On Trigger Enter Unity (2025)

1. Scripting API: Collider.OnTriggerEnter(Collider) - Unity

  • 2017.2 · Properties · 5.3

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2. Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnTriggerEnter ...

  • OnTriggerEnter is called when the Collider other enters the trigger. This message is sent to the trigger collider and the rigidbody (or the collider if there is ...

  • Other Versions

3. OnTrigger Enter, Exit - Unity Discussions

  • Jul 30, 2018 · Each trigger collider have it's own fire event when TriggerEnter, TriggerExit so you can have multiples triggers and each one is treated as distinct and fire ...

  • Hello! I have hard times with Triggers in Unity, I came from Unreal in order to learn to script in C# , and Unity API looks more friendly than Unreal API and c++. And I’m very happy with my progress( I have no experience as traditional programmer, but I do stuff in blueprints in Unreal and I have an understanding about this kind of work, it’s not so hard to translate in c# what I had learned from blueprints). The problem is that right now I think that Unity System triggering it’s wrong, or is a ...

4. Don't know how to use OnTriggerEnter instead of OnCollisionEnter

5. OnTriggerEnter not working?? - Unity Discussions

  • Nov 24, 2021 · When my player, an airplane tagged "Player", enters that collision "zone", the turret's supposed to detect that and fire a bullet.

  • Hi, I have a turret in my world, with a big collision boundary (I edited its collider to make it trigger, and enlarged the size of it). When my player, an airplane tagged “Player”, enters that collision “zone”, the turret’s supposed to detect that and fire a bullet. Here’s my script, attached to the turret: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class TurretFire : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject bullet; public GameObject player; // ...

6. Is there a way to know which of the triggers in a game object has ...

  • Nov 9, 2021 · This means that if all of the colliders present in the player enter a Trigger Collider, the OnTriggerEnter will be called 3 times (trigger to ...

  • I’ve been experimenting something and am currently facing a problem. My player has a normal collider in the same game object as its rigidbody. Inside that game object, I have two different child game objects which are simply trigger colliders. This means that if all of the colliders present in the player enter a Trigger Collider, the OnTriggerEnter will be called 3 times (trigger to trigger collision happens due to the rigidbody, I believe). From what I’ve searched, Collider doesn’t seem to ...

7. on Trigger Enter sometime miss the trigger ! - Unity Engine

  • Jan 25, 2023 · I have issue with my game, the object sometime miss the trigger which is the player in my case, i though at first maybe its issue with the curve setting or the ...

  • Hello all, i have issue with my game, the object sometime miss the trigger which is the player in my case, i though at first maybe its issue with the curve setting or the box collider size have issue. after checking its not both of them fine. on the player i have a box collider and is trigger its checked and a rigidbody with is kinematic checked too. the upcoming object also have box collider and is trigger not checked and a rigidbody with is kinematic checked too. the collision detection se...

8. Issue with trigger enter/exit detecting collisions - Unity Discussions

  • Jan 31, 2023 · You're using Collision Detection, but you're just moving the object by setting its position. Going to have a bad time. Instead of checking a ...

  • So I’m trying to create a system where items will spawn at a location. Before spawning any item, I have a game object with a trigger collider (and a rigidbody) that checks available positions at the location and tries to find out if there is already an item there using OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit. The positions are decided mathematically based on the size of the spawning area. So you can imagine that it’s basically means there are positions ever x units over some bounds. The trigger being...

9. Collider's and Triggers in Unity — Understanding the Basics

  • Jun 16, 2021 · Triggers are a special setup of the Colliders that give them the ability to trigger events when they touch each other or overlap.

  • Objective: Understanding the basics of how Colliders and Triggers work.

10. How do you trigger a specific collider using OnTriggerEnter?

  • Jul 21, 2017 · Hey, guys, I'm new to unity, and C# in general, but I am wanting to have a prefab, which has 2 colliders; use one for general detection of ...

  • Hey, guys, I’m new to unity, and C# in general, but I am wanting to have a prefab, which has 2 colliders; use one for general detection of triggers, and one specifically for the use of another prefab’s OnTriggerEnter. Any help is welcome, and I hope to hear from you soon! void OnTriggerEnter(Collider particles) { Flight(); //Destroy(gameObject); }

11. Understanding OnTrigger methods in Unity - Patryk Galach

  • Sep 5, 2019 · Fun fact is that that these functions will be invoked on both objects – Trigger and object which entered the Trigger. When to use each of them?

  • Let's talk about OnTrigger methods in Unity! Do you know when they are invoked or for what you can use them? Let's see in this post!

12. How to find the point of contact with the function OnTriggerEnter???

  • Jan 14, 2011 · Unity Discussions · How to find the point of contact with the ... My problem is I need to know where the trigger enter so I can move ...

  • Hi, (sorry for my bad english!) I'm building a little train game. I have some wagons and a locomotive all on differents positions on the track (not touching each other). When I get the locomotive to touch a wagon, my script (who is attach to the wagon) create (AddComponent) a hinge and attach the hiting object (the locomotive or another wagon) to connectedBody of the hinge. This is working fine. My problem is I need to know where the trigger enter so I can move the anchor of the hinge to the ...

13. Find the trigger that a game object entered with tag? - Unity Discussions

  • Apr 24, 2020 · Find the trigger that a game object entered with tag? · Unity - Scripting API: Component.tag · Unity - Scripting API: Component.CompareTag.

  • I am a beginner Unity user and am attempting to make a lava pool that will destroy enemies when they enter it. I currently have an “enemy collision” script which works fine unless I check for a tag on with the collider. Here is the specific code I have: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class EnemyCollision : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject self; public int damage = 1; void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collisionInfo) { ...

On Trigger Enter Unity (2025)


Why is on trigger enter not working in unity? ›

Go to Edit > Project Settings > Physics and make sure the relevant layers can interact in the Layer Collision Matrix. Attach or Activate Script: Confirm that your script containing the OnTriggerEnter method is correctly attached to the relevant GameObject and is active.

What does on trigger enter do? ›

Basically, OnTriggerEnter() is used to return information about GameObjects that enter the collider's space. OnTriggerStay(Collider other) is called every frame while a Collider makes contact in space with a Trigger area.

What is the difference between on trigger enter and on collision enter? ›

OnCollisionEnter gets called if a non-trigger collider is involved in the collision. OnTriggerEnter gets called if a trigger collider is involved in the collision.

How to use a trigger in Unity? ›

In order to use triggers, you have to enable them by checking the IsTrigger checkbox in the collider component. If you set a collider as a trigger, that collider will not collide with any other collider. It is able to overlap with any other collider(or trigger) and when this happens, we may run a function.

Does OnTriggerEnter need Rigidbody? ›

These functions arent called if both of your interacting objects do not have a rigidbody. Atleast one of those have to have a rigidbody in order for OntriggerEnter or OnCollisionEnter to be called.

Why is my trigger not working in Unity? ›

Are these objects in layers that you have unchecked in the collision matrix in the 'project settings > physics' category? If you have unchecked these for their respective layers, the triggers won't fire.

When to use OnTriggerEnter? ›

  1. Use OnTriggerEnter when you want to detect a "trigger" interaction between colliders. ...
  2. It's often used for scenarios where you want to create gameplay interactions that are not bound by strict physics rules, such as passing through a checkpoint, collecting items, or entering a trigger zone that activates an event.
Aug 28, 2023

What is the difference between on trigger enter and on trigger stay in unity? ›

OnTriggerEnter checks once when the player enters the trigger. OnTriggerStay checks once or a few times after the initial check would've (or did) happened. OnTriggerExit checks once when the player leaves the trigger.

How often is OnTriggerStay called? ›

OnTriggerStay is called once per physics update for every Collider other that is touching the trigger. Note: Trigger events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a rigidbody attached.

Can two triggers collide in Unity? ›

The only way you can make two triggers trigger each other, is by using rigidbodies (just like normal colliders!).

Can a trigger trigger another trigger Unity? ›

If you give the enemies and the projectile kinematic rigidbodies, they should trigger each other's triggers. Unity - Manual: Introduction to collision See the event matrix towards the bottom. Trafulgoth_1: If you give the enemies and the projectile kinematic rigidbodies, they should trigger each other's triggers.

What is the trigger function on Unity collision? ›

When a GameObject collides with another GameObject, Unity calls OnTriggerEnter. OnTriggerEnter happens on the FixedUpdate function when two GameObjects collide. The Colliders involved are not always at the point of initial contact. Note: Both GameObjects must contain a Collider component.

Why can't i enter play mode in Unity? ›

If any of the scripts in your Unity project have errors that do not allow Unity to compile the scripts, this error will be displayed. You will not be able to enter Play mode until all script errors are fixed. You are importing assets made for different Unity versions.

Why doesn't onCollisionEnter work? ›

One of the GameObjects must have a Rigidbody component for the onCollisionEnter method to work. The collision occurs only when the dynamic collider interacts with the static collider, or another dynamic collider. Solution: You need to make sure that the GameObject s have a Rigidbody component attached.

Why does my button not work in Unity? ›

Often if you can't click a button, there are two main reasons: You deleted the “EventSystem” object from your scene. Make sure there's an object in your scene with the EventSystem component on it. You placed another object on top of your buttons which is blocking the clicks from reaching your buttons.

What is the difference between on trigger enter and on trigger stay in Unity? ›

OnTriggerEnter checks once when the player enters the trigger. OnTriggerStay checks once or a few times after the initial check would've (or did) happened. OnTriggerExit checks once when the player leaves the trigger.


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