount of the sap into the whiskey. Special Effect – When you drink Razorwood Whiskey, you become extremely compliant and


You are poisoned by purple worm poison. (see SRD)


You are paralyzed for one hour.


You have disadvantage on your Intelligence check and on your Intelligence saving throws for one hour.

though it were a suggestion spell (DC 15). Once the

No effect




agreeable for 20 minutes. Whenever someone suggests that you do something while you are under the effect of the beverage, the request is treat as first effect wears off, you become immune to pain and take a -2 penalty to your Wisdom score for 40

“Gold Leaf Liquor” – Upon requesting this drink, the visitor is given an iron key. Those who receive this key usually know what to do with it and to return it to the bar when they leave. Down the hallway to the guest rooms is a door with an iron lock – the rest are brass. The key unlocks this door and grants entrance to a syndicate vault, one of many vaults hidden about the city. In this vault is a kobold sitting at a desk surrounded by iron wall lockers, large chests and small lockboxes. Eight skull lamps affixed to the walls illuminate the room. This kobold’s name is Reginald and he is an accountant for the syndicate. Visitors can

Rumors & Secrets Magic Pie - A local baker has become famous for his brandy cakes. These cakes are so popular he usually sells out by midday. His loyal customers are unaware that the baker slips in a special ingredient that causes them to become addicted to the cakes. The baker charges a premium for these cakes and gives a cut to the syndicate for protection … and to continue purchasing the “special” brandy from the drow twins. What the syndicate doesn’t know is that he’s been shipping cakes outside the city to make extra profit.

exchange money, contraband, and stolen goods

The syndicate requires all business under their

Notable Patrons

syndicate were to learn of this, they may reward

Atiana Nightshade (Female Human Assassin) - A manager of a syndicate owned

the other hand, if someone were to confront

brothel; Atiana is a regular at The King’s Coin

handsomely to keep it quiet.

protect to report all of their earnings so if the the person who brings it to their attention. On the baker about his operation, he might pay

selling services to patrons. Strikingly beautiful with long curly auburn hair, a soft face and

Royal Revenge - There have been rumors

dark features, she’s exceedingly charming and

floating around the city that a rival noble house

seductive. She takes pride in her gentlemen and

is looking to exact revenge against the royal

ladies and is very selective about who may enter

family. Apparently this noble house believes

the brothel halls. This means she can spot heavy

the throne was stolen from them. According

purses from across a crowded room. Occasionally,

to city law, if anything were to happen to the

her syndicate bosses will request assassin services

king, the throne would pass to the next house

from her – or her ladies. She’s willing to sell

in line, as the royal family lacks an heir. This is

gossip for the right price or for an arrangement

troubling to the syndicate because the king has

can be made that will benefit her. Atiana has all

been tolerant of their activities, for a fee. A new

sorts of dirt on the nobles of the city.

king might not be so agreeable, or shut down their businesses

Crist Lindean (Male Halfling Rogue)

entirely. The trouble is: no one

Crist, as he likes to be called, is a thief for hire.

knows how this rival noble

Short and slim, fair and fast, he is one of the best

house plans to act

thieves in the city but he doesn’t loan out his

on their revenge. Some think

services for cheap. He is wanted by the city guard for humiliating the king by stealing his crown and then gluing it to the court jester’s head with Sovereign Glue. Needless to say, he won a sizable thieves bet that evening. While he prefers to keep to the shadows and avoid conflict, he is skilled with throwing knives and daggers, and will make short work of anyone who spots him while he is

they might hire a rogue assassin. Some think they might take matters into their own hands and poison the family during the queen’s birthday celebration. Crisdean

on a job. Crist has a keen ear to the gossip on the

and Atiana may have

street and knows when certain nobles are out of

heard more

their mansions, leaving their family jewels for the

through their




fizzlEnozzlE’S Hall of WondErS

the chagrin of the mayor, who was summarily removed from office by the king. Realizing he could not force the land or Bilz to return terra firma, the king issued a public blessing on the gnome, hoping the gesture would impress Bilz



enough to agree that the land was still part of the



king’s realm. It did not. To keep the peace, Bilz



purchased an additional piece of land, to use as a



transit point, an entrance, to the Hall of Wonders.




Magic Item Trading, Teleportation, Airship Travel, Astrology Tower

tHE gardEn portal


Spellcasters, Politicians, Astrologers

In the uptown district, a lush flower garden is



nestled between the uniform brownstone buildings. Seductive male and female

”Any spell-caster worth his salt knows the Hall of

tieflings invite passersby to enter

Wonders. Yes, it is built on a floating island. Yes, there

the garden. Those they entice

is a severe lack of proper clothing on his serving girls.

are led to the center of the

But the real gem is Bilz himself. He is a collector of the

garden where a stone

mage persuasion. If it exists, Bilz has the item or he

dais rises from

knows where to find it. The library alone is worth a

the ground,

lengthy visit. If you wish to deal in the magical arts, there is no better place to extend your knowledge”. ~ Morgana Valormore, Tiefling Sorceress


ot many people know how it came to be, an inn built on a floating piece of land four hundred feet above the city. If bards are believed to be creatures of truth, the mote of land was ripped from the earth by four

wizards engaged in a tumultuous battle. Local gossips swear the proprietor of Fizzlenozzle’s Hall of Wonders bargained away a portion of his soul to a demon in exchange for levitating the land so high that no one but Mr. Fizzlenozzle could possess it.

Few know the truth, which is far less scandalous. Bilz Fizzlenozzle wanted to build a tavern in the city and the mayor, having a grudge against gnomes, flatly denied him the right. Undeterred, Bilz used powerful wizardry to make his property lift up and permanently float above the spot. Since the land was technically no longer part of the city, he was free to build his tavern; much to


surrounded by tall pillars and covered by an

much larger than the outside. The grand foyer

ornate iron roof. Upon the dais floats a large

is decorated with marble floors and pillars, both

portal, its electrified by magical energy. A set

accented with gold filigree. Bronze busts of great

of stone steps leading to golden double doors is

wizards are displayed in alcoves along the east

clearly visible through its center. This portal does

and west walls, their arcane weapon of choice

not change its appearance no matter which side

hung on the wall above. In every corner, heady

it’s viewed from.

wisteria blooms spill from the mouths of stout

Stepping through the portal imparts a tingling

vases perched on brass stands.

sensation to the visitor, who will land on the other side in two paces. Once through the portal, visitors are at the bottom of the stone steps, looking up at the doors. Through the doors is a grassy expanse, welcoming visitors with lush, aromatic flower beds and manicured topiaries. At the far borders, an intricate brass work fence serves as a caution to not wander too far. Beyond the fence, there is only sky. Other patrons can be seen seated at small tables taking in the impressive view while enjoying a beverage. Drink servers and greeters are easily recognizable by their uniform: sun yellow tunics with gold embroidery at the wrists and neck.

tHE oBSErvatory Beside the garden is the hall itself. The architecture and height of

magiC & dEligHt Through the foyer another vast interior space awaits. Frescos depicting the lives of the great wizards line the uppermost walls, leading the viewer to a grand domed ceiling. Within the dome, a semi-sentient painting mimics the celestial bodies beyond this realm. When a new universe is created – or destroyed – it is reflected in the painting. Stars follow their natural path across space and time, blinking in and out of view. Directly beneath the dome a slowly rotating bar offers another opportunity for guests to soak in the enchantment. A menagerie of bottled spirits and wines line the glass shelving at the center of this spectacle, a work of art in its own right. Bartenders fluent in several languages easily converse with guests.

this structure is a wonder to

Entertainers are on display on the south and east

behold. Azure blue stone

stages, competing with one another to monopolize

sanded smooth forms the

the attention of the wealthier patrons. Rarely

cylindrical towers of the

empty, this hall packs in visitors at all hours.

main building. Spires

Greeters draped in more provocative uniforms

pierce the sky, their golden flags waving in the faint breeze. Stained glass windows encompassed by gold framing decorate the façade. To the south of the main building is a large brass dome. This is the observatory, which Bilz uses to peer into the heavens.

StEp inSidE, mind your HEad Stepping through the golden doors, visitors are struck with a sense that the inside space is

stand at the ready to assist first-timers and regulars alike, ushering them to a comfortable seat or other areas depending on their fancy Exceptionally attractive female staff tends to guests on both the first and second floors. Tables adjacent to the stages are highly desirable, as they provide the best chance for a bard to take a request. Of course, there are some things that even bards do not speak of. Forbidden songs and poems will have a guest promptly removed by the hall’s security force. The security at the hall is comprised of about a dozen changelings. They blend into the crowd, observing visitors as well as the valuable tomes and artifacts on the balcony level. If a known undesirable guest arrives at the hall, the changelings will work together to dispatch the intruder.


tHE liBrary of WondErS Two winding staircases on the north wall lead to a massive balcony. Magical runes engraved on the balcony railings provide a blanket of quiet for the studious. Vast shelves of weighty tomes, rare magery and herbalism texts are stacked ten shelves high. Tables and plush seating are

fizzlEnozzlE’S SpECialS

thoughtfully arranged, encouraging visitors to linger awhile. No assistance is needed here,

Bilz’ Best – 5gp/glass

as the books tend to gravitate towards their eager readers. When the reader is satisfied, the

Drafted from magical casks that Bilz

book will float back to its place on the shelves.

enchanted with runes when he was first

Occasionally, a guest can be found enraptured

experimenting with conjuration, this red

by a sentient text, engaged in heated debate or

wine is slightly sweet with no aftertaste. It does not impart the same effect as

scribbling notes like a dutiful student.

traditional wine. Instead, the customer is overcome with a feeling of general well-

inkEEpEr & Staff Catlin Meriwether (Female Human Commoner) – A curvaceous woman with hair

being and an itching to tell a clever joke.

Wondrous Sweet Water – 15gp/glass

resembling a murky brown stout, Catlin is the

A clear liquid that with a tart taste. This

head barmaid at the hall. She runs a tight ship,

drink makes one feel younger, as if they

commanding her girls to plaster bright smiles

were in the prime of their life.

on their faces while carrying mugs of ale close to their décolletage. She endeavors to make every visitor enjoy himself like nobility, long enough to deplete their purses.

Special Effect: A player who drinks Wondrous Sweet Water gains a +1 to all ability scores for one hour. This effect does not stack with more drinks.

Bilz Fizzlenozzle (Male Gnome Wizard) The Innkeeper - Tales are told far and wide of the hospitable and witty Bilz. He can usually be found behind the bar atop a floating disk, chatting with guests or pouring drinks. His jovial demeanor does not reveal his shrewd business practices or his cut-throat collecting of rare tomes and enchanted artifacts. Bilz employs agents that travel to all the corners of the world in search of these wondrous items. At the prestigious Arcanum Conabilis, a highly selective academy of the mage arts, Bilz excelled in transmutation and conjuration. His favorite instructor, however, was the academy librarian who taught him that true knowledge came from studying the histories of great men and women that came before. “Examine their failures. Then, avoid them”, the librarian advised. Bilz took these words to heart. The acquirement of knowledge became his obsession. He determined that the way to amass a library of his own design was to be wealthy. After securing a loan from a prominent noble family, he built the Hall of Wonders.


Notty Spurlock (Female Halfling Commoner) - Notty has cropped blue hair and cute, mousey features that are accented by the horn-rimmed glasses she wears low on her nose. Notty is the head curator of the book collection and manages the library. Not only does she know every title in Bilz’s stock, she knows the contents as well. Though woefully unskilled in advanced magery, she is keen and quick. She can spot a sticky-handed visitor from across the hall, and will create quite the commotion to have the would-be thief tossed from the premises.

Baylok Remozea (Changeling Fighter) Changelings are reclusive and too often misunderstood. Eking out an existence in the shadows, they often disguise themselves as a member of the predominant race surrounding them, fearful of being discovered. Baylok had been living like this for years until Bilz put out a coded message to all changelings in the city to come to him for a chance at respectable life. Now, Baylok is the captain of the security force at the Hall of Wonders. Rarely in true form while on the job, he is seen as a human man bearing olive skin and long dark hair.

Accommodations Ornately carved oak doors discreetly tucked along the back wall of shelves lead to guest quarters or private meeting rooms. Each of the eleven doors bears a small plaque displaying the name of a great spell-caster. These rooms are deceptively large, much like the main hall, and reflect the origin of the spell-caster. Bilz intended these rooms to be interpreted by the senses as if the guest journeyed back to the time in which the spell-caster was still walking the earth. The room named after famous flatlands sorcerer Faruk Sa’id, for example, resembles a sumptuous guest suite in a desert palace which has not existed for several generations. Other rooms have the trappings of castles in the north, cottages in the grasslands, and above-water huts of the tropics. A few rooms resemble the interiors of nomadic tribal or gypsy encampments. Mage apprentices enjoy the rooms for their historical

context, favoring the room named after an esteemed spell-caster. The rooms do not come cheaply, however, and are often populated by nobles seeking respite from court. Bilz created these rooms utilizing spells from ancient spellcasting texts he uncovered on his travels. The spells have permanence and can only be dispelled by the original caster.

Private Quarters Those wishing to spend the day, or simply a few hours, can select one of the private meeting rooms on the second floor. These rooms have plain oak doors, three hands thick. Each door has a large number carved on its face, denoting the number of inhabitants it can accommodate. Rooms 11, 13, and 17 are the most popular, as they are the least expensive. All have sturdy oak furnishings; a small table to hold refreshments, high-backed armchairs, and a long rectangular table. Along the back wall are overstuffed sofas for those requiring a softer space to sit – or take a short rest. Rooms 5 and 7 boast finer furnishings, a personal attendant, and a small alcove with a large feather bed.

Regular Patrons Millibonk Featherbottom (Male Gnome Wizard) – The Featherbottom family is an old noble family in the city. It was their generosity that provided Bilz the capital to build the Hall of Wonders. Millibonk is the fourth son to Lord Featherbottom’s name and as such, was relieved of playing courtier to elevate the family status. Seizing this freedom, he gained admission to the Arcanum Mortuus. His focus on the art of necromancy made him somewhat of a savant in all manner of magery concerning the deceased. Millibonk is customarily well-fitted in fashions exclusive to the noble class. His cloak conceals a leather satchel holding his wand and spell book. The cloak also has many small pockets which hold potion vials; some for throwing and others for ingesting. Millibonk maintains a friendly rapport with Bilz, aware that the friendship is contingent on repayment of the family’s loan.


He expects once the debt has been paid, he will

Wonders. Paid informants have told her that Bilz’s

not be able take advantage of the hall’s amenities

collection holds obscure books written by authors

as he does now. Millibonk regularly absconds to

who have seen, even read, the Demonomicon and

his “complimentary quarters” with books from

knew of its whereabouts nearly one thousand

the library.

years ago. Morgana is searching the pages of

Milibonk stays in the Nevinum Olerrous room,

these books for clues and coded messages from

named after a powerful necromancer-turned-lich.

authors past to point her to the Demonomicon’s

The dark stone walls and sizeable altar provide

current location.

the perfect atmosphere for his spellcasting practice. Currently Millibonk is using the rooms

Salazar Flacara (Male Half-Elf Commoner)

and library of the hall to conduct research.

Only a select few of the male persuasion possesses

An informant reported that a powerful item

the avant-garde fashion of Salazar. His doublet

belonging to a lich was recently delivered to Mr.

is a bold shade of pink – normally reserved

Fizzlenozzle’s private collection. Could it be a

for females or royalty - bedecked with fine

spellbook? The lich’s phylactery? Whatever it is,

embroidery. A red silk shirt and tight fitting

the item is shrouded in secrecy. A charismatic

velvet trousers finish his signature look. Salazar

adventurer could help Millibonk convince Bilz

glides across the hall like a dancer, the

to let him investigate the item. A

bells on his golden silk shoes

stealthy adventurer may attempt to

softly chiming. As the talent

take it and sell it to Millibonk for a

manager for the Wondrous

high price.

Hall, he ensures Master Fizzlenozzle boasts top-

Morgana Valormore (Female Tiefling Sorceress) – Morgana sits

tier entertainment. Only the best and brightest will suffice.

on at a table on the second

As charismatic as he is

floor, sipping wine from

flamboyant, Salazar has

a goblet, and reading

the ability to charm the

an ancient tome. The

stuffiest patron into a

gold horns that curve

loyal patron. With an

backward on top of her

impeccable ear for

head are surrounded

talent, he encourages

by long, wavy locks. A

any bards in the

swath of her onyx black

crowd to climb onstage

hair is draped over one of her

to perform. Whoever

almond shaped eyes. Resting on

wins the audience’s

her thinly scaled skin is a fine

approval will be offered

linen gown fashioned with gold

an invitation to the Hall of

threading. She’s here to study

Wonders’ talent exhibition. The

her primary obsession: demons. Being a hellspawn, she aims to glean as much knowledge as possible

prizes of this exhibition are highly coveted throughout the realm. A wellconnected creature, he has an ear for gossip

concerning creatures within her bloodline.

and an eye for scandal. Salazar is a useful source

Morgana is not here reading for enjoyment,

of information for PCs who can afford him, or

however. Much like Bilz, Morgana has traveled

offer a favor.

extensively to amass her collection of texts and arcane objects. Her quest to obtain the famed Demonomicon has led her here, to the Hall of


Levonne (Male Elf Commoner) – Was there ever a finer creature than Levonne? Surely his features have been magically enhanced. Deceptively packaged in muted colors, he can be spotted with clipboard and quill, dashing about the hall. About his waist is a delicate yet sturdy chain, weighed down by a large ring of keys. The keys open every room in the Hall of Wonders. As the house manager, Levonne is responsible for making ensuring impeccable service. Salazar relies on him to populate the stages with lively entertainers in a timely fashion. Commoners need not waste their time attempting to converse with Levonne. He directs his efforts at wealthy patrons, as they tend to tip well or offer salacious bits of gossip. Levonne carries the golden musical items for the talent exhibition winners in an interior vest pocket: a pick, reed, string, and mouthpiece. These magical pieces boost the musician’s abilities

artifacts in his private collection that could bring a catastrophic evil to the realm. Some say he has a Wish Stone that grants unlimited wishes. These are merely rumors. Only Bilz and Baylock know what is really in that room.

Hidden Portal – One of the fireplaces at Fizzlenozzle’s has several other functions besides holding a small fire. There are four cut gemstones, kept in a locked box behind the bar, that when placed in the empty eye socket in the fireplace face, create a magical effect in the large mouth.

once affixed to their instrument.

♦♦   A green gem activates a portal to the syndicate headquarters, deep beneath the city.

rumorS & SECrEtS

♦♦  A blue gem creates a portal to a syndicate stronghold outside the city, used for quick escapes

Private Collection - Bilz Fizzlenozzle displays most of his book collection on the shelves in the Hall of Wonders, but his extensive private

♦♦  A red gem, which matches the fixed one, creates a Sphere of Annihilation.

collection is kept in a guarded location. Many

While the Sphere of Annihilation is active, anyone

have tried – and failed – to discover the location

who gazes upon the face is affected by a Sympathy

of Bilz’s vault. With the hall’s security force made

spell (DC 17). On a failed Wisdom saving throw,

up of changelings, uncovering it proves to be a

the person(s) are compelled to approach the face’s

terribly difficult task. There must be some magical


space within the Hall of Wonders. Fizzlenozzle’s employees will not betray him, as they know him to be a fair employer and a powerful wizard

♦♦  A black gem creates a portal to the Abyssal plane, to the court of the Demon Lord of Fortune.

besides. Will anyone locate the private collection … and plunder its valuables? Could someone convince Bilz to reveal its whereabouts? Powerful magic wielded by a charismatic creature might be the key.

Mystery Room - One of the guest rooms at the hall is named Nycodemus Erlanther, after Bilz’s favorite teacher at the Arcanum Conabilis. This serves as his private quarters and where he keeps the most prized pieces of his collection. Only one other person has seen the collection, Baylok. Guests do not request this room as Nycodemus

The particularly powerful demon grants favors in exchange for souls. A representative of the Lord of fortune, a demon servant, will exit the portal and listen to a mortal’s offer. It is rumored that the Syndicate boss made a deal with the Lord of Fortune this way. The Lord of Fortune will not break a deal if a party is upholding their end of the bargain. Several syndicate underbosses have tried petitioning the Lord of Fortune to make them the boss and replace the current boss. The Demon Lord answers these requests with death.

was not a famous spell-caster. Some say there are


The North Call Inn Wealth









10 normal rooms


Lodging, Gemstone & Fishing Expeditions


Fishermen, Sea Navigator, Shipwrights



“A fish net hammock is all I need for a good night’s sleep. An’ let me tell ya: a deep bowl of hot fish stew an’ a pint o’ Hagshot” ~ Lem Oarman, seasonal resident at the North Call Inn


short walk from the docks in this small fishing village stands the North Call Inn. Though its thatched roof has seen better days, the weathered stone building provides a welcome

respite from the cold wind and sea spray. A large brass weathervane sits atop the roof. On the rare sunny day, light touches the metal creating a beacon for wayfaring voyagers. Above the entrance, an old wooden sign sways in the wind, squeaking its welcome on rusted chains.

Inkeeper & Staff Ared Norgin (Male Human Fighter) Rugged in appearance but friendly natured, Ared speaks with a raspy deep voice. The sound of his booming, coarse laughter can reach as far away as the docks - if someone lets him in on a good joke. His right hand is missing two fingers, courtesy of an unfortunate encounter with a wild dog in his youth. He has not been very fond of dogs since. Aside from being the innkeeper, Ared is the sole brewer of a unique local drink called hagshot. He might tell curious patrons the ingredients, but his brewing process is a well-kept secret.

A crackling fire in the large hearth and the aroma of seasoned fish stew are the first things travelers

Solsta Norgin (Female Human Commoner)

notice when they step through the doors. Several

Ared’s daughter, Solsta, helps run the North Call

booths, tables, and a long bar fashioned out of

Inn. She cooks and serves guests in the tavern.

a large piece of driftwood can accommodate up

Her pretty, round face makes most travelers feel

to 30 patrons. Buoys, crab pots, and fishing nets

at ease. Solsta’s delicious fish stew has earned

decorate the interior. Affixed to the wall above

the jealousy of more than a few fishwives. Their

the hearth is a wooden mermaid. Once attached to

husbands can’t help comparing what they get at

the bow of a grand sailing vessel, she now keeps

home to Solsta’s recipe.

watch over the inn. A raised platform behind the bar houses six barrels; all corked except one. Above the barrels, a small cabinet filled with spirits hangs next to a salvaged ship’s wheel.

The Tide of Seasons Ten guest rooms are available at the North Call Inn. Seasonal fishermen call this inn home from late autumn to mid spring, when crab fishing is at its peak. Four simple communal rooms offer straw beds on the floor and fishnet hammocks hung


from posts, attached to the walls and ceilings.

He stops in for a drink in the evening after

These rooms sleep nine and are as cramped as

patrolling the town streets. When he arrives he

sleeping quarters on most ships. Lockers nailed

takes his usual spot at a barstool closest to the

to the wall provide guests a place to store their

door, and greets everyone who enters. The village

possessions. Guests can rent a padlock from

itself is usually free from major crime but Aengus

Ared should the need arise. Two single and four

always has news of nearby bandit activity.

double occupancy rooms comprise the rest of the available space. Modestly decorated, these

Gregor Stock (Male Human Merchant)

rooms offer straw beds, simple furnishings, and

The peculiar personality and looks of the owner of

footlockers. Ared keeps the hearth fire going all

the local Stock & Trade emporium are legendary.

through the night during the colder months and

This short and stout man is a cunning negotiator

while you’ll still need to bundle up when going to

and expert appraiser, always on the lookout to

bed, you won’t see your breath when you exhale.

make a profit. In his left eye socket is a sapphire concealed by a fine purple eye patch. His braided

rEgular patronS

brown hair has distinctive dark orange streaks

Jameson Boonsall (Male Human Commoner)

the challenges and danger they encounter on

After witnessing a ghostly apparition at sea, Jameson became fascinated with the unexplained and supernatural. Buy him a drink and he’ll share dark tales of sea monsters, ghost ships, and starcrossed lovers who haunt the village. Jameson

in it. Traveling merchants keep him privy to the roads. Eager to hire caravan guards, Gregor has several business propositions for more adventurous folks.

lost his beloved dog while fishing during a stormy

targuka, Spring CElEBration

night. Deep scars have gnarled his face, making

Five hundred years ago, a wayward fishing boat

him slightly droopy-eyed; a sad souvenir from

met its unfortunate end on a stretch of rocky

that unfortunate night. Jameson often spends time

coast. Hrolf Turval and two other survivors

on the docks looking out to sea, no doubt thinking

were thrown from the wreckage onto the frozen

of his lost best friend.

shore. It was the beginning of winter. The three castaways endured many hardships over that

Aengus Grist (Male Half-Orc Town Guard)

season: ice storms, ravenous beasts, and countless

Although he’s large and intimidating like most

injuries. If it were not for the

half-orcs, Aengus is friendly and kind hearted.

abundant shellfish and wildlife, the



Battlemaster: Elven Blades, Longswords, Elven Lore (songs & tales)

Quilla is tall and slender with a waterfall of black hair cascading down her back. Born in Sestone, she learned swordsmanship in her teens from her elf father, becoming one of the most revered sword fighters of this age. As a young adult, she set off to make her fortune and returned only when she had her fill of slaying orcs and goblins. She’ll tell tales of saving the daughters and sons of various nobles, matching wits with powerful evil wizards, and slaying a younger but volatile red dragon. Quilla has some magic items from her adventuring days that she might be willing to part with if she believes they will be in capable hands. Additionally, Quilla can serve as a Battlemaster to train special skills to Heroes.


tHE nortH Call SpECialS Hagshot - 6cp/bottle - An exceptionally strong (and rather foul smelling) spirit bottled exclusively by Ared Norgin. Fermented kelp, rye, and citrus brewed in oak barrels produces this olive-colored ale. Hagshot smells like seaweed left to rot on the beach, and has a bitter-salty taste. Anyone who “enjoys” this spirit will cough or gag on the first sip. Locals say the citrus content helps prevent scurvy. Special Effect – Hagshot inspires a short-lived, reckless feeling of bravery and confidence. Whenever you make an ability check after drinking, roll a d4 for every pint you had within the last 30 minutes, and add the number rolled on each of these dice to your ability check. If you roll a 1 on any of these bonus dice, you instantly fail the ability check in a ridiculously clumsy way.

Dimhall Wine – 8cp/mug, 3gp/bottle A local merchant provides Ared with bottles of Dwarven Wine from various clans for patrons and locals who prefer something less bitter than Hagshot. Mostly ordered by travelers, Ared keeps these on display in a cabinet behind the bar, the bottles adding exotic décor to the North Call’s rustic interior.

Solsta’s Fish Stew – 2sp/bowl Turnips, carrots, onions, mussels, crab, and several varieties of fish make this stew a hearty meal. Served with a side of black bread and butter, fishermen swear by its ability to sate even the most ravenous hunger. Special Effect – For 1d4 hours after eating Solsta’s Fish Stew, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws.

Crab legs (seasonal) – 3sp/plate The crabs of the north seas grow to an enormous size. The legs alone are 3 feet long! Ared stokes a fire out back and steams them over glowing hot coals, wrapped in seaweed, and serves six foot long portions on a tray with a bowl of drawn butter on the side. Tender and light in texture, the crab meat melts in your mouth. Available only during the winter and spring months.

Cheese, fruit and dry Sausage – 2sp/plate Seasonal cheese and fruit with a thick link of dried smoked sausage. Served with a generous portion of black bread and butter, this plate is good for a meal in the tavern or as a take-away for travelers. Fishermen who have reached their fill of seafood select this simple yet satisfying dish.

Iku-Turso, Fish Skrillé – 4sp/plate An exotic cuisine from the depths of the sea. Iku-Turso is served cold and is a curious combination of lobster borth, crab legs, and squid. It is often made to be eaten during the Ritual of Iku-Turso; honoring the ancient demon sea God.


party surely would have perished. When spring

for the task. Heroes can locate them in a corner

finally arrived, Hrolf interpreted the retreat of the

booth, drinking dwarven wine while considering

harsh conditions as a sign from the gods that his

alternative plans.

party was being rewarded for their perseverance. He and his mates made an offering to their gods,

A past in Piracy -In a previous employ, Ared

opening their ceremony by striking a small gong

sailed with a notorious captain called Moorgaunt.

that survived the wreckage. With the help of his

In a port of call, Ared met Solsta’s mother and fell

mates, Hrolf founded and built the first structures

deeply in love. Desperate for an escape from the

of the town now known as Sestone.

swashbuckling life, Ared stole a large sum of gold

Every year when winter melts into spring, the

from Moorgaunt, collected his ladylove, and sailed

town celebrates Hrolf and his mates. The festival

north, far from Moorgaunt’s territory. Moorgaunt

of Targuka, named after Hrolf’s fishing boat,

placed a sizable bounty on Ared’s head but no one

begins the day after the frozen ground melts

from his pirating life has found him … yet.

away completely, revealing the new life of spring. Shortly before dawn, the townsfolk gather in the market square. A ceremonial gong stands in the center of the square, facing east. Ulfwin Turval, a direct descendant of Hrolf, sounds the gong, proclaiming the blessing of the gods who allowed Sestonians to survive another harsh winter. The day is filled with music, food, and games of chance. Spirited revelers end the festival with a massive bonfire on the beach that carries on until dawn.

Rumors & Secrets Aelmor Island - It is common knowledge that an island off the coast once was a refuge for higher learning in the magical arts and devotion to strange deities. Now a ruin picked over by bandits, the old monastery may still hold some secret knowledge or treasures. Fishermen will share stories of a hidden cove among the cliffs, accessed through a cavern located below the ruins. None venture close, for jagged rocks and glimpses of strange fish-like humanoids stir up fear and, caution in these simple fisher folk. Heroes can gain more information from the locals. One might act as a guide for the right price.

Mining Expedition - A group of dwarves are in

Tragically, for all his careful planning and safe living, Ared lost his bride while she was giving birth to their daughter, Solsta. Ared knows the location of Moorgaunt’s clan lair and knows of several powerful magic items in their possession. Getting this information out of Ared won’t be easy, but he may tell all to those he owes a favor.

Kharkuun’s Curse – Complaints of foul odor in the inn led to the discovery of a rotting corpse in an upstairs chamber. The remains were identified as merchant sea captain, Atticus Nilsson. Rumors of a cursed obsidian figurine soon circulated the docks. This figurine is said to belong to the powerful pirate lich, Kharkuun. Its reign of terror is well known by those who have traversed the shipping lanes in the tropical seas and lived to tell the tale. Those who have not seen the piece believe it brings the holder immeasurable wealth. Yet, all who have touched it have met a violent end. Before his fortunes turned sour, the captain managed to conceal the figurine behind the wooden mermaid in the tavern. Captain Atticus hoped

town conducting business with a local merchant.

this would

Word around the tavern is the merchant has

save him from

hired the dwarves to recover his treasure.

the terrifying

This expedition is as costly as it is dangerous.

darkness that

Realizing they may have oversold their abilities,

haunted him day

the dwarves are now seeking additional muscle

and night.


Emerald Falls

massive caldera cradles a large lake in its belly; formed by centuries of



collected rainwater.



This lake bleeds into



streams that cascade




16 varied


Jungle Expeditions, Diamond Prospecting, Aerial Messenging,


Traders, Shamans, Rangers, Wilderness Tracking, Lava Core Mining

the Emerald Falls.


Humans (Distrusting)

Behind the Veil

down three hundred feet into the Emerald Pool below. These cascading rivers form

“You hear the roar of the falls first, echoing all around.

It is behind these falls,

Stay on the beaten path lads, or you’ll lose your way.

on the banks of the

Just when you think you can’t take another step,

pool, where adventurers

the overgrowth gives way and there she is: the most

can discover the Emerald

beautiful lady in the jungle, The Emerald Falls. If

Falls Guest House. Exotic

you can get there before sunset, you’ll see why many

jungle woods striped with

a traveler has mistaken her for a cave of emeralds.

bright veins of color were used

Her waters nearly glow with the colors of the land

in its construction. The contrast

surrounding her. In the moonlight, she’s a goddess; her

positions the guest house to stand out

crystal waters glittering under the stars. Continue to

against the obsidian like a painting

the left and a narrow path will lead you behind the falls

on black canvas. The building is made

to the guest house.”

up of several tiers that climb up the cavern walls and fill its width. Suspended landings,

~ Fruum Blagsbard, Blackrock Dwarf Trader

walkways and staircases allow for visitors to climb up to private rooms, each with a view of the falls, pools, and the jungle beyond. At the base


t the center of a great jungle, a

of this structure is a patio area which serves as a

jagged mountain range juts up

lounging area. From here, guests can safely enter

from the rolling terrain. Black

and bathe in the clear green waters of the pool.

mountains devoid of vegetation

Beyond the patio, large teak doors adorned with

part the lush landscape,

polished stones and carved jungle wildlife motifs

their peaks a serrated blade

mark the entryway to the tavern.

threatening the sky. These are the Dragontooth Mountains, a long range of impossibly high summits and several active volcanos. Black obsidian stones mined here are traded far and wide, creating a funnel of prosperity for the Blackrock dwarf clan who reside there. These mountains are also home to fire giants, who prefer to remain near the volcanic peaks of the range.

Near the center of this mountain range lies the remnant of a large volcano. Long dormant, this


Obsidian Eyes The entrance is flanked by two massive warding statues, carved from a solid piece of obsidian, depicting the gods of local jungle tribes. These are believed to keep the evil spirits that wander the jungle from discovering this sanctuary. Upon entry, warm bright light emitting from glowing rock lamps fills the interior space. Dry, cool air from the lava tube cave system flows in through vents at the back of the tavern hall, keeps the

jungle humidity at bay. Near the entryway, a

record for cliff diving in these parts. No one has

cozy bar invites visitors to sit and rest,

beat her at the dive … and lived to tell the tale.

have a drink. Several tables are scattered throughout the space. Here, guests can enjoy a

Kymani Ashante – (Male Avian Bard)Kymani is a member of the

meal, talk of their travels,

Avians, a race of bird humanoids that

or simply enjoy a little

reside in the lush canopies of the jungle.

privacy away from the boisterous regulars at the bar. To the

Elongated flight feathers on their arms can be folded back when not in use. Kymani’s plumage is a

left of the entrance

bright display of reds, gold and

sits a small stage

copper. Jungle Avians tend to

where locals play

use their flight abilities only

upbeat music. To

when needed while among

the right, a short

other races. Most other races

hallway leads to the

in the jungle actively avoid

kitchen entrance and the back of the structure to the lava tube caves.

Avians due to their reputation of feeling – and acting – superior to others. Kymani is attempting to challenge their prejudice by being very friendly to

inkEEpEr & Staff Zaxia Coorvatak (Female Felinid Monk) – Zaxia - or Zax as she likes to be called - inherited the guest house from her father, Pacha. She towers over most, an elegant beauty of six feet. Her amber colored fur is speckled with dark spots that cover her entire body. Modestly dressed, she can be easily spotted

guests and always willing to play a song to cheer his audience. Able to play twelve different instruments with legendary expertise, Kymani is the resident entertainer at the guest house. While not an adventurer, he is an expert on local lore and can be a valuable source of information.

in the traditional, colorful garb of her people. Her


almond-shaped eyes are the same green as the

Stairs adjacent to the patio lead to a landing from

pools outside, and just as bright. Newcomers to

which several walkways stretch to rooms built

the guest house are always startled by Zax’s eight

on top of the tavern hall and along the cavern

inch fangs, believing themselves to be her next

walls. There are sixteen rooms in total. The


largest are located closest to the patio level with

Regulars know that she is mostly grins, not

the ability to sleep six. Small, single occupancy

growls, but they can be reluctant to pass on that

rooms are located on the upper levels. All of the

information in favor of a good laugh. Zaxia

rooms feature a deck area, outfitted with chairs

thoroughly enjoys life and runs the guest house

or benches for guests to relax in and watch the

as if every day were a festival for her gods. She

falls – or the other patrons. Inside the rooms, the

loves to have music playing, drinks flowing and

furniture is carved from the same exotic woods as

howling at a well-crafted joke. Visitors arriving

the guest house doors; creating a colorful, if not

in the morning can spy Zaxia cliff diving into

cheerful respite. The beds are stuffed with the soft

the Emerald Pools. Locals, and visiting fools,

fibers of nut husks and the sheets are made from

sometimes challenge her to a diving contest to

thinly woven silks which keep guests cool in the

score free drinks. Little do these unfortunate

constant humidity. Each room has a small table to

braggarts know that Zax holds the unofficial

sit at and they are all lit by rock lamps.


Sleep Tight

features are quite deceptive, tricking those

No locks on the doors means guests need to keep

flower. It is only too late the other discovers her

valuables hidden or leave them with Zax if they

expertise with a bow and the razor sharp blades at

feel the need for security. Zax does not see the

her hips.

need for locks, declaring the Emerald Falls Guest

Finely carved yet powerful, her bow is both a

House as the safest place on the mountainside. In

magical and sentient weapon. A druid in her clan

all the years she has run the inn, not one incident

transferred the spirit of her brother Baelyn into

of theft has been reported. Some say she has theft

the bow upon his death. In his new form, he is

warding magic cast on the inn and that if one tries

able to assist Bronwynn on her quests and remain

to steal something, they will be overcome with a

her companion; the two make a formidable team

suggestion spell, forcing them to publicly confess

in both combat and diplomacy. Bronwynn is often

on stage in the tavern.

seen speaking to the bow. Those unknown to her

Zax will neither confirm nor deny this as she

dismiss her as a lunatic, chattering to herself at

likes this rumor spread about. Guests awake to

all hours.

the calls of jungle birds and the smell of bread

unknown to her into believing she is a demure

Bronwynn has been hired by the king of the

baking. Zax enjoys offering breakfast for hungry

Blackrock dwarves to deal with the fire giants

patrons on the patio: fresh sweet breads, fruits

who have been attacking the clans mining near

and smoked reptilian meats. Anything that keeps

the volcanic regions. The superheated stone

her guests happy will fatten her purse.

is vital for the most valuable dwarven wares; they willingly take the risk of skirting fire giant

Notable Patrons Fruum Blagsbard (Male Dwarf Trader) Fruum travels the trade routes in and out of the jungle, selling the raw obsidian and other handiworks produced by the Blackrock clan. He has brown skin like most Blackrock and chestnut hair cropped short on his head. His beard is trimmed and braided into a long single lock which he fashions around his neck like a scarf. He

territory to gain a large profit. Bronwynn – along with Baelyn – is still debating her best approach. She could attempt to broker a deal between the giants and dwarves. On the other hand, it may be easier work to remove the giants from the area completely. Adventurers who speak with Bronwynn will learn about her dilemma and may offer their assistance.

says it helps keep him cool in the humid jungle.

Rumors and Secrets

Fruum is friendly with the local tribes and is able

Broken Seal - Fruum has caught wind of some

to communicate in their various languages. He

disturbing news from the villages he passes

makes an excellent guide, especially for those

through on his trade routes. About a week ago,

unfamiliar with jungle flora and fauna. If a group

a caravan three wagons strong was found in a

of adventurers need his services, Fruum is happy

ditch. While the jungle roads can be dangerous

to join for a span, especially in exchange for a few

and bandit attacks are known to occur, this

growlers of guava ale.

incident is different. No bodies were found at

Bronwynn Elderflower (Female Elf Ranger) – Trained on the outskirts of the jungle,

the scene but definite signs of a fight remain. In fact, the merchants who found the caravan report finding severed limbs, that were not only

Bronwynn is a skilled bounty hunter, selling her

decomposed, but moving. The locals believe this

services to kings, lords, and governors residing

to be the work of a necromancer. Frightful rumors

within or near to the realm. Her blood-red hair is

have begun to spread, warning of the return of a

plaited down her back with strips of fine leather.

powerful raksasha who terrorized the jungle with

She wears a blue tunic embroidered with icons

its necromancy a century ago. The raksasha was

familiar to her elven clan. Her soft, unassuming

taken down by a paladin who used his righteous


blade to seal the evil creature away in a tomb. Some say the paladin’s blade has been weakened, or removed, allowing the raksasha to return to the

EmErald SpECialS

realms of the living.

Heart of Fire - Deep beneath the mountain range, unknown to all except the fire giants, is a labyrinth of lava tubes. This was once home to a kingdom of salamanders. The fire giants invaded the salamander kingdom long ago, killing every creature in the kingdom. Or so they thought. Hidden in the hot depths, a small group of salamanders survive. They are the sole protectors of an ancient artifact called the Heart of Fire. This large red gem is the measure and weight of a man’s head, and harbors great magical powers. The gem can be used to control volcanic

Guava Ale 3sp / cup – This light brew appears pink when poured and has a sweet, tangy aftertaste. It is brewed with a native root said to impart the icy chill of the northern lands. Refreshing on a hot day in the jungle, this is the drink of choice for locals. Special Effect: A player who drinks a pint of Guava Ale has fire/heat resistance for one hour. This effect does not stack.

Hot Banana Juice 1gp / cup –

it were a god, and praying for vengeance against

Zaxia concocted this drink by distilling the fruit and blossoms of the saba tree with fermented milk of young coconuts. Bright magenta color mimics the skin of the saba fruit. When poured, the liquid naturally emits an odor indicating its intense spicy flavor. Locals will order this drink by simply asking for a glass of “juice”. It’s quite strong so like

the fire giants who destroyed their kingdom.

an enemy, it is best taken down quickly.

lava flow within a five hundred foot radius of itself and was used by the salamanders to control the environment they lived in. Unfortunately, the salamander survivors are weaker than their ancestors. They have forgotten how to use the artifact but they guard it still, worshipping it as if

Recently, a salamander corpse was found by locals in a mountain stream. No one knows how the salamander arrived there but this discovery has alarmed the dwarves as well as the locals. Adventurers may decide to follow the trail of the

Special Effect: One drink grants a player a +1 for Dexterity and a -1 to Wisdom for one hour. If a player drinks a second shot, they gain cold resistance for one hour. This effect does not stack.

dead salamander to uncover its origin. Those who do might learn of the salamander’s labyrinth and the Heart of Fire.

The Wishing Stone - Deep in the jungle,

place. The Spirit Naga toys with its prey. Leading

further than any adventurer has ever wandered,

unfortunate souls deep into a labyrinth below

lays the ruins of a great civilization. Worn away by

the pyramid, the Spirit Naga’s trickery weakens

time and aggressive vegetation, all that remains is

them until they perish, releasing their souls for its

the shell of a grand pyramid. This is where blood


sacrifices were made to a Spirit Naga, ruler of the people who once inhabited this city. Forgotten through the generations, the Spirit

Full of dead ends, traps, and undead minions of the Spirit Naga, the labyrinth is a formidable challenge for even the most seasoned adventurer.

Naga remains trapped in the pyramid. Its only

If the Spirit Naga is defeated, adventurers can

activity is to lure lost travelers to its lair with

claim the Wishing Stone as their prize. Those

the help of an ancient artifact called the Wishing

who possess the Wishing Stone have the power to

Stone. The artifact emits a magical field similar to

charm other creatures into doing their bidding.

a Suggestion spell for ten miles in every direction from the pyramid, enticing creatures to its resting



Section 2

Bringing Your Inns to Life


BRINGING YOUR INNS TO LIFE “An’ she bloody tells me,” Trolko looked around, relishing the attention. “I’m sorry Mister, we don’t do breastplate stretchers”! The room erupted in howls,


his section provides everything you need to bring your inns to life, and offer your heroes fun things to do when they are visiting. Some are presented as optional rules. Others

are intended to spark your imagination and encourage you to find new fresh ways to handle an otherwise ordinary visit to the tavern.

about. Trolko’s belly shook with laughter as the


punters patted his back, dropping full steins at his

Most tavern owners cannot afford to deny

table as tokens of appreciation for another story well

entrance to folk they don’t fancy, and are

told. Trolko adored these moments. Ever since he left

hospitable. Some establishments, however, are

the dreaded Taroshian Army, all he yearned for was

known be ill disposed towards certain races,

friendship and a good laugh.

professions, or beliefs, refusing to serve those who

his audience hooting and hollering, drinks splashing

“Tell us another!” a voice shouted from the din.

fall into these classes. An orc barbarian sitting

Trolko raised a hand. His audience stilled, their

down for a drink at the Whitewoods Inn might be

expectations ballooning in the musty air. Taking a gulp of wine, he continued, “Have I told you about the lad who lost my pants?”

surprised he parted with a few more coins for a tankard of ale than his elven friend. Certain places even go as far as denying entrance altogether to certain creatures, risking a skirmish with the

~ Quilla Bladesong, Journal Entry , 7th day of Targuka, Year of the Bloodmoon

guards or proprietor to those that come in anyway. As an optional gaming rule, each inn can have a Disposition towards Race, Class and Religion, affecting many things such as prices, the availability of information and services or hospitality.

Disposition Levels Disposition is measured in levels, ranging from None to Violent.

None – If no disposition is specified, the tavern is entirely neutral, welcoming all customers.

Unwelcoming - The establishment is not particularly forthcoming, but won’t deny access. The mild intolerance shows in small ways that might not be immediately noticeable.

Intolerant - The tavern staff openly calls out, ridicules or bullies these creatures. This results in those customers never returning, earning the place a reputation for being intolerant.


Violent The establishment is Trolko extremely “An she – bloody tells me,” unwelcoming or hostile, or denies looked around, he knew he entrance had all entirely. These places have guards stationed at their attention now, “I’m sorry Misthe we entrance checking all that enter, pulling ter, don’t do breast-plate stretaside those that strike suspicion. chers”, the room erupted in howls, everyone began hooting and hollering, men chuckThe Edrinks ffects splashed, Of Disposition led and Trolko belly laughed, as the In addition to being met with an unfriendly punter’s patted his back and dropped attitude or being denied entrance, a poor steins infront for him to drink. Trolko disposition can also influence other things such adored these moments, ever since he as the availability of services or the willingness to left the dreaded Taroshian Army, all cooperate truthfully. he yearned for now was friendship, Depending on the severity of the intolerance, the laughs, and a good wench to see the effects vary from increasing prices and unfriendly night over. “Tell us ‘nother!” a voiscowls, to more hostile behavior such as refusal ce shouted, and so Trolko wiped the of being served food and drinks, or verbal beer and ale of his face, “Okay, okay harassment. ‘old yer horses,” taking a big gulp of his mugbelow of wine, he continued, “Well The table lists several roleplaying ideas there wascreate thisanone lad...”world Trolko, Reto help you immersive for your tired Knight of the Taroshian Army players when one or more of their party is unwelcome.

This section provides everything you need to bring your inns to life, d10 Disposition Effects and offer your players fun things to 1 You notice prices are high, only for you. do when they are visiting. Some are 2 Regular patrons scowl and act rudely. presented as optional “rules”, others are intended to spark your imagina3 You are denied a seat at certain tables. tion and encourage you to find new 4 Locals refuse to talk to “your kind” and fresh call ways handle an otherwise youto names. ordinary visit to denied the tavern. 5 You are being services Surprise such as using the and stables and blacksmith shop. your players yourself! Disposition afford deny 6 Most The taverns innkeeper can’t says there are noto rooms available, but it’s obvious business slow. entrance to folk they don’t fancyisand need every hard earned coin to given make 7 You begin to suspect information to you is deliberately falsified. ends meet. Most inns are as hospitable as can be. Some establishments 8 The innkeeper spits on the counter and turns his back to you. however, are known to have a have a 9 Regular corner you, looking to mild or evenpatrons strong disposition tostart a fight. wards certain races; professions or 10 You are denied entrance; the even beliefs, refusing to guards serve at those door knock you back. or making them feel unwelcome. An orc barbarian sitting down for a drink at the Whitewoods Lodge might be surprised he parted with a few more coins for a tankard of ale than his

elven friend.D Certain places even go as Influencing isposition far as denying all together Through roleplayingentrance or taking certain actions, to folkheroes they have don’t like, to risking run in your a chance improveaor worsen with the guards or proprietor to those the level of disposition, affecting the way the that come in anyway. patrons and proprietors deal with them. The GM decides which actions and how many are

As an to optional gaming rule,ofeach needed improve or hurt the level disposition inn canthehave a Disposition towards Heroes, leaving room totowards shape the

Race, Class andyour Belief, affecting many experience towards campaign. An initial Mild things such asbeprices, thenoavailabiliDisposition could turned into disposition

tyall, of through information and services or the at clever play. Alternatively, brash willingness serve and hospice. adventurers canto become even more unwanted. Disposition Severity Disposition is Being Favored measured in levels, ranging from Contrary to being unwanted, there is also the Mild, Strong to Extreme..

possibility of becoming keenly regarded guests. Consider inversing the effects and making one or

None – If no disposition is specified, more of your heroes welcome visitors. the tavern is entirely neutral, impoBecoming a favored patron can have many sing no negative or positive effects on benefits, both subtle and far-reaching such as: how it treats certain customers. ♦♦ Lower   prices for drinks and services.

Mild - The establishment is not par♦♦ Being   welcomed and recognized as a but regular. ticularly fond or welcoming, They start to know your name around town. won’t deny access. The mild intolerance shows in small ways that might ♦♦ Becoming   a confidant. Access to inside rumors and valuable information. not be immediately noticeable to all. ♦♦ Being   announced as performer on a festive

Strong - The tavern openly out, evening at the tavern, earning greatcalls respect. ridicules or bullies, often resulting ♦♦ Being   regarded as an important person. Folk in those customers never returning come to you for advice on many topics. and earning the place a reputation for ♦♦ Being   offered a place to hide when needed. being unwelcoming. ♦♦ Being   offered a regular long-stay room and

Extreme – The is expermanent accessestablishment to stables and services. tremely unwelcoming, even hostile, ♦♦ The   innkeeper introduces you to influential or denies entrance entirely. Often people in town, unlocking new opportunities. these places have guards stationed at ♦♦ The   entrance, innkeeper offers you to take theenter, tavern the checking all over that once he retires. pulling aside those that strike a suspicion orfavored don’taround meettown their Becoming is afancy. fantastic way to weave your heroes into the fabric of

The campaign, Effects of Disposition Inofaddition your making them a part a living, to just being met with unfriendly breathing world where actionsan beyond simply attitudea or outright denying swinging battle-axe matter.

entrance, a poor disposition can also influence 45

other things such as the availability nnkeeper s of he services or the willingness to cooperate truthfully. Depending on the uthority severity of the intolerance, the effects vary from sudden increasing he innkeeper is oftenprices, a unfriendly scowls and refusal of being respected figure commanding served food and drinks, toespecially more hossome authority, in tile behavior such ascommunities. being openly smaller He or harassed or called out as role “not she plays a key in belonlocal ging here”. affairs such as trade, economy,




and politics. Where Disposition determines the

overall attitude towards certain races,roleplaygroups, The table below lists several and your adventurers’ ingprofessions, ideas to help you createrelationship an im-

to the innkeeper quantifies what services when and mersive world for your players, information theyof have access to. one or more their party

is unwelcome. Being on friendly terms with the innkeeper

might allow the characters an audience with the

D10 lord. Disposition 1 You notice local Conversely,Effects if the characters provoke

prices quite high, others are the ire ofare those around them,while they will suffer the charged less 2 Regularvaporize patrons scowl consequences. Opportunities or become and act rudely, whistling and taunting harder to get. 3 You notice prices are quite high, while others are charged 4 have Locals As an optional gaming rule, each less inn can an are extremely mouthed, refuAuthority level on aclose scale from 1 to 5, indicating singfartothe talk to “your kind”reaches. 5 You are how innkeeper’s influence being denied services such as using the stables and Influence blacksmith shop 6 Authority Level The there’s no rooms ~ innkeeper says No local influence available, while it’s clearly a quiet ~~ Modest regional influence time around the tavern 7 You begin ~~~ High regional influence to suspect information given to you ~~~~ Intercontinental influence is deliberately false 8 Regular patrons ~~~~~ Unbound corner you, looking to influence pick a fight 9 The innkeeper spits on the counter The level, the more influential the andhigher turnsthehis back 10 You are denied innkeeper is in local matters, even consulted entrance, guards at theordoor push you regarding intercontinental political affairs. tauntingly Adventurers can use this to their advantage, improving their Disposition relationship with the innkeeper Influencing Through roleto advanceor their place in political actions, standings, your playing taking certain or better their with the guildor or heroes havekinship a chance to mages improve

important traders. An of innkeeper’s authority worsen the level disposition, affec-

might change over time, possiblyand due to events ting the way the patrons proprieyour heroes participated in. This is a great way to

tors deal with them. It’s up to the GM make your world a living and breathing place, as to decide what actions and how many opposed to being filled with static characters. are needed to improve or hurt the le46

vel of disposition towards the heroes, Gaining The Innkeeper ’s Favor leaving room to shape the experience Gaining the favor of an innkeeper through towards your campaign. An initial clever roleplaying or performing outstanding Mild disposition could be turned into services can be a fun and refreshing activity no disposition at all, through clever for your heroes. At the GM’s discretion it may play. Alternatively, brash players can increase their chances to unlock a myriad of new become even more unwanted fast. opportunities.

Being Favored In contrary to being The GM decides how to quantify this, allowing unwanted, there’s also the possibility the characters to find smart ways to advance of becoming keenly regarded guests. their standings. If they succeed the pay-off can be Consider inversing the effects and great, strengthening their relationship with the making one or more of your playNPC’s, but situations in which such an attempt ers welcome visitors, if they actively fails, leaving the innkeeper mad at the Heroes, work to be regarded favorably. Becocan be equally interesting. ming a favored patron can have many benefits, both subtle and far-reaching in ecurity the long term such as:



uilla Bladesong has seen more

• Getting lower prices for drinks bar brawls than most. She is and services • Being welcomed seen casually dodging a bottle and recognized as a regular. They of Hagshot whizzing past, start to know your name around crashing into the back wall of The town. • Getting free drinks and North Call Inn. One particularly lodging • Becoming a confidant. interesting winter, she witnessed a merchant Access to inside rumors and valuable from Dunlinn have his arms pulled off by the information Being announced as local blacksmith.• The merchant dared to dispute performer on blacksmith’s a special festive the quality of the swords. evening at the tavern, earning great respect While most taverns are fairly safe, some can • Getting a drink from other rehave a low security level. This indicates they are gular patrons • Being regarded as more likely to be inhospitable or have visitors an important person. Folk fall victim to attack or robbery. come to you for adClandestine watering holes vice on many topics have an equally important • Being offered place in the world next to a place to hide and law-abiding taverns, and disappear when offer interesting needed • Being roleplaying offered a reguopportunities. lar long-stay As an optional room pergaming and rule, each manent acinn can have a cess tolevel stables Security on and services a scale from 1 to • The 5. Theinnkeeper lower the introduces security statusyou of

the Inn, the higher the people chances are the heroes fall to high influence around town, victim to an attack, robbery, bribery, unlocking new fraud, opportunities • bar fight other event.offers The or innkeeper

you to take over the tavern once he retires

Never Tell Me The Odds!

Becoming favored around town is a For every visit to the inn, roll a percentile die and fantastic way to weave your heroes check the table below to see if anything happens. into the fabric of your campaign, making them a part of a living, breathing Security Level Chance of Event world where actions beyond simply d 75% or higher swinging a battle-axe matter. The d d 50% or higher Innkeeper’s Influence Especially in ddd smaller communities, the innkeeper 25% or higher is often figure dd dd a respected 15% or higher commanding some authority and playing a key dddd d 5% or higher role in the local affairs such as trade, economy and politics. Where DispoIf an event occurs, roll a d20 or manually pick a sition determines the overall attituresult from the “Unfortunate Events” table below. de towards certain races, groups and professions, your players relationship d20 Unfortunate Events to the innkeeper quantifies what ser1 You absentmindedly stare at the crime vices and information the have access lord’s partner, triggering his wrath. to. Being on friendly terms with the 2 A bar brawl erupts, with you caught in innkeeper might allow the characters the middle. an audience with the local lord, after 3 A street urchin tries to pickpocket you. a favorable mention by the proprietor. 4 A disgruntled wizard sets the tavern Conversely, if the characters provoablaze with magical fire. ke the ire of those around them, the 5 A bandit mistakes you for someone he might has suffer the consequences. a dispute with. 6

Your opponent cries foul play in a cards/

As an optional dice game. gaming rule, each inn can have an Influence level on a sca7 A local merchant swindles you into le from 1 to knock-off 5, indicating how far the buying potions. innkeeper’s influence reaches. 8 You trip over the innkeeper’s cat, causing 1. 4. 9

a kerfuffle. He charges you 20gp for the damage.2. None Low 3. Normal

Strong 5. Extreme You bet on two enslaved dwarves fighting to the death.

The the level, more in- are 10 higher Any belongings you the left in your room stolen. fluential the innkeeper is in local 11 A bar brawl erupts. Everyone matters, the adventurers canstarts use this throwing drinks at you, dealing 5 (1d10) to their advantage; improving their slashing damage. relationship with the innkeeper to 12 A rough looking man rushes past you, deliberately advance their place in pushing a leather satchel into your arms local political standings, before fleeing the tavern.relationships with influential traders or better their

kinship withbandits the mages’ guild. An 13 Several burst into the tavern demanding money, threatening with innkeeper’s influence in local matters at point blank range. might crossbows change over time, possibly due 14 events The barkeep tries to calm two quarreling to your player’s participated lovers who are getting increasingly loud. in. This is a great way to make your 15 A of dice badly for aplace, local world a game living andends breathing guardsmen. He knocks over the table and as opposed to being filled with static starts throwing a tantrum. cardboard cutout characters. Gaining 16 Two gnome prospectors get into a fiery the Innkeepers Favor swinging Gainingwildly. the argument, pickaxes favor of an innkeeper through clever 17 Regular patrons corner you and taunt roleplaying or performing outstanyour choice of clothing. ding services can be a fun and refres18 Out of the shadows, a robed figure puts a hing activity players. Atall the dagger tofor youryour throat, demanding of your money. it may increase their GM’s discretion chances to authority unlock bursts a myriad oftavern new 19 Local into the shouting “this bandit party is over!” opportunities. 20

The innkeeper loudly accuses you of with false which causes uppaying to the GM tocoin, quantify this, the and whole crowd to eye you suspiciously.

It’s the players to find smart ways to advance their standings. If they succeed S ensing Danger the pay-off can be great, strengthening their relationship with thetoNPIn certain events you can ask the heroes make a C’s, but situations where such an Wisdom (Perception) check or a Wisdom (Insight) attempt innkeeper check to seefails, if theyleaving notice thethe thief coming or mad aatdispute themis can be equally interessense escalating into a bar fight. ting. Security A merchant from DunIt’s up to the GM to weave the encounters into a linn gotnarrative, his arms pulled off byfeel the thrilling making the Heroes their choices matter. local half-orc blacksmith after a fiery dispute over the quality of the swords delivered. Quilla has seen The Virtues Of LBladesong ow Security more bar brawls then most, casually While some avoid low security establishments, dodging a bottle of Hagshot whizzing others revel in the low light of clandestine dens past, crashing into the back wall of and watering holes. These shadowy places are The North Call Inn. rife with opportunity and mystery. Those after

a precarious bit of information proving the local

While most taverns are fairly safe, lord’s illegal trade practices or the latest tidings some can have a low security level, of the assassin’s guilds, flock to low security indicating they are more likely to be establishments. Even those who look for nothing inhospitable or have visitors fall vimore than to disappear for a while savor the ctim to attack or robbery. Clandestishadows low security inns. ne watering holes have an equally


Examples of how low security might determine important place in the world next toa tavern’s properties: royal, law-abiding

taverns, and offer interesting roleplaying opportunities. ♦♦ The   place is rich with rumors As an optional gaming rule, each inn ♦♦ Availability   have a Security of clandestine information for sale can level on a scale from 1 to 5 shields. The lower the ♦♦ Innkeeper   and servants are susceptible to bribes security status of the Inn, the higher ♦♦ Hiding   chances place for don’t want be the arethose thewho heroes falltovictim found to an attack, fraud, robbery, bribery, bar or other event. ♦♦ Place   fight to hire assassins, bounty hunters, and mercenaries

Never Tell me The Odds To determine ♦♦ Selling   place to get rid of your clandestine goods what happens, first roll a percentile ♦♦ Illicit   for every wares forhour sale such as poisons, thieves’ die spent at the tavern tools, or rare spell components to see if anything happens. If it does, roll a d20 to determine the result on the encounter table below or choose a G etting Away With Murder desired result yourself. Anti-social behavior such as openly engaging in is a surefire way to run • combat * and stealing 75% chance (unsafe) • into with the law.• But in*** low security ** trouble 50% chance 25%

establishments, your characters are much chance • **** 15% chance • less likely to be This means ***** apprehended. 5% chance (safe)that

adventurers can use force, intimidation, and other unsavory means to obtain information D20 Low Security Events 1 Youwithout acrisk of running into the law.

cidentally stare at the crime lord’s woman, triggering his wrath 2 A bar Low security establishments are often the best brawl erupts, you are caught in the places to acquire hard-to-get information and middle 3 A local poor boy tries to pick up the darkest of rumors. They can become pickpocket you 4 A disgruntled wisome of the most memorable places in your world. zard sets the tavern ablaze with maWhenever the heroes are running into the limits gical fire 5 A bandit mistakes you for of the law-abiding civilization, opportunities another he has a dispute with 6 Your might open up elsewhere. From highly secretive opponent tries foul play in a cards/ quests to obtaining politically sensitive dice game 7 A local merchant tries to information or hiring assassins, low security swindle you into buying knock off poplaces might just be what your adventurers are tions 8 You trip over the Inn Keeper’s looking for.


cat and cause a kerfuffle. He charges you 20gp for cat damages. 9 You’re offered to bet on two enslaved dwarves fighting to the death. 10 If you left anything in your room at the Inn, all your belongings are stolen upon return. 11 A bar brawl erupts. Everyone throws their drinks at you, dealing 5 damage. 12 A rough looking man rushes past you, pushing a leather satchel into your arms then flees the tavern. 13 Several bandits burst into the tavern demanding money, threatening with crossbows at point blank range. 14 The barkeep tries to calm to quarreling lovers who are getting increasingly loud. 15 A game of dice ends badly for a local guardsmen. He knocks over the table and starts yelling loudly 16 Two gnome prospectors get into a fiery argument, pickaxes swinging wildly. 17 Regular patrons corner you and tauntingly try to pick a fight 18 Out of the shadows, a robed figure puts a dagger to your throat, demanding money 19 Several ominous looking patrons look your way, whispering to each other, then leave the tavern 20 The innkeeper loudly accuses you of paying with false coin, making the whole crowd turn and look Sensing Danger In certain events you can ask the heroes to roll a skill check to see if they notice the thief coming or sense a dispute is escalating into a bar fight. It’s up to the GM to weave the encounters into a thrilling narrative, making the heroes feel their choices matter. 
 The Virtues of Low Security While some avoid low security establishments, others revel in the low light of clandestine dens and watering holes. To them, these shadowy places are rife with opportunity and

mystery. Those after a precarious bit ealth proving rices of information the local lord’s illegal trade practices, or the latest rom the opulent taverns tidings of the of active assassins guilds, Mul’Djin to the rickety flock to low security establishments. roadhouses along the forested Even those that look for nothing than edge of Ruhn, establishments disappear for vary a whole, savior the shain wealth and stature. dows of low litSome back arerooms. exclusive, accessible




only to the wealthy, but others are a home to all

Examples how lowseeking security might walks of life, of from fortune travelers to determine a tavern’s character are: hardened mercenaries seeking respite after a grueling battle.

• Availability of clandestine inAlthough exceptions exist, a tavern’s wealth formation for sale • Innkeeper and dictates what kind of drinks, food, and services servants are susceptible to bribes • they offer, and often reflects its security level. The place is rich with rumors • As an optional gaming rule, each inn can have a Information for sale • Hiding place Wealth level on a scale from 1 to 5: for those who don’t want to be found • Place to hire assassins, bounty Wealth Level Prices hunters and mercenaries • Selling 1 Squalid (50%clandestine lower prices) place to get rid of your 11 Poor (30% lower goods • Illicit wares forprices) sale such 111 as poisons or Common rare spell components (normal prices) 1111

Rich (50-100% higher prices)

Getting with Murder Commit11111 away Exotic (100-300% higher prices) ting anti-social behavior such as openly engaging in combat, stealing When an establishment has a Wealth level of and taunting is normally a surefire common, it means prices are normal, such as way to run into trouble with the law. listed in the tables found in this book. Higher or But lowofsecurity establishments, lowerin levels Wealth indicate prices may differ your characters are much less likely from the common norm, sometimes as much as to be apprehended. This means that 300% or more. For example, on average, a night’s players can use force, stay at a regular tavern costs intimidation 2cp per night, but and other means much more getting a basic room at an exotic tavernfreely might cost to obtain without risk of you as much information, as 10gp. running into the law. 
Low security establishments are often to best plaP oor Establishments ces to acquire hard to get information Poor other end the spectrum. and inns pickrepresent up thethe darkest ofofrumors, Every adventurer is bound spendmemorable a night or two and can become the to most at a low class inn, and remembers the feeling the of of places in your world. Whenever waking upare on arunning raw straw bed. can endof up players intoHeroes the limits in lower class accommodations because they favor the law-abiding civilization, opportutheir simplicity, or because no other place was nities might open up elsewhere. From available. highly secretive quests to obtaining politically sensitive information and

hiring assassins, low security places d20 Poor Establishments might just what your adventurers 1 The meal you ordered was spoiled. Forare 24 looking for.the GM can randomly ask you to hours, roll a d6. On an odd number, you vomit.


Bed bugs ruin your rest. You wake up with

1 level of exhaustion. Wealth & Prices From the opulent 3 The innkeeper’s flea dog likes you. taverns of Mul’Djin toridden rickety roadFor 24 hours, the GM can randomly ask houses along the forest edge of Ruhn, you to roll a d6. On an odd number, your establishments vary body itches all over. in wealth and stature. Some exclusive and accessi4 A drunkard mistakes you for his former ble only to the rich, others home toa master-at-arms and challenges you to duel. all walks of life, from fortune seeking travelers to hardened mercenaries 5 A group of bandits attempt to raid the tavern are in. looking foryou some calm after grueling 6 The local blacksmith attemptsexist, to sell a his battle. Although exceptions daughter to you. tavern’s wealth dictates what kind of 7 Youfood overhear puntersthey talk about a drinks, andsome services offer, mage that sells arcane supplies, which and often reflects its security level. grant unnatural powers at a great cost (you must sacrifice an innocent).

As an Loud optional gaming rule, each inn 8 noises at night from indoor cattle can have a Wealth level a 1scale make you lose sleep. Youon gain level of from 1exhaustion. to 5. 9

Poor hygiene resulted in you contracting a


The barmaid needs help settling a dispute with her father over her new paramour.

nasty disease. 1. Squalid (50% lower prices) 10 APoor lowly(30% pilgrimlower begs you to aid him 2. prices) 3. in a holy quest. Common (normal prices) 4. Rich 11 A poor higher farm boyprices) attempts 5. to pickpocket (50-100% Exotic you. (100-300% higher prices)

When an establishment has a Wealth 13 A local beggar asks for someprices coin. level of common, it means are 14 Thesuch innkeeper pleads you to pay this normal, as listed in the tables month’s taxes to the landlord found in this book. Higher or lower 15 Thugs that frequent the tavern attack you. levels of Wealth indicate prices may differ the insists common norm, some16 Afrom barbarian on a duel, or you must the premises. timesvacate as much as 500% or more. For example, on average night’s staynoat 17 Your drink is spiked.aYou awake with memory of the previous night, and find a regular tavern costs 2cp per night. your belongings missing. But getting a room at an exotic tavern 18 Acost man proposes swap weapon might you as you much asyour 10gp. for his “alchemist’s golden dust”. Its effects are unknown.

Other effects of Wealth Rich and exo19 You witness a man slap his wife, but tic establishments are more likely to everyone keeps quiet. offer unusual services, drinks and 20 A local offers you “magic beans” in be home to royal, elite NPCs. Surely exchange for food and 50g. nothing is too crazy for Fizzlenozzle’s 49

Hall of Wonders, home to the royal WEaltHy EStaBliSHmEntS and grand, and those looking to run Rich and exotic establishments are more likely into the local high rollers, have a high to offer unusual services and drinks. They are chance doing so there. home to royal or elite heroes. Surely nothing is

too outlandish for Fizzlenozzle’s Hall of Wonders,

Some examples of how you can use home to the royal and grand. Heroes looking to Wealth are:

run into local high rollers have a high chance of doing so in that establishment.

• Quests pay more than average • Entrance is prohibited unless meeting Enhance gameplay with Wealth using the a certain dress code • Entrance following suggestions: allowed only upon special invitation • ♦♦ Quests A royal family is average looking for   pay much more than hired protection • A wealthy aristocrat  Entrance is prohibited unless Heroes meet a is♦♦ looking for discreet assassination certain dress code • Rich characters with valuable ♦♦  Entrance granted only by special invitation • items attract thieves and bandits A♦♦trader dealing in exclusive magi A royal family is looking for hired protection cal weapons visits the inn • A bard ♦♦  Characters with valuable items about attract thieves knows a salacious secret a local and bandits nobleman • A wealth of political intrigue information is available ♦♦  A traderand dealing in exclusive magical weapons • visits the inn Frequent visits to a wealthy tavern starts earning you a “name” around ♦♦  A bard knows a salacious secret involving a local town Poor Wealth Effects In contrast noble to wealthy taverns, poor inns repre♦♦  A wealth of political intrigue and information is sentavailable the other end of the spectrum. Either because they are favored, or ♦♦ other  Frequentplace visits toto a wealthy tavernavailable, starts earning no stay was you a “name” around town every adventurer is bound to spend a


night or twoEstablishments at a low class inn once in d20 Wealthy their life, and remember the feeling of 1 Noblemen pretend to recognize you and waking up you on for a raw invite somestraw drinks. bed. 2

You are provided with free common

Here are some examples of how you beverages. can use low wealth: 3 A high lord asks your opinion on honor in battle.

•4 The meal you ordered was spoiThe leaders of the town want to hire you led. For the anext 24 hours, to quell peasant’s revolt. the GM can call for a are d20 roll. If you rollonan odd 5 You well rested, sleeping a bed number you vomit. • Bed bugs or charmed with a levitation spell. vermin ruin yourtorest. The GM can 6 You’re invited become a permanent member of the tavern, and have call for a d20 roll. If you roll anyour odd name etched intoup thefrequently, wall. number you wake gai7 A local blacksmith tries to win your favor ning a level of exhaustion. • Loud offering a gilded weapon of choice. noisesbythroughout the night from 8 You are invited to Ulurian’s Manor, to indoor cattle make you loose sleep. wine and dine with the best the realm has You lose one spell slot or attack at a to offer. disadvantage for 8 hours. • Poor 9 A bag of 3 health potions is gifted to you. hygiene resulted in you contracting a 10 A bath that heals you of all ills is prepared disease • A lowly pilgrim is looking in your room. for a paladin to aid in a holy quest All your equipment is repaired or minorly •11 You are likely to be robbed • A enhanced. poor barmaid is looking for heroes to 12 The inn provides you with private dining settle areas a dispute with her father • A away from the crowd. local beggar asks for some coin • 13 You gain access to otherwise forbidden The innkeeper pleads you to pay the areas, such as underground training taxes rooms, to theorlandlord Lodging & Sersecret libraries. vices Every inn and tavern provides 14 You are implored to join a traveling group of nobility,to who have nomadic dwellings basic lodging accommodate pasthe size of houses. sing travelers and merchants. Other, 15 Rare and exotic foods are are delivered to you more exquisite places renowned and your party, free of charge. for fabulous (and expensive) servi16 ranging Your room is charmed against evilmaforces, ces, from an in-house and is guarded by two mercenaries. gical item repair shop and luxury 17 The mayor purse filled with gems guest rooms tosends sky abound stables for to thank you for visiting his town. magical mounts. Those who visited 18 Your opinion is wanted on how to deal Fizzlenozzle’s never seem to be quite with the impoverished and homeless the same… Common Services At the population. very least, every establishment can 19 All lowborn and poor villagers call you offer travelers a simple bed for “Sir” or “Kind Lord” and offer youthe free forsimple the entirety of your stay inIn the night items and a plate of food. inn. addition to providing in their visitors’ 20 You may employ the tavern’s hirelings basic needs, most innkeepers are glad and mercenaries for a discounted price. to help and kindly arrange a carriage ride to a neighboring town or sum-

mon a messenger to deliver a note. odgingknow the ervices Innkeepers local community and surrounding lands well, often very inn and tavern provides enjoying warm relations with local basic lodging to accommodate working class.passing travelers and




merchants. The finer the

Below are some of the most common inn, the more renowned its services oftenfabulous—and available and their priexpensive— ces: services are. Ranging from an in-house magical item repair shop to sky bound stables for magical

Common Services Price Common mounts; luxury knows no boundaries in these Lodging 1cp/night Private Room 3cp/ inns. night Stables 1cp/day Guarded Stables At the very least, every establishment can offer 3cp/day Coach / Carriage Ride 3cp per travelers a bed for the night and a simple meal. mile Postal / Messenger 2cp per mile In addition to providing basic needs, most Untrained Hireling 1sp per day Traininnkeepers will kindly arrange a carriage ride ed Hireling 3sp per mile Common to a neighboring town or summon a messenger Item Repairs 1sp per item to deliver a note. Innkeepers know the local community and surrounding lands well, often

Home base & Long stay Lower level enjoying warm relations with the working class. heroes might not have acquired their own home base yet. In such cases, C ommonare Services taverns an excellent home base to adventuring groups. innBelow are some of the mostOften, commonthe services often available and their prices: keeper is more than happy to strike a deal for long-stay and safekeeping of items. ThisCommon makes Services it easier for advenPrice turers to scour a nearby goblin-in1cp/night Common Lodging fested cavern, and fall back to their 3cp/night Private Room home base to restock and rest. 1cp/day


3cp/mile / Carriage Ride In addition,Coach proprietors of inns are extremely knowledgeable 2cp/mile Courier / Messengerabout the local lands and latest rumors, offe1sp/day Untrained Hireling ring plenty Storage of opportunities to tho3sp/day se seeking quests or work for hire. 1sp/item Common Item Repairs Postal & Messaging Taking a central place in the local community, taverns U ncommon Services often doubled as post stop, in varying degrees. A myriad messages is Those looking for a littleof more service, trained delivered to distant destinations, hirelings or simply more luxury, might be inby luck messengers onAshorseback or tied to at certain taverns. they say in Fizzlenozzle’s the of leg of a pigeon. All sorts of talk, Hall Wonders, “The only limitation is one’s from petty This gossip tofor volatile secret imagination”. is true some exotic inns as information travels down well-known well. trade routes and long-forgotten ban-

dit trails, to find their way into taPrice Uncommon Services verns and (un)intended ears. Bards 2gp Private Meeting Rooms and criers Translating/Transcribing read popular news out loud, 2sp to inform the locals about the latest documents tidings. 15gp Lawman helps defend those accused of breaking the law

Respected Trustee Often the inn25gp Healing Services keeper serves as a trustee, keeping 1gp/day Guarded Stables - Two guards, the savingshired of local mineworkers, from the town, will stand watch on your items. for thotranslate and write letters se read and -write, 3gpwho / daycan’t Special Stables Perfect or for help those riding in carriage or to settle a dispute between a wanting lord and hold something else entirely. peasants. More often than not, the 5gp / day Locked Storagecomings - The innkeeper knows/ Guarded of the local innkeeper holds the only key to a and goingslocked, but knows to keep a secret cast iron, charmed door for when asked to. Uncommon Services your belongings. Those looking for a little more ser5gp/ mile Covert Messenger - Sends a vice, trained hirelings or within simply more message to anyone reach. luxury, might be in luck at certain taTrained Hireling - If you just need verns. mind is your limitthis as is they 3sp/mileYour some fodder to the team, the better option. Hall of Wonders, say in Fizzlenozzle’s 10gp/day Specialisttrue Hireling These exotic and it’s certainly for-some mercenaries can be trained in the inns. arcane, or proficient with the most powerful weapons.

Uncommon Services Royal Lodging 25gp

2gp /

Private Dinner - When you want to rent the whole inn out for an for a meeting. nightoccasion, ExoticorLodging

8gp / nightTLawman Respected rustee helps defend those accused of breaking the law Innkeepers often act as a trustee. They manage Helps to defend those accused of the savings of local mineworkers, translate breaking the law. 15gp Healing Serand write letters for those who cannot, or help vicesdisputes A sorceress to heal settle betweenwill lordscome and peasants. you, anything from a paper cut, to The innkeeper knows of the local comings anda mangled limb! this Varies Guarded Stagoings but handles privilege with the utmost bles Two guards, hired from the town, discretion. will stand watch on your items. 1gp/



Rare Services



Aidan's Spellbook and

Aidan has trained many apprentice mages in the art of

Transcription Vault

transcribing spells. She has also established extra dimensional storage facilities to hold copies of spellbooks. Spellbook Transcription is 15 g/ spell level + 20 gold for book materials.


Totin’s A&W Polishing

This young entrepreneur opened a service to clean and polish adventurer’s gear.


Kami’s Bathhouse


This refreshing hot spring is said to be heated by the fire of a dragon’s breath and provides mystical healing properties. You regain half your total HP for every hour spent in the spring.


Fox Mail

A special mailing service between neighboring towns. Need to deliver news quickly? Just fox it!


Torrick Shaw Tours


Torrick Shaw designed these luxury carts to be pulled by servants carrying nobles and adventurers, providing a private tour of the city, complete with history and local lore.


Virgil’s Valet

The valet picks up your mount or carts and has them stored, sheltered and fed while you’re away.


Ritual Priest

Offer ritual spell service.


Get your armor, weapons, and other gear painted. Also available for those who fancy an artistic rendition of their heroic feats.



Talk up items as an NPC and convince Heroes to bid against each other.


Currency Exchange

Offer the heroes a way to exchange currency of any kind

Exotic Services Some establishments offer exceedingly rare and exotic services. Affordable only to those with bulging purses, these remarkable services are not easily found elsewhere. Several of these services are not necessarily expensive, but simply unique to one particular tavern in the world.

day Special Stables Perfect for thoHome base & Long stay se riding in carriage ortheir wanting to Adventurers who are early in career might hold something else entirely. 3gp / not have acquired a home base yet. In such cases, day Locked / Guarded Chest/Storataverns are an excellent choice of residence. ge The innkeeper key Innkeepers are happy toholds strike athe dealonly for longer to a locked, cast iron, charmed door stays and storage of items. This makes it easier foradventurers your belongings. 5gp /goblin-infested day Covert for to scour a nearby Messenger Sends a message torestock anyocavern, returning to their home base to ne within reach. 5gp per mile Speciand rest. alist Hireling Theseare mercenaries can In addition, innkeepers often first to hear be trained in the arcane, proficient the latest rumors, making them aor solid liaison for withseeking the most powerful those quests or work forweapons. hire. 10gp day Trained Hireling If you just 52

need to the team, this is Postalsome & Mfodder essaging the better option. 3sp per mile PriThe heart of the local community, taverns often vate Dinner If you want to rent the double as post stops, in varying degrees. A myriad whole inn out for an occasion, or for of messages are delivered to distant destinations a meeting. 20gp one off Exotic Serby messengers on horseback or via courier vices When even the best is not enpigeons. All sorts of talk, from petty gossip to ough, some unique establishments volatile secret information travel down welloffer services so exotic, they are rare known trade routes and long-forgotten bandit and far in between. Often only affortrails, finding their way into taverns and dable to those with bulging purses, (un)intended ears. Bards and criers read popular these remarkable services offer sonews aloud to inform the locals of the latest mething not easily found elsewhere tidings. and are aimed to make their guests

as comfortable as possible. Others are rAiningbut simply not ork necessarily expensive, unique to one particular tavern in the ighly skilled and trained fighters world, making them a special experican be found in taverns, looking ence indeed. for work and the latest gossip.




Those who are looking for

Service Description Merlina’s specialistPrice work for hire have a Spellbook and Transcription Vault good chance of finding willing Merlina has trained many apprentice and able folk at the local inn. From simple mages inasthe art of transcribing spells tasks such scouring a local smuggler’s den, as well has opened many storage to dangerous and covert operations, there’s fano cilities of topeople hold looking copiestoofhire mages spellshortage adventurers. books in an extra dimensional pocket. Generally, higher risk assignments will command Book storage is 15 g/month Spellbook higher prices. While an untrained hireling can Transcription is 15 g/ spell level + 20 be sent to deliver a message, escorting the high gold for book materials. Totin’s A&W priest of Akhmis safely through her annual holy Polishing Youngster and entrepreneur parade through the crowded streets of Jauzun, opened a service to clean and polish requires specialist talent. adventurer’s gear. 5 sp/weapon 2 g/ suit Kami’s Bathhouse This refresHired Task Risk Price hing hot spring is said to be heated Settle a minor dispute by the fire of a dragon’sLow breath25gp and Locate missing person Low 50gp provide mystical healing properties. Over recover up to Escort1ahour caravan Lowhalf your 75gp total 5 noble g/hour Fox Mail A special Escorthp. a rich Normal 100gp mailing service between neighboring Normal 150gp Gather rare spell towns. Need to get news somewhere components for a mage quick? Just fox it! 1 sp/mile Tor’rick Recover a lost treasure Normal 250gp Shaw Tours Tor’rick Shaw designed Infiltrate the enemies’ 350gp built these luxury cartsHigh to be pulled by bastion and steal plans servants to carry nobles and adventuAssassinate the king the city. HighProviding 500gp a rers alike around High complete Slay a dragontour of the area, 2000gp privatized with history and lore of the area. 5

sp/hour Virgil’s Valet The valet picks upAttlemAsters your mount or carts and has them stored, sheltered and fed while you’re etired adventurers can often be away. 5 cp Lawman Helps to defend found in taverns. Having put those accuseddown of breaking the law. 10 the sword and preferring g Book seller some Rentpeace a book of forsome a peand quiet, are riod of time. 5willing c/ day Ritual Caster Ofto share their knowledge fer ritual spellthrough service 5 g per spell letraining to those they vel Painter Get your armor, weapons, deem worthy. and other gear painted, or do you Befriending such a veteran can help your players fancy a portrait of your heroic self? 1 obtain special knowledge, a special weapon or get g/item general 5 g/suit of armor Pritraining in the most sought-after combat skills. ce per vehicle varies Auctioneer Talk Some will pass on their knowledge in return for up items as an npc and get players to some coin; others are content in simply having start biding against each other DM some company in return, someone to talk to and discretion Currency Exchange Offer wants to hear their stories. the players a way to exchange currency, either between s,g,p or electrum At the GM’s discretion, as an optional rule, or even between kingdoms. Depends you could make it interesting and meaningful on higher-level currency characters to acquire new for



combat skills through battle masters. Instead

Food & getting DrinkstheAfter a hard of simply new skills whendays leveling

work when bruised knuckles from up, the or hero needs to first seek out a veteran countless battles rest, taverns in his expertise and getneed him/her to train him.

offer comforting drinks Reaching the required XP in thisand case,food is justto one

soothe the pains and escape of requirements. Alternatively, the GMhardship. can rule

After a grueling through the wild, that getting the aid oftrek a Battle master effectively even the of ale can reduces the simplest required XP pint by one-third, but


like thethe finest magical draught, filling demands hero to spend significant time in one’s heart withmaster. a warm training of the Battle

glow. A platter of steaming hot cabbage stew fills the gut and warms the limbs, though finer cooking is available if one is willing to lay down some more coin. At the very least, even the most squalid taverns can provide at least a loaf of (moldy) bread, a pint of beer and salted pork or stew. Most taverns rely on local produce, in particular what the farmlands can provide. Daily meals consist of pork, chicken and other livestock, combined with vegetables such as cabbages and potatoes. Other ingredients that are readily 53

available include:

Common Drinks Ale even Ale(mug) a simple pint4cp of ale can (gallon) 2sp Mead (mug) 5cp Mead taste like the finest magical draught, filling one’s (gallon) 2gp Grog (mug) 2cp of Wine 6cp belly with calming warmth. A platter steaming Wine(pitcher) 3sp Wine (fine bottle) hot cabbage stew fills the gut and warms the 8gp Stout (mug) 4cp Kahve limbs,Dwarven though finer cooking is available if one is (cup) 2cp Tea (cup) 2cp willing to part with more coin.

sy knolls. Vyolette 5cp A hot, fragrant Price Common Dishes bouquet of herbs and flowers. Masks 1sp Cabbage stew your scent for 3 hours. Sea Tea 3cp 3sp Pork with roasted apples Loose tea boiled with coastal plants. Chicken breast and onions A3sp quick fix for seasickness. Lavender 4sp Roasted beef with vegetables Incense 2 cp Mellowed with warm 4sp Fish Stew of lavender. Twilight milk, and a hint Tea From the 5sp 8cp Partridge Piemoonlight fields of Alyi, this brilliant-white tea leaves you refreshed. Gain short rest. CopScarcity & Preserving Food per’d Mint 2cp A metallic mint tea Availability varies greatly region, and depends that warms the bellybyand calms the on the wealth of the inn. The most common inns heart.

The most squalid taverns can provide a paltry

near a body of water (sea, lake, pond, rivers) the

Food & Drinks

• Seeds / Wheat • Bread • averns offer comforting drinks Cheese • Milk • Fish (depends on and food to soothe battle pains location) and escape the drudgery of


a hard day’s work. After a grueling trek through the wild,

supper of (moldy) bread and a pint of ale. If you’re

Common Dishes Bowl of soup 1cp lucky, salted fish or cabbage stew might also be Bean pottage 1cp Bread and leftoon the menu. Most taverns rely on local produce. vers 2cp Bread and cheese platter 3cp Daily meals consist of pork, chicken, and other Cabbage stew 1sp Pork with roasted livestock, combined with vegetables such as apples 3sp Chicken breast and onicabbages and potatoes. Other ingredients that are ons 3sp Roasted beef with vegetables commonly available include seeds, wheat, bread, 4sp Fish 4sp Partridge Pie 5sp cheese, milkStew and fish (depending on location). Tea The best teas, are often the most unique. Some tea-leaves take years to C ommon Dishes & Drinks perfect which is why we have brought you a good selection Price Common Drinksof teas to enjoy. Take theAle(mug) Twilight Tea from the haun4cp ted fields of Alyi. A lot of debate goes 2sp Ale (gallon) into what gives the leaves their bril5cp Mead (mug) liant-white color, some say it’s the 2gp bones ofMead the (gallon) dead that have fed the plants beneath the ground, and others 2cp Grog (mug) say kisses them of a night. 6cp the moon Wine (glass) Either way, it’s refreshing and it feels 3sp Wine(pitcher) like sleep when you drink one. Other 8gp Wine (fine bottle) teas, have remedial qualities, like 4cp Dwarven Stout (tankard) the Sea Tea, perfect for those green 2cp Kahve (cup) sailors who haven’t got their sea legs just So (cup) why don’t you have a 2cp yet! Tea gander at our selection. Price

Common Dishes

Rare TeaBowl Azureleaf Tea 5 cp Blue 1cp of soup sweet tea made of leaves found a top 1cp Bean pottage tree canopies in elven territory. Silver 2cp Bread and leftovers Lotus Tea 2 cp A soothing silver tea 3cp Bread and cheese platter from a common flower found in gras54

rely on a supply from local farms. If the region is

Famous Ales Moon Blossom Ale 2 inn relies on the skill of local fishermen. sp Made from Moonflower that only Keeping food preserved is always a challenge, blossoms under moonlight often resulting in copious amounts of salt to

prolong its lifespan. Some foods are served fresh,

Blackthorn Ale 5cp Heavy ale brewed such as the fishermen’s daily catch. Game meat in barrels sealed with black thorn tree that is acquired through hunting often demands sap. Gushworth Ale 6cp Fiery, chesthigher prices, due to its smaller yield. The rare nut colored ale infused with blackberWhitewoods owlbear, for example, is dispatched ries. Sunsword Ale 8cp Light and reand brought down from the snowy mountains to freshing ale infused with wildflowers find its way onto the silver platters of the very that tastes like a swift sunrise. Wolfrich. howl Ale 8cp Preferred by elves for its Exotic produce and some fruits are scarce, and complex flavors, it gets its flavor from usually only available to the wealthy, unless duskgrove fruits. Dwarves scoff atso you are in a tropical region. Some dishes are adding fruit to ales but secretly admiincredibly strange that only a few have ever tasted re theleaving taste. 10cp just Ferthem, oneG’othrakkih to wonder if it wasn’t mented trollblood, tastes like rusted another drunkard’s tale… iron Illman’s Respite 12cp This hoppy, yet flavorsome drink soothes the sore M ore Than Just Beer throat you didn’t know you had, and One the oldest and most the of world seems thatdiverse little beverages brighter. in the world, beer plays an important role in

daily life. Whether it’s flavored with the bark of

More Than Just Beer One of the ola Whitewoods fern, lyrill herb or wyvern eggs, dest drinks in the world and the most beer is the drink of choice for both young and old. diverse, beer plays an important role Water is often unsafe to drink, so beer provides a in daily life. Whether it’s flavored much needed alternative. Beer is also frequently with the bark of a Whitewoods fern, used medicinally, due to the alcohol infused with Lyrill herb wyvern eggs,source beer soothing herbs.or It even also provides a thriving of tax income. comes in wide variety and is consuIn addition to the numerous med by both young andnamed old. beers Water is described in the Remarkable Inns section, here are often unsafe to drink, so beer proviseveral ales discovered and documented by Quilla des the much needed nutrients. Beer on her many travels.

is also frequently used as a medicine, due to the alcohol “When toil and trouble finds ye’ down infused with soothing herbs, And your head’s heavy from the crown and provides daily amusem*nt When broken fists can’t make it right as well as a thriving source And you lie awake through the night of tax income Exotic Foods A hoppy dose of ale will help As diverse as the colors of Ten drinks down all is well the Mandoral Peaco*ck, is the You find your brethren in the inn mélange of dishes and drinks Where you spill your blood and gin found across the world. From You know the world can’t get you here Gnoartusk (a slowly roasted For in the lodge you disappear boar’s head you eat whole and O, just think of every tale keep the tusks) or Bulbbua (a That started with a pint of ale” large, blue squid-like creature eaten alive, with just a dash of

sliced le-


Famous Ale



Trusty Swords

Simple, mild ale is cheap and sits well on the stomach after a long march. It’s recipy is rumored to contain potatos and onions.


Blackthorn Ale

Heavy ale brewed in barrels sealed with black thorn tree sap.


Gushworth Ale

Fiery, chestnut colored ale infused with blackberries.


Sunsword Ale

Light and refreshing ale infused with wildflowers that tastes like a brilliant sunrise.


Wolfhowl Ale

Preferred by elves for its complex flavors, it gets its flavor from dusk grove fruits. Dwarves scoff at adding fruit to ales but secretly admire the taste.



Fermented troll blood, tastes like rusted iron.


Nighttime Breeze

A mix of black currants and honey that keeps this dark drink a tavern classic.


Meek Moss Ale

A coveted ale from the cave dwellers beneath the Shivering Lake; it’s said that they ferment moss and algae for a year, providing a unusually strong beverage.

3sp 5sp

Travelers’ Bliss Goblin Snuff

This hoppy, yet flavorsome drink soothes the sore throat you didn’t know you had, making the world a little brighter. Some argue whether this is an ale or a broth; as its boiled goblin in the belly of a boar - this drink is both filling and a great way to start you’re murderous, drunken rampage of the village!


Moon Blossom Ale

Made from the Moonflower plant; its rare blossoms only appear under the full moon.


Hill Giant’s Gut

A rare drink from the desert wastes of Voroshi; where only few


adventurers return from the monsters that ravage the lands.


mons), every region often has its own utlAnDish ishes signature dish. The variety in drinks is possibly even greater, with over a rinks hundred types of Beer (ale), Wine, Spirits and Liquors. Many an advens diverse as the colors of the turer painfully remembers its first Mandoral peaco*ck is the mélange gulp of Hagshot, or and thedrinks indescribable of dishes found across bouquet of Gnome Melidieur. Scarthe world. From gnoartusk (a city & preserving Availability slowly food roasted boar’s head you varies greatly region and eatper whole and keep thewealth tusks) or bulbbua (a large, blue squid-like creature eaten of the inn. The most common inns alive), every region has its own signature dish. rely on a supply from local farms, An even greater variety exists with beverages, serving meals of pork, chicken, potawith one hundred types of ales, wines, toes,over loaves of bread and vegetables. spirits, and magical draughts. Certain regions near a large body of water lake,painfully rivers)remembers often rely Many an(sea, adventurer his on fish, crab and other catch first gulp of hagshot, or the indescribable of fishermen. Keepingmentally food bouquet of Gnome melidieur, preserved for longer periods traveling back to that remarkable is always a challenge, moment. Some make finding,often tasting, resulting in heavily salted and documenting the world’s most meats and fish, todishes prolong remarkable drinks and into their its lifespan. Some produce is life’s work. Discover what outlandish served fresh, such on asher fish cautastes Quilla chronicled many ght that very day, or the rare journeys...

o &D



Whitewoods owl bear, shot and brought down from the snowy mountains to find its way onto the silver platters of the very rich. Game meat that is acquired through hunting often demands higher prices, due to its smaller yield and hard work. Fruits and exotic

Rare Dish



Tunoshi Steak

Feathered, bipedal reptiles that roam the desert flats of Kreek, seared


for 5 minutes over a burning fire. Kalyi’s Polum’s

Kayli, a delightful witch, sprinkles a magical sugar on these fruits of


the Polum tree, giving the consumer the ability to taste color. Grubgot

A chocolate covered delirious grub, known to induce hallucinations.



Boiled for an hour with various spices, these cousins to the dragon will


make you breathe fire. (GM determines how long the effect lasts) Medusa’s Kiss

A delectable soup made of several small snake bodies, mixed with


intoxicating herbs. Mandoral Peaco*ck This rare bird lays one egg per year, and it is delicious. The yolk has a


creamy, nutty flavor fit for nobles. Tiandari Plumps

A peculiar fruit, it’s soft to the touch, but as you bite into it the taste is


whatever you want it to be. Said to have highly persuasive powers. Nurnn Gut

The entrails of a Nurnn, a gruesome monster found only in the deepest


depths of the ocean. Said to invoke clairvoyant powers when eaten. Abolium

Delerium inducing broth made from Aboleth muckus. Rare are those familiar with the recipe. Rarer those that dare collect the ingredients.



produce is scarce, and usually only accompanied by a shrill giggle-whoop dEligHtful tEa & d rinkS available to the very rich, unless you sound. 8gp Grandiola A grand bowl of The best teas are often the most unique. Some tealeaves take years to perfect; for example, the Twilight are in a tropical region where it is floating pears in spiced wine. Fit for Tea from the haunted fields of Alyi. Connoisseurs debate about what gives the leaves their brilliant white commonly available. royalty color. Some argue the bones of the dead have fed the plants beneath the ground, others swear the moon kisses them at night. Whatever the cause, this unique blend lulls the drinker to sleep with its delicious

Rare Dishes T’oshi Steak Feathered, 15gp flavor. Other teas have remedial qualities, such as Illyruian Sea Tea, which is perfect for those green bipdel reptiles that roam the desert sailors who haven’t earned their sea legs. flats of Kreek tastes great seared for 5 minutes over a burning fire. 4gp KaMagical Draughts Karkaudus’ DeTea Name Description Price lyi’s Polum’s Fruits of the Polum tree, fiance STR +2 for an hour, you grow Azureleaf Tea Bluewitch, sweet tea made of leaves from treegain canopies in elven to all fire, 5 cp Kayli, a delightful sprinkles a harvested scales and resistance territory. homebrewed sugar on, giving you the and melee damage for an hour. Silver Lotus Tea A soothing silver tea from a common flower found in shallow waters. 2 cp ability to taste colours. 10gp Grubgot AVyolette hallucination inducing chocola15gp Monosis You areforharder A hot, fragrant bouquet of herbs and flowers. Masks your scent 3 see, 5cp te covered delirious grub 1gp Wyveri gain DEX +6 for 3 hours. Cousins beasts Sea Tea to the dragon, Loose tea these boiled with coastal plants. A quick fix for seasickness. 3cp taste great boiled for an hour with 20 gp Jori’s Scotch You feel more Lavender Incense Mellowed with warm milk, and a hint of lavender. 2 cp various spices, it’ll make you breathe relaxed and content, gain CHR +4 for Twilight Tea From the moonlight fields of Alyi, this brilliant-white tea leaves you 8cp fire. 20gp Medusa’s Kiss A delecta2 hours. 20gp Horse Elixr You feel refreshed. Gain one short rest. ble soup made of several small snake as healthy as a horse, gain 10 ft moCopper'd Mint A metallic mint tea that warms the belly and calms the heart. bodies, mixed with intoxicating herbs. vement speed 30gp Miasmic Shot4cp A 3gp Mandoral Peaco*ck The egg of the shot of this, and your body will work rare bird that hatches only one per the putridness out, leaving others to ExoticCreamy Drinks Description Price year. and nutty flavor fit for think you have died. Feign death for Gnaga ViciouslyPlumps exotic wine, brewed with 2 snake venom and spices. 3gp nobles. 35gp Tiandari A pecuhours. 50gp Q’ori’s Wonder Upon liar fruit, it’s soft to the touch, but as drinking this you have the ability of Tookin’Da For long journeys across the desert. One sip quenches thirst for hours. 4gp you bite into it the taste is whatever teleportation for 1 hour. (Distance5gp Hipstar Tasty ale, hand crafted from locally sourced, free range, gluten-free, you want it to be. 30gp organic hops. Curiously varies between 10/30ft) 200gp Forahandpicked, overpriced. le’s Fix drink get you battle M’othma Mullgra From the cavernous villages deep beneath theNeed earth, a this drinkto is sought 8gp after for its insult-inspiring mélange of earthy flavors. ready? This is your ale! Gain STR +2 Exotic Drinks Melidieur Gnome CON +2wonderful 70gp Bitta The stale stench Fizzlenozzle’s A golden fizzing ciderlithat sparks the most (though often 8gp Sparkpopper woefullytaste idiotic) with each sip, a shrill giggle-whoop quor with tantalizing ofideas invenofaccompanied this drinkbysmells like cat urine, but sound. tion 2gp Tookin’Da For long journeys you get Darkvision for 5 hours. 100gp Melidieur Gnome with the tantalizing taste of invention. 25gp across the desert. Oneliquor sip stills thirst Blazing Blood Red tinted ale brewed for hours 3gp Hipstar Locally sourced, in a barrel made with the bones of a free range, well-treated, unmodified red dragon. Grants resistance to fire ale with handpicked organic hops 4gp damage for 24 hours. 150gp FrostM’othma Mullgra From the cavernous gale Icey clear ale brewed in a barrel villages deep beneath the earth, this made with the bones of a white dradrink is sought after for its insult ingon. Grants resistance to cold damage spiring melange for 24 hours. 150gp Witch’s Lull This mystical emerald glowing recovers a 5gp Fizzlenozzle’s Sparkpopper A single low level spell. (DM’s choice) golden fizzing cider that sparks the 300gp Godesses’ Tears This silvemost wonderful (though often woery ale allows the immediate recovery fully idiotic) ideas with each sip, of some lost HP. 150gp Dreamroot 57

magiCal draugHtS Exceptional patrons require exceptional drinks. Swirling with potent arcane energy, these drafts provide a welcomed relief from a long day’s work as well as a wide range of powers. The effects of these mindboggling drinks often vary. (A Miasmic Shot, for example, is drained from corpse husks to mask your scent with that of the dead.) Each delectable pint is carefully concocted and aged to perfection, imbued with preternatural properties that make it a useful commodity to an adventurer. Several have become bar staples; an instant favorite among guests far and wide. With unique flavors from the farthest flung reaches, nothing can best these draughts.


Magical Draught



Karkaudus’ Defiance

You gain a +2 bonus to your Strength score, and you have resistance to fire, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1 hour.


Monosis Spirit

You are harder to see. You gain the benefits of a blur spell for 1d4+1 hours.

20 gp

Jori’s Scotch

You feel more relaxed and content. You have advantage or your Charisma checks for 1 hour.


Yearlings Elixr

You feel as healthy as a yearling. You speed increases by 10 ft. for 1 hour.


Miasmic Shot

A shot of this, and leaves others thinking you have died. Feign death for 2 hours.


Qori's Wonder

Upon drinking this you gain the ability to teleport at a range of 30 feet for 1 hour.


Forale's Fix

Need a drink to get you battle ready? This is your ale! You gain a +2 bonus to your Strength and Constitution scores for 1 hour.


Mangkoon Brew

The stale stench of this drink smells like Aboleth muckus, but you gain darkvision 60 ft. for 2d4 hours.


Blazing Blood

Red tinted ale brewed in a barrel with the bones of a red dragon. You gain resistance to fire damage for 24 hours.



Icy clear ale brewed in a barrel with the bones of a white dragon. You gain resistance to cold damage for 24 hours.


Witch's Lull

When drinking this mystical emerald glowing brew, you recover a single spell slot of 5th level or lower (GM’s choice).


Godesses’ Tears

This silvery ale allows the immediate recovery of all your lost hit points.


Dreamroot Tonic

The greenish liquid has been used to awaken those who are asleep through magical means.


Eldritch Bane

This dark swirling concoction induces haunting nightmares.



This drink swirls with the colors of chromatic dragons. It is said to harness the breath of dragons. You gain the breath weapon of a dragonborn for 1 hour (determine your draconic ancestry randomly).


U’thma Koki

You can see between the lines of reality. You can see into the Ethereal Plane for 1 hour.


Tonic The greenish liquid has been Ames AmBling used to awaken those who are asleep through magical means. 50gp Eldhen you’ve visited just a few ritch Bane Darkofswirling concoction the many taverns across induces haunting nightmares 10gp the world, you will understand Chromakul This drink swirls with the they are home to visitors from colors of chromatic dragons. It is said every walk of life; some like to harness the an breath of dragons. elven wine, and some You like gain access to a random breath wethe hard, bitter shots of Killasjar Brew. One thing apon. (DM’s choice) 1000gp everyone enjoys is a good game. WhoU’thma doesn’t Koki You can see between lines mind losing a few coppers and goldthe pieces for a of reality. 50% chance of being able few hours of entertainment? to see into another Plane of existence Games and gambling offer a fantastic way to blow 1500gp




off some steam and unwind. Perhaps you need

a way to pass the time between guard shifts, or

Payment There are numerous ways need a speedy way of doubling your earnings. in which you can pay for your goods These games can be simple, using only a set of at these inns. Some, would happily dice; others involve elaborate and ornately carved accept the trade of some cattle you playing boards, beautiful to behold. may have available, some may even be willing to trade that mighty fine “There’s a veiled mysticism to the ol’ gamble; a starry necklace you’re around your promise you could be 10wearing pound heavier with sacks neck forye’aback. couple pints. of gold on Or youof could have aAlthough, sweet maid if an innkeeper has a particular pro‘round your arm, whilst being so drunk that you canna blem that‘fore needs solving, and you’re see the cards ye’ eyes. If you’re as lucky as a dead a couple hundred gold pieces ye’ short rabbit like myself, you might be bloodying wrists on of that fine expensive alethe you some poor mighty punter’s jaw, taking all ye’ can from bar want, ‘fore you then scoot tochances the next.” are you can work something out. ~ Jai Rickard, Blacksmith from The Quiet Isles.

Trade forg goods C ommon amES and services Worth

Fetch an item (within village) 3gp Game a problem Description Solve (minor) 3gp Trade low value item Trade Six sided dice Put5gp five dice in a Cattle cup and (Horroll se, Cow, Pig) them 30gpout Solve problem after aagood shake. hasitem the highest scores (Major) 50gp Whoever Fetch an (Outside village) 70gp wins. Cards

Playing card games come in many forms. Always popular

For the honest folk for among you, this Chess A game the ages. Hone your would suffice.strategic But I won’t see no barprowess. baric warrior Red trading in their necklace Checkers or black? Can you defeat of bones sometime soon for a sip of a your opponent in this game? drink that he could very well just rob. Nine Holes An ancient game, but a good Here are some more suitable methods one. – Try to beat the tavern in for those who see no compromise, but this quick and fun game. be warned, you better leave the witArm Wrestle Want to test your muscles or nesses dead, or none at all if you want to succeed. reaffirm your strength? Pull up a chair and a worthy opponent!

Subject to DEX check Showing him a trick, you keep his attention as you d iStraCting opponEntS & CHEating steal the item you need (within reach) In games of chance, plays the You sneak downnot ineveryone the dead ofbynight rules. Taverns have a strong draw on people to steal an item you need. Faking looking to play, especially those that don’t mind a fight, you can lure the innkeeper cheating to increase their chances at winning. In away from the bar. If his keys are on fact, some are notoriously cunning, having spent his person, snatch them. Requiring years mastering the art of deception. you have thieves tools, you attempt Usually their ‘tricks of the trade’ rely on high to pick the lock. Subject to CHR check Charisma, Bluff, or Dexterity (GM’s choice). Handing a letter to the innkeeper, Inversely, Heroes may also attempt cheating their you tell him the local mayor/baron way to victory. requests his presence. You call him out voice with of his servant ♦♦ Distracting   mocking anaopponent theatrics or maid. A member of your party or ♦♦ Demand   everyone play with the prize money on yourself attempts to persuade him. the table so you can grab it and run Threatening or trying to intimidate ♦♦ Place   You a watcher behind opponent him attempt to an use fake that gold piediscretely signals his cards ces. Subject to STR check You attack the ♦♦ Rig   innkeeper. the results byYou usingmanage a loaded dieto knock the innkeeper out so hard they don’t ♦♦ Drink   a potion to gain an edge over your recall anything. If it is a lock, and opponents the innkeeper is away, you break the ♦♦ Bribe   an a opponent to deliberately make mistakes chain. In display of strength, you and lose crush a cup, to intimidate the innkeeper If there is a guard you subdue 59

The possibilities are as endless as they are devious. Swindlers never cease to amaze at inventing new ways to cheat. Distracted characters might find their purses quite a little bit lighter at the end of the evening. d20

Cheating Attempts


A pair of loaded dice. One always lands on 20, the other on 1.

eXtrAorDinAry gAmes


ards, dice and drinking games are commonplace in taverns, but some games are only found in certain places, played by locals and passed on through the generations. A few are even

dangerous and illicit; those participating risk a


Slipping cards up your sleeve to replace it with another.


A discreetly placed watcher signals your opponents' cards to you.


Use a spell one or more opponents to befuddle them.


Bribe an opponent to make deliberate mistakes and lose.


Use cleverly marked cards.


Slip a mild poison into the drink of one or more opponents.


Charm the dealer of the game to play in your favor.


Grab an extra coin or two whenever you legitimately take money from the bank.


Accidentally drop a card on the floor. Replace it with another as you pick it up.


Play with fake coinage.


Slide dice instead of rolling them.

sun, and one section a moon. Rabbit or chicken


Cause a fight. While everyone is distracted, you walk away with the prize money.

bones are the common player pieces. Carved ivory


An enchanted pet bird flies around the room spotting opponents cards, tweeting them out in joyful tones.

the entire game.


Pray to your god to boost your luck.


A trained rat walks around, bringing back clues, or nudges your opponent's pawns.


Intimidate your opponent to make him doubt a result or challenge the outcome.


Use a spell or charm to stealthily change to color of pawns.


Feign illness. As you slam into the table and drop to the floor, covertly grabbing some prize money with you.


Make deliberate misplays. When called out, you pretend to misunderstand the rules.


run-in with the local law, unless they paid the innkeeper to look the other way.

trollBonES Usually played on a carved wooden playing board divided into eight triangular sections, Trollbones is a simple, yet addictive game that requires only 4 small twigs or bones to play. Any number of contestant can participate, making it suitable for groups. Although some believe otherwise (especially after a few pints), Trollbones requires almost no skill and is largely luck-based.

The playing board: Trollbones is played on a square board, commonly made of wood and divided in eight triangular sections. Six sections have a number carved into them, one section a

or twigs are adequate substitutes. Whatever is used, all contestants play with the same set for

The rules:

Players take 3 turns, one at a time,

The rules:

A coin toss decides who starts as

moving clockwise around the board. Each turn is

the attacking player. The other defends. On his

made up of 3 throws in which players take their

turn, the attacking player roles a d4 to score a

4 “bones” and let them drop onto the playing board from a hand-height. Players hold the bones at least 6” above the board and drop them, attempting to land the ends onto the marked spaces. The results are added up for the total score that turn. For example: a bone has one end touching the number 1, the other touching the number 4, making a score of 5. Both ends of the bone must rest on a number or specific symbol in order to score points. If one of the ends lands on a moon symbol and the other on a number, the score of that throw is doubled. If one of the ends lands on a sun symbol, the throw results in a score of zero regardless of the other bones’ result, suggesting the sun has turned the troll bones into stone.

Winning: Each player has 3 throws per turn, before continuing to the next player. When all turns have finished, scores are totaled. The player with the highest score wins.

hit against one of the pieces of wall (or mountain range) damaging it and taking points off it equal to the scored result. A score of 4 or higher

Different variations on the game exist, and each

removes that piece of wall, allowing pawns to

group uses different ways to wager and ante, such

start moving through. The attacking player may

as letting the prize pot grow over many rounds,

choose which part of the wall it hits, as long as

culminating in a grand “take-it-all” last round.

he has a pawn directly in front of it. On his turn,

tHE Wall

use the score to repair a piece of the wall. Once

This game is played on a rectangular gaming

can choose (on their turn) to move one pawn to

board, using wooden, colored pawns and a set of 4-sided dice. One player attempts to break down the wall and rush his pawns to the other side, while the other player attempts to defend and rebuild the wall.

The playing board: The game is played on a

board divided in two halves, each made up of 18 squares with a row of 6 squares running across the middle. Six four-sided dice rest on this middle row, which is usually colored or etched to represent a wall or mountain range dividing the two sides. Each player has 12 pawns (colored stones or marbles are also used) to represent their soldiers or miners deployed on their side of the wall, leaving the last row of squares on each side empty at the start of the game.

the defending player makes the same roll, but can a breach in the wall has been made, each player the other side of the board, by rolling the die. The result determines how many squares the pawn may move. A move is only allowed when a pawn ends on an empty square. If it does and passes an opponent’s pawn this way, it kills the pawn in the process. Diagonal moves are allowed.


The winner is determined by whoever

has the most pawns on the last square line of the opponent’s board, minus any casualties. The game ends when there are no more pawns are on the board, or all remaining pawns have reached the last row of the opponent’s side.


tHE king’S Court Composed of twelve hinged sections bedecked with ornate imagery, a large wheel has a hidden king’s court underneath it. Spin it, and lift up the wedge where the arrow lands - reveal the king and win 50gp, but lose 50gp if you discover the jester. Any other member of royalty wins the player 5gp. Popular in royal circles, many sit gathered around the brightly painted roulette wheel, betting heavily.

goldEn mErmaid A self-proclaimed pirate with a false eye patch convinces you and your party to find the tankard with the golden mermaid at its bottom out of the thirty tankards before you. To do so, you must finish off each full flagon. Whoever finds the mermaid first can pick a prize from the pirate’s chest. The chest appears to be full of antique treasures and shiny gems, though you can’t be certain whether they are of any real worth...

runEStonES In a shadowy corner lit by a single flickering candle, a shrouded Vistana sits alone. The innkeeper tells you that this is Vienna. She recently set up shop, and for the bargain price of 10gp you can have a five-minute conversation with her. As you reach her table, she asks for your name and gestures you to place your coins onto a silver plate. You are instantly overwhelmed by her perfume: incense and myrrh. She pulls out a velvet bag of charmed runestones and shakes them in a cup. She instructs you to think of a question that can be answered with a “yes” or “no”. After you tell her you have thought of the question, she will empty the stones onto the table, and tell you if they indicate “yes” or “no”.


songs & tAles


ythical songs and tales of distant lands are the only encounter common folk have with the fantastical. News from neighboring lands or a new royal decree arrives to

common ears on the flowery words of traveling troubadours. Beyond simply reporting the latest tidings, songs and tales provide jolly entertainment, or political satire. Those who can spin a great tale or pluck the heartstrings with a ballad are welcome guests in taverns.

Those looking to unravel arcane mysteries can often find pieces of truth in song and tale. Clues to ancient treasures are often weaved into the old

Incorporate songs and tales into your campaign: ♦♦  The bard or another hero in your party can perform to gain the innkeeper’s favor ♦♦  Performances that please the crowd, make the innkeeper share more valuable information ♦♦  Use tales to goad other adventurers into helping your adventuring party. ♦♦  a bard sings a particularly good rendition of one of the songs, the local king’s vassal takes notice. ♦♦  Telling a thrilling story might gain the attention of certain characters you want to lure out ♦♦  Singing a certain song or reciting a rhyme could open up a portal or secret door within the inn. ♦♦  Some tales contain hidden clues of secret treasure; talking about it attracts those who more

words; the cursed faith of the fallen warrior or the power of a magical artifact is revealed in lyrical detail. Listen closely. There is no telling what you

Quilla’S favorEd SongS & talES During her travels around the world, Quilla

might uncover.

Bladesong annotated the music of each village, “The shadowed hills, they speak to us

people, or kingdom she discovered in a small,

With voices light like emerald dust.

leather-bound journal. Although a warrior at

They tell of tales and heroes gone;

heart, Quilla inherited a deep love for lyrical

Wars lost and battles won.

expression from her Elven father. She discovered

They yearn to see the sun again,

these jolly chanties served a higher purpose than

To free their souls and die as men. And so they wait for the day

to entertain. Many contained morsels of truth, ancient wisdom for those who would hear it.

Where they arise from their clay.” The following pages contain several songs and tales Quilla found to contain a deeper meaning. ~ The Shadowed Hills ~ ancient song of unknown origin

To discover what exactly, one would have to delve into its mysteries, or seek out Quilla herself...


N The Ghost Of Hileard Hall

PThe Siege On Krykk Castle

A voice echoes through the walls,

In the darkest ages, before man and beast,

Tis’ the ghost of Hileard Hall.

there was once a king, who knew no defeat.

Many men have tried to flee, But when it comes, an’ catches ye’ Not a soul can escape, Not a life will be saved, O, beware the ghost! Dreaded wraith of eternal woe.

N It Comes For All Pouring water falls and falls, over houses, rich and poor. Winds blow fierce and raw, through thieves and priests to men of law. Fires burn hot as hell, killing those who dare to help. There’s no danger like Mother Earth

For every battle he won, his domain grew larger. For every man that he killed, his heart was hardened. He soon grew tired of his kingdom’s expanse. With treacherous greed he demanded more land. All manner of ruin and pain and horror Were inflicted on those below his honour. Peasants, lords and other kings, bowed for him like underlings. Mankind screamed and desperately sung for the aid of Elves, before they came undone. The Council answered and acted in haste, for Cilathion the Righteous would not stand for such hate. With armies strong he fought the king back to his dreadful Krykk Castle, atop mountains black And with his swift action and mighty stride

pulling her children back to the dirt.

Cilathion began his siege to restore man’s pride.

N The Weeping River

For seven days and nights, the Elves did all they could

Bow to no man he had said

So the Council made way in returning law to the land,

Told ‘em he won’t move

condemned the king to starve for his cruelty to man.

And when the lord ordered his head

Abandoned and accursed, Krykk Castle stands unlit

The man had slain the room

haunted by an evil king still paying for his sins.

But still unharmed, the silent Krykk stood

And to his home he did retreat Armies at his tail All they knew was to chase him down Not the trap that he had veiled Betwixt the river they all drowned And forever the water would weep Betwixt the river that made no sound Save the echoes of soldier’s screams

N he Oarless Boat

PThe Gems of Yakuzi Abandoned by his family at a tender age, Cilathion was raised by a woman who worked in a tavern across the Daemon Gulch, far away from where he wanted to be. The young elf was tasked with scrubbing the inn from floorboards to ceiling planks. Many a night he would often clean the blood spilt from dwarven brawls, swab the ale soaked into the floors, and empty the overflowing latrines. For this grueling work, he

A fiery boat, a pyre afloat

barely made a silver coin. His meals were meager and

The only way to go.

the boy was thin and weak, and the drunken patrons

A bow in hand, to kill a man,

would tease and taunt his small stature. Nevertheless,

The only things I own.

he pressed on, laboring night and day, wishing for a

Gold and jewels and nothing to lose

life that offered more. Mercenaries and the like, from

Tis’ the life that I will choose.

all walks of life stopped at the tavern. Battle-weary

An oarless boat, a pyre afloat,

dwarves, treasure-hunting orcs, and lone Dragonborn,

This is the way I will go.

cloaked and silent, passed through and shared their


stories. These tales of the world outside, searching

As he entered, the guard had been woken and instead

the depths of cavernous mines for gold and dueling

of an empty room it was full of men, and The Great

enemies in foreign kingdoms, held Cilathion in rapture.

Yakuzi himself. He began to speak, loud and grisly.

The paths they lead called out to him, and he yearned

“There’s the adventurous young elf, in all his

for his chance to make his name known.

mischievous flair, Godfrei, seize that which does not belong to him.”

One night, as the customers began to leave and the

The guard snatched his keys, the Gem, and the gold in

tables were cleared, he heard a group, whispering to

his pocket, and hit the elf for good measure. Cilathion

each other with a knowing gleam in their eyes. After

bent over coughing, and The Great Yakuzi began again,

brandishing their loot and downing tankard after

with his loud chthonic voice.

tankard, they spoke of a coveted gem with a guard of

“We will take your Mother and show you how it feels

some sort. Cilathion leaned close, hoping their drunken

to have something stolen, boy.”

mouths slurred more secret spoils, but all he heard was:

Before stomping out, he leaned into his face, breathing

“The Gem of Yakuzi”. ‘The Great Yakuzi, as he is called,

his stinking breath.

was a well-known traveler who left his swashbuckling

“I’m doing you a kindness boy, you need to learn,”

style behind to lead a more domestic life. He invested

He said, smirking slightly. “Actions have their

in the trips out into the wilderness, and kept the best


of the spoils. Cilanthion realised, the guard must of

The Great Yakuzi then left, leaving the boy alone in the

been one of Yakuzi’s, for he began telling of his vault,


rumored to hold grand swords encrusted with flawless diamonds and goblets rimmed in sapphire, but none,

Cilathion found himself the object of ridicule, for he

apparently, could be compared to the mystic Gem. The

was again working back at the Tavern and penniless,

precious stone had the power to grant the wish to those

but he was now without the kind woman who took him

pure of heart. That was all Cilathion needed to hear -

in. He sought to get that Gem now; not just for fortune,

he knew he needed the Gem.

but to right his wrong. He decided he wouldn’t need the cover of night and that he would face this foe in the

All night he tried lifting the key off the guard, to no

bare naked light. He went to leave the Tavern and he

avail. A turn in fate, however had granted him fortune,

was stopped by a group of travellers, the same from

for the guard collapsed in a drunken stupor, and

the very night he tried to steal the Gem, they must of

with no one about he knew this was the moment. He

wanted the room before Cilanthion even knew.

snatched the key, and he hurriedly done the rest of his

“We shall help you,” said the dragonborn, “Together

work. He made his way over across the village whilst

we will save your mother.”

his mother slept, and as he approached the door he

Cilathion, now armed and ready ran to The Great

entered and closed with such dexterity it was though

Yakuzi’s treasure room. As they approached, the now

he were nothing but a mouse. Inside, he couldn’t

heavily guarded area began to attack them - but

believe his eyes. A massive room, spread out vast, with

Cilathion’s new friends distracted them, and told him:

bountiful gold almost ocean-like, littered here and

“Go, run to the room!”

there with crates of gems and rubies and all manner of treasure. But one stuck out amongst the golden sea.

There, awaiting him was the Yakuzi, as though he

A pink Gem. He ran to it and grabbed it and all in one

expected him, and locked in a cage next to him was his

moment shouted, “I want to be rich!” But was met with


silence. Cilathion was perplexed, for the quiet Gem only twinkled in reply. He had so readily accepted fortune. Disappointed, Cilathion headed back with gold and gem in hand.

“Boy, I’m glad you came to see the finest treasure of all.” Cilathion was silent, walking slowly toward him. “Don’t I frighten you boy?” He need not reply, for these fiendish taunts did not work, and just at this moment, the dragonborn had broken the door in, brandishing his staff and casting fire to the room.


“What insolence brought you all here? Is it folly? Or is it a desire for death?”

The townspeople had always feared the depths of the

Cilathion broke his silence.

woods, for stories had echoed through the ages of a

“Neither, it is righteousness you rotten toad.” The Great Yakuzi, with his heaving mass ran now in full charge, swinging his scimitars at Cilathion. The dragonborn, knocked Cilathion away from the fight and out of harm’s way with a gust of air, and continued fighting. He began shouting at Cilathion: “This is not your quarrel, a man like you will be needed some day.” He waved his hands, unlocking his Mother’s chains. “Go,” he shouted. “Go!”

deep lurking horror that slumbered within. The forest was not theirs. Their ancestral tales told of The Faceless Men of Wyt, to whom the forest truly belonged. The more superstitious elders of Dhulmin tried warning King Dirinisus’ men of this occultist movement, they explained the utter abhorrence of their order, their monstrous experimentations on man and all kind, their absence of morality and complete indifference in the face of death; this did not worry or stall the men, and they continued on relentlessly. Until a guard, roaming the edge of the wood one night was snatched by what could have been the shadows themselves. The men

Cilathion ran and grabbed his mother and the

said that all they seen was the bone-white of a mask,

Gem and with honour in his heart, he told

floating in that dreaded darkness.

the Gem: “Take me and my Mother, so that we can fight another day.” With a flash of light, they were gone.

Pthe FAceless men oF Wyt In the dense, sickening forests, past the ever silent Krykk, a small village once laid nestled between the trees, known by the villagers as Dhulmin Dhulmin. It was a quaint, quiet place that began to profit from the exploits King Darinisus, for his constant warring required a constant supply of lumber.

More of the men began raiding the woods, trying to ignite the enchanted trees and destroy this shrine of death and horror. They wished this menace gone. They, however, encountered no resistance. It was though these beings could melt into the very dark that encompassed the wood. They alluded the attacks, and for a moment all was still. Until the encampment left to defend the Krykk, that was when Dhulmin suffered. The Faceless Men of Wyt, floated across the barren wood like wraiths - they approached swift and weightless, like a blighted breeze blowing toward Dhulmin. There were no sounds,

The woodcutters of Dhulmin continued to cut away at the darkening timberland, shining more and more light on it’s mysterious countryside. To their horror, the workers began finding dark, evil things in the newly fresh ground. Strange objects of ill-intent and lost arcane properties. First in their discoveries were mauled critters, cut in curious, unnatural ways. As more land became bare, the unmistakable rank of death hung over all. Hunters came back from their treks empty handed, livestock disappeared, the

except a singular scream, cutting through the deafening silence. Even the stars turned from this monstrous night. When daylight broke, so did the attack, and those who were left came out now to the sound of galloping horses. Cilathion and his Council had arrived. The town of Dhulmin told them all, and in disbelief they wandered out across the dead fields to the edge of the forest. Cilathion entered into that distressing darkness a brave soul, and only moments later, came cowering

sighting of even a fly became a rarity. Nights passed

into the light. He ordered the removal and destruction

and soon even the bigger, more benign beasts were

of that dreaded forest, and the town of Dhulmin could

found, maimed and covered in strange markings. The

rest once more, knowing this strange dark threat was

townsfolk took this as an omen, a warning from the

lost in hellfire, in the hope it never rises again.

horrors within this uncharted forest to keep away, but King Darinisus’ men demanded more wood; so onwards they went.



Bar fight triggers


A man's backpack goes missing and immediately blames you.


A delirious patron believes he’s a dog and tries to gnaw on your leg.


You're mistaken for someone else; a tiefling is convinced you stole his wife.


A small group harasses a young boy and begins to push him around. You decide to aid the boy.


A person at the table next to you loudly insults your race.


You meet the gaze of another and they immediately draw their weapon.


Seeing that you are an adventurer, a man challenges you to a duel.


A patron reveals a charmed sacrificial blade. He exclaims, “You are needed!” as he charges at you.


Four men at the table next to you begin to brawl. You notice their packs are left unattended.


A pungent odor fills the room. If you comment on it in any way, a half-orc punches you in the chest.


You accidentally break a precious vase, enraging the innkeeper.


A mage is angered by your presence, and a magic battle ensues.


You speak too loud (no matter how quiet you are) and everyone scowls at you.


Every time you take a drink, a mad dwarf yells profanities and throws plates at you.

tonight laddie...”


A beggar curses you if you do not give him coin.

~ Eyron Doon, bounty hunter from the Celiousi Plains


You are threatened by a sorcerer if you look in a particular direction toward the back. (GM discretion)


You fail to pay respect to the shrine in the corner, causing a riot.


A wealthy noble mocks you


The barkeep’s hound snarls and barks at you, causing the bar staff to interrogate.


Angry drunks attempt to rob you.

Duels & BAr Fights


hen arguments get heated or a game ends badly, bar fights flare up, plunging a tavern into chaos. When bottles start whizzing through the air, most innkeepers are unfazed,

having seen more brawls than most innkeepers are unfazed. It’s just another night at the bar. If things begin spiraling out of control, they step in an attempt to break up the dispute, calling on a few guards or broad-shouldered regulars to remove the troublemakers.

Most patrons come to taverns to listen to the latest gossip, or to enjoy a bard’s humorous songs ridiculing the king. Others, revel in the prospect of a good fight, and are simply out to start one, arguing you need no reason at all. When your hero’s visit a tavern they may find it doesn’t take much to get caught in the middle of a quarrel. “There’s bound to be a fight, don’t mistake that, the best way to prepare is to pick up the signs. I’ve always found, keeping a weary eye over at the lads playing cards is good. One bad hand, an you’ll see ‘em unsheathing their blades and daggers and its just a heap of mess. Those blasted sorcerer’s you gotta’ watch as well, they got raw energy you see, swirling in their tummies like bad ale, they gotta’ spew it up some time - and when they do you wanna’ watch yourself, otherwise you’ll be the next charred steak on the menu

For more ideas, check the Unfortunate Events table in the Security chapter.


CrEating EpiC BraWlS The most important aspect of creating a memorable bar fight is establishing the underlying motives behind the NPC’s actions. The brawl


50 events for your bar fight


A ship’s anchor comes crashing down from the wall.



itself (while exciting) is not the main event, but rather a natural crossroads in the story. Rescuing

3 4

emotion. Lawful characters find themselves morally obliged to take on quests involving the restoration of honor or saving the realm from cult activity. Should a wayfarer become an obstacle, he or she will need to be properly humbled. NPC motivations can include: ♦♦ Revenge  

The fishnets from the ceiling come undone, entangling you.


A censer topples over. Billowing smoke obscures sight in the candlelit room.


You get pushed into stacks of pottery, and lose your footing.


A window shatters, sending shards of glass through the air.


A rogue takes a servant hostage, holding a dagger against her neck.

♦♦  Settling a dispute ♦♦  Win back a lover

An intimidating scoundrel pins your sleeve to the table with a dagger.

a barmaid from a disgruntled lover threatening to set the tavern ablaze creates high stakes and

Your adversary runs across tables to


One of the servants grabs you from behind, in an attempt to restrain you.

♦♦  Bully / Intimidate


The innkeeper sends his dogs in to attack

♦♦  Wrong an injustice


A plate of fruit gets thrown at you, apples

♦♦  Distract

roll around causing unsteady footing. 12

An aggravated regular throws a chair at you.

You can use the events in the previous table to serve as inspiration to create a trigger and


then threatens you with a shattered

narrative. Orchestrate the event with a d50 roll, or randomly select actions for your NPC’s to perform from the following table.

A caravan trader smashes his chair, and wooden stake.


You enraged the cook by insulting her food. She bursts from the kitchen throwing pots and utensils at you.


A barrel of fish topples over onto your opponent.


Your adversary challenges you to a dance off


A disgruntled town guard swings the cauldron from the fireplace your way.


The dwarf you beat at cards rips the tusks from the boar trophy and threatens to mount your head on the wall.


Bed linen gets drenched in oil and set ablaze.



You spill beer over an artisans drawing.


He grabs a sailboat model from the windowsill and throws it at you. 21

sending them rolling. 45

You slip on spilled ale, and land in the bosom of an irritated barmaid.

Your adversary cuts loose a stack of kegs, The innkeeper slams the face of a troublemaker against the bar.


Your attacker jumps up from behind the


Your opponent lunges forward to bite you.


War hounds are released on you.


Livestock run amok through the crowd.


A crowd cheers and closes in around you.


The opposition pushes haystacks down on


The other throws a flaming bottle in your direction.


bar, throwing knives.

top of you from upstairs. 49

hanging from the wall.

Rowdy patrons place bets on you and your opponent.


Drinks are offered to the winner.


Your opponent swings for your face while

Your adversary sets fire to a large tapestry


An adversary slides down the staircase rail.

his friend attempts to hold you back. 30

The music becomes intense and exciting as your scrimmage begins.


Mishearing your words, a local lady is provoked and throws her drink at you.


A drunkard on the streets crashes into the tavern through the window, onto your table


The innkeeper joins in to defend you, offering bucklers made from keg lids.


Hot honey is poured on you and your enemies from above.


Your foe’s clothing snags on a piece of furniture. He is momentarily stuck.


The floorboards cave in.


Guards rush in to quell the fight.


Your enemy charges at you with a mounted stag head.


Another guest tries to carry your opponent out of the inn.


The innkeeper throws a handful of gold coins into the crowd.


A bandit swings on a chandelier, trying to knock you over


An adversary yanks a ceremonial shield and axe from the wall and roars at you.


Racks of liquor go up in flames.



Section 3

Creating Your Own Inn



StruCturE & loCation To determine what the core of your building is made of, you can use the following table, or invent your own. d10






smite mighty dragons, or restore




honor to the realm. You’ve crafted


Waddle & Daub


backstories and monsters, guilds




and maps to parts unknown. Why


Clay & Brick



Lime Mortar








to these locations again and again. This section




covers everything you need to create your own





ou’ve challenged your heroes to

not create your own tavern – the

heart and soul of the adventurer’s journey?

Your players will love discovering interesting new places, and if done right, they’ll want to return

inn, populate it, and bring it to life. You can pick and choose from the various tables, or roll a random result. Once you are done, find a great name for your newly created inn and drop it into your world for your players to discover!


unuSual loCationS


Tavern Name Generator


The Lonely



The Midnight


tavern more memorable. Not every inn needs to be


The Vigilant


hanging from a snowy cliff or the back of a giant


The Hidden


turtle, but don’t be shy and infuse a little magic


The Blushing



The Queen’s



The Somber



The Toadstool



The Blazing



The Forked



The Black



The King’s



The Shining



The Harp &



The Waning



The Horned



The Dragon’s



The Carriage and



The Golden



The Malt


Looking to go a little bit more unusual? Roll a result from the table below or handpick a result you like. An extraordinary location will make your

into your tavern creation. d20

Unusual Locations




On a snowy mountain peak


Hanging from a cliffside


Floating in the sky


Behind a giant waterfall


On a remote ice flat


Amidst a dreary marsh


Inside a permanent illusion


Deep within a cavernous city


Atop a shambling titan


Amidst a planar rift


In the depths of an undead city


Spanning a rushing river


On a barren mountain peak


Hidden in a misty jungle


Suspended between treetops


In the eye of a magical storm


Encrusted into a volcano


In the belly of a giant sea drake


Floating amidst the clouds


Inn Characteristics d20


Frequented by


Regular Inn

Common folk


Gambler’s Den

Thieves, Assassins, Thugs


Postal Stop

Messengers, Rogues, Adventurers


Guilds House

Merchants, Tradesmen, Blacksmiths, Weapons Instructors, Sell Swords, Alchemists



High Elven council members, Nobles


Seaside Market

Fishermen, Shipwrights, Smugglers, Guides, Oarsmen, Crabbers


Trader’s Stop

Merchants, Shop Owners, Farmers, Alchemists, Armorers,


Wizard’s Meeting

Sorcerers, Warlocks, Potion makers, Alchemists, Witches, Traders of the Arcane


Smugglers' Hideout

Thieves, Smugglers, Rogues, Assassins


Bandit Syndicate

Paid Thugs, Crime Lords, Mercenaries


Druids Convergence

Alchemists, Warlocks, Druids, Half-lings, Potion makers, Traders of the Arcane


Rumor Mill

Homeless, Information Traders, Tradesmen, Thieves, Rogues


Exclusive Tavern

Nobles, Opulent Travelers, High Elves



Wizards, Sorcerers, Druids, Adventurers



Painters, Bards, Poets, Musicians


A Guild

Traders, Fighters, Merchants, Thieves, Mages


Holy Commune

Followers, Priests, Skeptics


Covert / Facade

Thieves, Assassins, Thugs



Donors, Volunteers, Peasants


Pilgrim’s Respite

Priests, Clerics, Servants, Beggars


Decorating Your Inn Once you have decided your structure and location, stock your tavern with furniture and one or two unique features. Choose one truly memorable characteristic, such as a magical mirror that insults visitors as they cross the doorstep.

100 Memorable Things To Characterize Your Tavern By giving your tavern one unique, defining trait, it becomes something more than a place to rest for the night. Use the following table to roll or choose a memorable feature to make your tavern truly remarkable.




Common wooden tables & chairs


Memorable Things


Oaken bar with large kegs line the walls


A cat at the bar is speaking your


Large wrought iron fireplace


Stone fireplace shaped as a lion’s mouth


The beer is tainted with gypsy blood.


Large tapestries depict magical beasts


Two gaunt barmaids challenge patrons


Refectory tables and benches


Stained glass windows and potted plants


Carvings of dragon heads on all woodwork


Bookcases with ancient tomes everywhere


Low round tables with cushioned stools


in arm wrestling and always win. 4

Squeaky floorboards sound weirdly like small children.


The spittoon burps loudly each time it is used.


Doors open as if by magic, greeting you in welcome or bidding you goodbye.






Hearth fire






Apple pie











All the occupants are dead.





Every wall has a portrait of the






Salty Brine


The tables talk back at you.





The walls are lined with aging cheeses









Smoked Fish






Paint, Dye









Rotted Flesh


Newly built






The blind orc sitting in the corner never moves.


In every room there is the illusion of a sun and a light breeze.


A large collection of seashells hangs from the ceiling.

innkeeper in various poses.

on wooden racks. 14

A marble fireplace burns with green flames that create mesmerizing musical tones.


Hundreds of cages with chattering birds hang from the ceiling and walls.


A checkered floor with words engraved in every ancient language.


An hourglass filled with green smoke. Once turned, time stands still for an hour.



A skull on the mantelpiece cackles and


makes snide remarks. 19

The remains of past proprietors are

hot water rests in the center of the inn. 37

embalmed and on display in glass cabinets. 20 21


ceiling. Occasionally, one flutters down

underneath the ceiling.

to snatch a bone from one of the tables.

A giant dog with one albino eyes gnaws a


The spirit of a slain vampire haunts the Old books and manuscripts are used as The walls are stacked with models of



A tiny music box on the fireplace mantle


you. 42 43

Dozens of copper statues, depicting

patrons. 44

advertise themselves to potential buyers. 45 46

move to the sides of the room; guests

A scruffy looking parrot sits in an

dance to an entrancing, self-playing

White ribbons with garlic are tied to the The gold and silver armor of a revered fallen warrior adorns the wall behind

harp. 47

The walls and ceilings are adorned with

next. 48 49

upright. 50

denied entry to.

and an elemental. 51

Thousands of feather and bone dream catchers adorn the wooden beams of the tavern.


Everyone is afraid of any word pertaining to drinks, food, or lodgings.

from the ceiling. 35

The bar staff are destined to walk backward forever by a wizard they

depicts a fierce battle between horsem*n The skeleton of a whale hangs suspended

The bar appears upside down, whilst the seating area and its occupants remain



The walls are dyed blood red, and everyone wears tight leather.

engraved stone tablets displaying holy A large, worn, embroidered banner

The inn is constantly moving; you could enter in one village, and leave at the

the tap.


At noon, the tables and chairs magically

in orbit.

legs of every other table.


There are wails and screams all around, and no one is wise to it except you.

Slowly churning, a giant metal sculpture

alcove, but never makes a sound.


The cattle are paraded through the inn, under a spell, which forces them to

A large tree grows in the center of the

in the center of the inn depicts planets


There is an illusion in the corner that is telling of an epic story, entertaining the

the entire space.


All the glasses scream when they are chinked.

tavern, its branches reaching out across 28

The fire sometimes speaks in tongues to

plays enchanting tunes. archers, line the cross beams. 27

Hundreds of shriveled heads sit in glass jars filled with liquid.

sailing ships in all sizes. 25

Flames in the fireplace take the form of your beloved.

kindling. 24

Dozens of owls rest on little ledges in the

Colorful paper lanterns float quietly

guestrooms. 23

Chickens and pigs scuttle around indoors, hay strewn about.

troll bone. 22

A gigantic, ancient seashell filled with

They use hand gestures instead. 52

You enter to see that there is a singular drink on the table. You must drink the exact amount required to gain entrance.


Everyone expects a round of ale from


newcomers; if you fail to do this you are attacked. 54 55



underwater, fish swimming past as you enter. 80

An ancient god now owns the lodge. Your

An old man invites you to drink with

drinks materialize before you, without

him, so that he can tell you to go away.

anyone taking your order.

Each painting beckons you closer, but


Everything shines like gold.

when you approach it, the innkeeper


A stream runs through the inn.


There are hot baths plotted around the

Crows often fly in to get themselves a Everyone sits on the floor with their legs

A talking tree is your innkeeper. He serves you drinks with long, flexible branches.

room and a patron insists you get one. 84 85

activities. 68

A phoenix serves everyone's refills.


You must think your orders and conversations because the telepathic innkeeper hates noise. The seats sigh sadly when you sit upon them.

The food is prepared in another dimension, possessing otherworldly qualities.


During full moon, the ghosts of deceased patrons appear, seated in their favorite spots.


A board with contracts and jobs always has your names on it, detailing your

An ancient order of monks in a bard quartet entertains the guests.

Your innkeeper is actually the king. He likes to work with the locals.


The mirror reflects everything that happened 5 minutes ago.

The male patron seems to flirt with




The inside of the tavern appears as if

You must kiss a long sword upon entry.






Miniature guillotines are used to cut the

A magical music box plays a soft melodic




A dust storm happens every 20 minutes.

drink of wine. 63

someone shouts, "Felix Gamouche".


tells you it's cursed. 62

A masquerade ball breaks out every time

while you drink it.

everyone. 60


Every drink is charmed to smile at you

to fight off evil wraiths. 59

If you enter at night, everyone is wearing their nightgowns.

Green ooze leaks from the floorboards. No one seems to mind.



The inn has shrines dedicated to every musical instrument.


the food shouts at you.

If you are dressed in black, you are given a free drink.

Beers talk to you, wine spits at you, and

Twins who swap bodies from time to time run the tavern.


There is a cellar that blows a warm air into the inn.


It's so loud in the inn that you have to mime what you want.


A sword called Eclipse hovers about and whistles.


Knights and their horses always try to get in, even though they struggle to

A talking parrot continually insults your




Ancient spirits float through the tavern

The tavern feels hot to you, but everyone


Silk covers every inch of the room; it is

else is cold.

the comfiest inn you know.


94 95

There are cattle in the corner laughing




and drinking.



Rough looking

All furniture is painted gold. Hundreds



Long dark hair



Missing fingers



Constantly smiling



Gap tooth



Missing an arm

cow's liver raw.



Facial tattoo

The innkeeper tells you the same joke



Rugged features

every time you visit.


Short-tempered Facial scarring

A lady is convinced you are her son in



Plumed cap




Peg leg

Your food is alive! Anything served to



Freckled skin



Several braids






Glowing face

nce you have established the



Thick beard

foundation of your unique



Wide grin



Surprisingly short

Distinctive characters help



Several piercings

bring your world to life, and







A revealing, low-cut dress


A full suit of armor, without the helm


Barely clothed


Leather so tight it squeaks with every

of small stone cherubs dangle from the ceiling 96

The kindest and friendliest innkeepers you’ve ever met greet you.

97 98 99 100

To prove you are a man, you must eat a

you by the tavern staff begs to be spared.

Creating the Innkeeper & Servants


tavern, you will want an equally colorful innkeeper.

serve a larger purpose beyond simply moving the story along. This chapter provides you with everything you need to craft your NPC inn and tavern staff.

Appearance & Personality Use the following tables

move 5

A mages robe covered in runic markings

and personality of your


The clothing appears too tight

innkeeper, staff, and


A suit of foliage, flowers braided into their

to craft the appearance

hair and/or beard

patrons. Roll a random result or pick a result you like.



Armor made entirely out of bone, with a skull acting as a helm


Filthy rags


Gold plated chain mail


Linen clothing, dyed red


Caked in flour to prevent plague


A tunic with draconic inscribing.


A griffin-skin coat, embroidered with the innkeeper’s coat of arms


Wearing a symbol of loyalty to the local

White flowing robes and turbans


A dress made of the finest silk with a

mentally scarred mage, conjuring endless steins

nobility 16

A hat to cover baldness


Black robes with a white moon on the chest

18 19

matching emerald necklace 20

Cow-hide overalls


Exotic Appearances


Heavyset with bulging eyes, and flaming red curly hair.


Aged, covered in tattoos of nautical creatures.


Bald head bearing an ancient tribal symbol.


Waifish, wearing spectacles fashioned from bone and a flowing robe marked with suns and moons.



Deepen Your NPC’s

Short and stout, covered in battle scars.

maginative hooks help create fantastic characters. For example: your tavern could have a retired knight serving drinks, each accompanied with a metaphorical saying. Your innkeeper could be a

of ale, perpetually disgruntled from failing to create the perfect brew. Perhaps your innkeeper is harboring a dark secret or hidden agenda.

To fully develop your innkeeper, staff, and other NPC’s, you will want to place a “hook” in their backstory. The more developed the characters, the better the gameplay. Use the table below to fashion your own memorable characters. d20

Life’s motivation


Penance for crimes committed


Waiting for a loved one to return


Elevating the brewing of ales to a true art form

Fingers beset with many jewel-encrusted


Uniting the city’s divided population



Making customers smile and forget their troubles

Missing one hand, replaced with a crude metal prong. Mouth strangely twisted into



Dark, leathery skin covered with a brown


woven tunic. Gentle face with sparkling,


joyful eyes. 8

Crooked and jittery. Gray hair tied into a Long and slender, dressed in leather and



Nose like a hawk’s beak, eyes like a beetle’s, and skin covered in warts. Wears a curious dragon skin pouch tied at the waist.

A reformed cultist, determined to eradicate Saving a young metallic dragon from annihilation


hide clothing adorned with feathers. Face covered with a bone mask.

Avenge his father cult activities

bun. 9

An endless pursuit of knowledge at any cost

a permanent smile.

Keeping the traditions of the old gods, lest they be forgotten


Raise his family out of poverty


Give back to the community that took him in off the streets


Thwarting evil by creating a network of spies throughout the realm


Raising a militia to overthrow the mayor


Becoming a famous painter



Greedily sabotaging other innkeepers and


tavern owners in the city 17 18

The staff are all former bandits, trying to build a new life away from crime.

Recreating an ancient ale, said to impart


She disappears each day at sundown.



The innkeeper has a considerable bounty

Eradicating hunger throughout the

on his head.

kingdom 19

Waiting for his long lost brother to return




Writing a book on botanic history


Slurred speech


Speaks very fast


Innkeepers’ secrets


Mispronounces common words


Feeds unfortunate drunken customers to a


Slurps loudly


High-pitched voice (male), deep voice

giant lizard in the cellar. 2

Muttering to himself, he often curses his bad customers.

(female) 6

A little too friendly


Spits when speaking


Never finishes a sentence


Whistles jolly tunes


Giggles in a high pitch often


Taps foot when annoyed


Quick to anger

lead to the inn.


Strokes chin absentmindedly


Plans to murder a local noble family.


Prone to talking over others


Visits a haunted tomb every night after


Playful and joking



Organized and punctual


Shares a body with another soul.


Polishes a medallion frequently


Cleans a sword every night, whispering, "I


Fiddles with necklace

will save you darling".


Unintentionally rude and crass

She bears the same tattoos as a notorious


Theatrical flair


Has made a pact with a demon he now regrets.


She steals gold to feed her baby dragon.


Harbors fugitive bandits in a secret room.


Worships an ancient evil cult responsible for recent sacrificial killings.



Smuggler's tunnels throughout the town

group of assassins, hidden discretely under her gown. 13

There is no mystery behind the recent disappearance of his competitor; he was in on the deal.


The innkeeper is holding someone – or something – hostage under the floorboards.


Gnomes leave mysterious parcels at the bar for the innkeeper.


A spirit possesses the proprietor.


The innkeeper catalogues different types and colors of hair in a lockbox. All have been taken from guests at the inn.


100 Story Hooks For Your Inn


ow that your tavern is ready, the only thing left is for customers


A mysterious severed hand is found, rumored to grant unfathomable powers.


The local lord is seeking an heir to the throne after the death of his last living son.


Giants have returned to the Red Mountains again. Villagers are worried about the increasing number of disappearances.


An ancient wizard’s tower emerges when desert sands shift.


A dragon unexplainably abandoned its hoard, leaving the surrounding civilizations to war over it.


Woodland spirits plea for help after a circle of runes comes alive with wild magic.


The entire population falls gravely ill after the river is polluted.

to walk in. And before long, adventurers will arrive looking for a drink, information, or a new quest to embark upon. To spark the

imagination, here is a list of 100 story hooks for your inn.

With a little bit of imagination, these can be the beginning of a whole new legendary tale. One that bards come to sing about in a hundred years from now under a canopy of dripping candles and pipe smoke… d100

Story hooks


A local priest needs help with removing a restless spirit.


An ancient relic prophesizes the return of a powerful dwarven king.


A merchant is hiring adventurers to track stolen goods.


The local blacksmith is rumored to impart curses on his weapons.


A pilgrim is found killed, a white eye painted across his chest.


A glacier melted, revealing an ancient portal into another plane.


A druid circle is calling for aid; their sacred grove is withering.


A note left on an assassinated noble reads: The bloodline is ending.


A local lord wishes to overthrow a devious crime syndicate.



Overnight, a lake appeared at the edge of a desert town.

A local farmer has entered into a pact with a witch, guaranteeing the success of his harvest while others unexplainably suffer.


A pack of seafaring Gnolls is pillaging a small port town.


A mysterious stranger is seeking a buyer for his cursed horse.


The innkeeper’s daughter has gone missing at Redfang Ridge.


The king’s castle is under siege; he desperately calls for aid.


Rivaling clans of goblins have cut off trade to a large city.


A giant kraken is terrorizing the port, sending ships to their doom.


The paintings of an Elvish artisan are portals into the Far Realm.


A pilgrim needs an escort to a holy site and offers to pay with an aura reading.


Angry peasants ride out at night to kill the local lord.



Haunting cries are heard mid-winter at the ruins of Muldrahn.

Rivaling goblin tribes threaten to flood a farming region vital to the local economy.



A gnomish timepiece is stolen, turning back time.

A local bakery is looking to win the annual pie contest, but a gluttonous demon threatens to ruin the festivities.


A bustling city’s waterways are tainted, placing everyone under a mindcontrolling spell.


A lush forested region is engulfed in magical fire.


A seller of songbirds has tracked down a magical bird that predicts the future in song.



The priests of a shrine are possessed by an ancient awakened evil.


Smoke rises in the distance, taking the form of a dragon.


Winter no longer changes to spring, sending an entire region into disarray.



A tribe of savage barbarians goes to war against the civilized world to restore their rule.

All around you, humanoid shapes appear to be untouched by the rain as they skulk toward you.


A woman hands you a wanted poster with her face on it.


Villagers are lured to the center of a large lake where a small island sits shrouded in fog.


The sun turns blood red and everyone around you starts howling.


The local jester died in a grisly accident during the annual fair, but rumors point to a growing cult movement.


A hole in the ground opens releasing bizarre, ghoulish creatures.


A group of fanatics surround your group, repeating, "They know not of their sin, we must show them the way".


Ash begins to fall from the sky and a priest beckons everyone into the church for their daily offering.


The sky tears open, releasing a torrential downpour of blood.


A kindly woman approaches you with a clarinet, demanding you play it or face your fate.


Passing a blacksmith, you hear a sword call your name.


The earth shakes and villagers scream, "She returns! She returns for us all!”



Villagers who venture too close to the edge of the forest is never heard from again. A bookseller unearths an ancient tome, unleashing a powerful demon into the city.


The bell of a long abandoned monastery tolls again.


All the dogs in the city gather near an old building, howling incessantly.


The harbormaster’s head is on the line after a stash of magical weapons is stolen from port.


Villagers accuse your party of stealing a holy relic from the temple.



There are no animals, insects, or children in the village.

The village believes you can save their mayor with a liter of your blood.



A vividly painted house sits atop a far hill, and is avoided at all costs.

A tree branch holds onto you as you pass, whispering “Save us”.



The surrounding woods are home to strange, locked doors but none of the townspeople can explain why.

You hear a voice from within the cellar call your name several moments after a group of warriors runs screaming for the exit.


Plants begin to fail, as the villagers worship a strange deity.


A group of wizard apprentices who call themselves “The Renegades” demand your assistance.


An entire village is in chaos after the villagers discover they no longer have shadows.


As the trees around you begin to wither, they beg you to find a creature named Rohgin.


You find a doll that looks strangely like yourself, but around its neck is a noose.


You awake to a black sky morning and the innkeeper saying, “And so it begins”.


Someone hands you a journal that accounts everything you have done up until that moment.


Sprites drop a cage on you and shout, "Dinner is served!" as they fly away.


You walk past a puddle, and see a completely different world reflected in the water.


Inside your drink, you see a shrunken creature shouting for help.


A pack of white wolves drag a wounded elf priestess into the tavern.



A terrified looking peasant girl is trailing you.


A cloaked figure enters the city gates, an eerie trail of frost behind him.


You witness hooded assailants beating a satyr, telling it to "change back".


A mystical amulet is anonymously delivered to your room.


An elderly woman hands you a vial, instructing you to pour the contents into your next drink if you want to survive.


Two identical men are fighting; as you approach each one attempts to convince you the other is the villain.


As it begins to rain inside the tavern, the innkeeper begs you to persuade the sorcerer to wait another week.


The mayor pleads with you to defeat the goblins that terrorize the town.


A known crime syndicate requests a meeting from you, or else.


A child begs you to release her mother’s spirit from a doll.


Orc raiders threaten a village, but stop upon seeing you, mistaking you for one of the Old Ones.



88 89


The Koulassi, a known group of assassins, hire you for a target even they cannot kill. Several towns report their children are missing after a visit from a traveling troupe of performers. Godfrei's Goods and Services hire you to find two black dragon eggs. You see a man being ignored by everyone in the town, and if you acknowledge him you will take on his curse. A dwarf tells you he lost everything to The Great Grundhurr, and that you're his next victim.


Stuck to the bottom of your drink is a note that reads: Meet at the back of Raskin's, bring the sacrifice.


A crippled half-orc buys you a drink and asks you to take him on one last adventure.


A courier hawk delivers a message from your guild: Your membership has been revoked, effective immediately.


Your group has been summoned to the sultan’s hall to receive a request, but when you arrive, a troupe of actors is already there, impersonating your party.


Pirates descend upon the city from their airships, taking a countess hostage before your group can save her.


Among the horses in the stable is an old mare that tells you the townsfolk are not what they seem.

The Last Round Quilla sits at her favorite spot, near the window looking out over the sea. Waves crash under a moonlit sky, sending spray high into the night air. The small copper bell hanging from the ceiling behind the bar chimes. Ared turns around and bellows; “last round dear folks, last call!” Wiping the sweat from his brow, he sits down next to his beloved friend. “It’s a mighty sight is it not Quilla? That thunderous roar makes you feel quite alive”. Looking up from her tankard she nods. “Without a doubt, Ared. The best sight there is. It’s the reason why I keep coming back here.” Ared grins, a sparkle in his eyes. “You’re hurting my feelings, love. I always thought you came to see me!” Feet shuffle as drowsy patrons get up to head out into


You have been solicited to exact revenge on the warlock who destroyed the inn.

the cold and find their beds. When the last ones have


As a thick fog surrounds the town, you are warned by a voice: "Leave, our quarrel is not with you".

Another riveting day comes to a close. Who knows



stumbled out, Ared closes up behind them.

Voliki, a drunken gnome, offers you 100gp to take him into the caverns to find his children.

what the next day brings... Every story comes

Snow falls on the land, turning it into eternal winter.

you for acquiring it. We like to wish you a lot of

to an end and you have reached the end of this book. We hope you enjoyed it and like to thank roleplaying fun and many remarkable adventures!


SpECial tHankS to our BaCkErS Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks was made possible thanks to the generous support of our Kickstarter backers around the world. Special credit goes to the following:

Ahmad Y. Doleh

Geert Lambrechts

Lyon Pound

Albert J. Herrera

Grant Sherman II

Andrew Long

Greg Stock

Manuel Nuñez-Regueiro Bustos

Anna Overby


Benedikt Simon

James A. Velez

Brendan Townsend

Jason Eric Collins

Brett Comeau

Jason Neff

Brian Otten

Jeremy Wilson

Bruno Fabietti

Jesse Williams

Chase Hopper

John Adrian Basilio

Cheesy Bamboozle

Jon Stein

Chillinon Kameron

Joshua Leshner

Chris Anderson

Joshua Renz

Christine Miller

Juho Fröjd

Clint Doyle

Juliane Ober

Coty Behanna

Karamu Phoenix

Craig Denham

Karen Ervin

Daniel Brown

Kathelijne Van Gampelaere

Daniel Silva Darrell Woods David A. Nolan David Cole David Tanner Edward Da Fonseca Fred Savadge


Thomas Lee Bunting

Marc Altfuldisch

Thomas Marth

Marky Pearce

Tom Clews

Matt McGovern

Tom Kerr

Michael Chandra

Tony Doyle

Michel Pikkert

Tracy Landrum

Mitch Wineman

Troy ‘Chillero’ Partridge

Nicholas Harvey

Tyler Welsh

Paul Rivers

Wanda Aasen

Petrus Julius

Wesley Kreeg

Quade Archibeque

William Dobbins

Rhel ná DecVandé

William Z. Cohen

Robert Miklos


Robert Sanchez Ross Ramsay Salvatore Puma Sean Owen

Kevin Carpenter

Sergey Pomerantsev

Kevin Coleson

Steven Monson

Kostas Tziounis

Stieven Cox

Kurt Rauer

Tanner Delventhal

Leon C. Glover

Ted Schmidt

Luca Basset

The Lemming Lord El Diablo

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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. System Reference Document 5.1 2 or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/ or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

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The Following Items Are Designated Product Identity, As Defined In Section 1(E) Of The Open Game License Version 1.0A, And Are Subject To The Conditions Set Forth In Section 7 Of The Ogl, And Are Not Open Content: Illyruian Sea Tea, Thaunted Fields Of Alyi, Karkaudus’ Defiance, Monosis Spirit, Qori’s Wonder, Mangkoon Brew, U’thma Koki, Mandoral Peaco*ck, Gnoartusk, Tunoshi Steak, Kalyi’s Polum’s, Grubgot, Tiandari Plumps, G’othrakkih, Mul’djin, Forests Of Ruhn, Fizzlenozzle’s Hall Of Wonders, Ulurian’s Manor, Totin’s A&W Polishing, Torrick Shaw, The Desert Flats Of Kreek, Tunoshi Steak, Mandoral Peaco*ck, The Haunted Fields Of Alyi, M’othma Mullgra, Killasjar Brew,Krykk Castle, Cilathion The Righteous, High Priest Of Akhmis, Moongates, Ared Norgin, Abraxas Moonfang, Yadviga, Melomar Broganshire, Bumbly Bubbly, Fiddlehead And Morel Bread, Fruum Blagsbard, Zaxia Coorvatak, Kymani Ashante, Bronwynn Elderflower, Brogan Hammerfist, Dimhall, Glum’durr Mountains, Grom’s Aleforge, Gromm Oakenkracker, Matilda Helenskag, Thurgan’s Red Ale, Laif’s Golden Ale, Thoros Stonestorm, Romun And Remun Slydan, Dunlinn, Mul’djin, Ruhn, U’thma Koki, Killasjar Brew,The Ghost Of Hileard Hall, Krykk Castle, Cilathion, Dhulmin, Jauzun, High Priestess Of Akhmis, Nurnn Gut, Abolium. All Of The Rest Of The Srd5 Is Open Game Content As Described In Section 1(D) Of The License.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.